French Election Frenzy | Red Lines
French Election Frenzy | Red Lines



@kerdart351 Says:
French aren't against Ukrainians, they are against illegal immigration. It's sad that RN and LFI are nice to Putin
@marlenfras5490 Says:
Good reporting. Thank you. Good to listen to Gen-zs. Macron, however, is a "young thinker!" Strong Ukraine. Strong NATO.
@user-uu1sh7nh1h Says:
I think Le Pen has promised to sort out the Islamist problem. France and England are being over run and having their democracy threatened, I believe.
@irenec2863 Says:
I'm glad you had this discussion because the politics of France is always an interesting topic. I do think President Macron has a plan, though, amid the chaos.
@louisgiokas2206 Says:
The answer to why Macron called this election is simple. In the past, the EU parliament elections were seen as a "protest" vote, and people in elections for their own parliaments were then generally more "rational". You should ask more knowledgeable experts. What everyone seems to misunderstand is the issues that motivate the electorate. These are often not what the "chattering class" talks about. People are concerned about issues like migration, inflation and in Europe, social cohesion. The average voter is not as concerned about climate change, gender, DEI, foreign affairs or other such issues which the pundits are always going on about. For example, in the US climate change is generally at the bottom of a list of concerns when polling is done, generally getting single digit support. Another thing we are starting to see in the US, and it is happening suddenly and fast, is major businesses scrapping their DEI programs. What seems to be happening is the "silent majority" is making itself heard again. Don't forget the Bud Light and Target debacles. The leadership has been catering to minorities for too long. Now that it is starting to affect people's lives they are reacting in their own best interest, which is how democracy works, by the way.
@vikroy3777 Says:
I like the format
@ruthwolfer4154 Says:
@drreaganeliedithphd6526 Says:
Je suis française
@drreaganeliedithphd6526 Says:
Bonne pointe de l’incursion sur 6 janvier 2021 trump a défié contre la constitution américaine et il était contre les actes de Sédition et trump a commit une tempête de coup
@drreaganeliedithphd6526 Says:
Martine Le Pen est bon à marketing
@drreaganeliedithphd6526 Says:
Nicolas Tenzer inquiète beaucoup
@drreaganeliedithphd6526 Says:
Ukrainiens et ukrainiennes travaillent dur et Ukraine est un pays diverse
@drreaganeliedithphd6526 Says:
Parti communiste et socialiste et verte sont gauche et le front est extrême droite et la partie renaissance était le parti républicain est le centriste droit
@iDeagles Says:
Macron a centrist. That’s a good one. You’re in denial that he’s a leftist dictator simply because he wants to help your own unelected leftist dictator. 😂
@ruZsiaNa-C Says:
@patrickducloux7426 Says:
Macron hasen't central hé IS libéral and je have only exrernal politics and army Ser cohabitation and you Can réalize how thé power IS in thé hand of prime ministrer Macron IS thé samedi than thé King in England And nobody knows What happen tomorrow

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