Far-Rights Taking Over Europe? Is There a Threat to Democracy After European Elections?
Far-Rights Taking Over Europe? Is There a Threat to Democracy After European Elections?



@drreaganeliedithphd6526 Says:
Орбан худо
@cherryfressh6188 Says:
Why would this be a threat for democracy??
@camdenmcandrews Says:
The definition of "far right" seems to be rather slippery.
@4rmDEC2FRE Says:
I wonder if Mrs.Zelensky is suffering like us 💙💛
@boelensds Says:
if you shift left to left. moderate will become right. the thing is left has been leaning to the marx way to much and becoming to socialist therefore moving central to the right and destabelizing the foundation of western values.
@ruZsiaNa-C Says:
@chrismitchell4622 Says:
NO the only threat to Europe is Russia
@AndrewMann205 Says:
Why are you calling alternative parties far right. Should we start calling liberals radical leftists?
@vikroy3777 Says:
Russian propaganda contributing to this
@rene5600 Says:
Its democracy. Not far right . People are fed up with the left and extreem left burocrats . It s right .
@teresas8173 Says:
Fascism on the rise … it’s concerning and I dont understand why people would vote for such awful people.
@politicsuncensored5617 Says:
So the far left wing is not a threat to Democracy~~~??? Shalom
@PrinceChaloner Says:
Seems to me UATV supports Socialism...
@grafixbyjorj Says:
Austro-Hungarian alliance? That's never turned out badly🙂
@louisgiokas2206 Says:
I know that Ukraine fervently desires EU membership, but Orban's statement that the EU is in decline is correct. There are some geopolitical analysts and others who have been stating this for a while. Frankly, the leftist and green policies that the EU has been pursuing for a while now are hurting the people of the EU and pushing them to support the right. Cast your minds back to David Cameron prior to the Brexit vote. He made proposals to the EU to modify some policies. The EU flatly rejected him. We see the result. What he (and we are seeing many now coming to the same conclusion) was concerned about was the tighter integration and control by Brussels. This lessens the sovereignty of the member counties. The dream of a "United States of Europe" is a chimera. In the United States of America, there is basically a common culture. People from Europe come to the USA and embrace the culture there. In the EU there are many different cultures, and the people in those countries don't want to give that up. What is ironic is that France, which wants to lead the EU, the desire to maintain their culture is among the strongest.
@veritasvincit2374 Says:
And, ruZZia is now Chair of the UN Security Council -----> how psychotic is that?!?!?! Keep up your courage, relentlessness and cautiousness Ukraine. Stay strong and resilient Ukraine - you will prevail!!! 🇺🇦💙💛🇺🇦
@Just_another_Euro_dude Says:
USA expects eastern Europeans to fight Russia without any nukes???? What a joke! Russia gives it's nukes to Belarus and installs them there while USA would never give nukes to Poland, Baltics, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, not to mention Ukraine. Well then, goodbye USA. Eastern Europe should be allies of Russia then! Safer that way! And Americans can lock themselves inside the USA and shout "China, China" all day long.
@user-kq4hf8se5b Says:
"Threat to democracy" thats a far left crying point.
@edweb2006 Says:
Far-Left is working on a new vaccine.
@captainbuggernut9565 Says:
They are a threat. Make no mistake the Moscow trolls are pushing them like no tomorrow. If Trump wins the aid to Ukraine will stop. Thats alot of kit. He will probably ditch NATO as well. Meanwhile France is another one likely to question its membership. Especially since they have suspended their participation in the past. All of this encourages Putler to go further. We should be planning now with our colleagues in Germany how we can pick up the slack. Sadly, Labour haven't mentioned Ukraine once. Its like the huge elephant in the room they don't mention.
@rebeccagibson7881 Says:
Leopold was Putin 1.0, exactly as cruel to The Congo, he shocked the 20th century and then further surprised them by leaving the world in a financial hell pit. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🌻🇺🇦🇺🇦
@ibeetellingya5683 Says:
You can thank American gazillionaire Charles Koch for helping fund and orchestrate the growth of far right in Europe. He's the shadow emperor of American far-right, he and his vast Koch Network. He's moving into Europe.
@eyaklen4804 Says:
Ukraine has no election. Ditactor Zelenski supported by the west😂😂😂
@hagalhagal9989 Says:
If you go and talk to the man in the street, they are in general against Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They are also against illegal immigration, something which many politicians in the EU said that it cannot be solved but look at Trump! Slava Ukraini bdw.
@danielclaire882 Says:
The whole premise to your video is wrong. You've got a bad taste in your mouth concerning Trump not wanting to support the Ukraine war and so you believe the narrative that the far-right is a threat to democracy. Being far right means focusing on one's own country first, not placing priority on accepting immigrants who need jobs. There's no correlation with the loss of democracy.
@SideWalkAstronomyNetherlands Says:
And now we wait till France moves its capital to Vichy, the Netherlands already has to Clowns team taking over power..., Germany has a AfD problem, same as France... yes Europe is in Danger, as is the USA.. Fascism is back, education is way down, greed and fear is back, as is racism.
@Siranoxz Says:
Orban is grasping for scraps lol..
@SpyderNL Says:
6 months thats all he got, and than he will be gone 4 ever... I hope. The Eu Parliament wil never abandon Ukraine. Orban is a outcast, everybody knows it.
@Tati8796 Says:
I am not thrilled about this, but it's a direct result of the far-left politics. Putin will try to take advantage of it, of course, trying to pose as a "conservative values" guy. But both Europe and America know by now that he is a fascist and has nothing to do with any kind of "values"
@lunkis3233 Says:
Orban is a f-ing dictator.
@antonmaier5172 Says:
From the perspective of extreme leftists everyone else is far right. Ukraine shouldn't rely on extreme left governments and regimes only, get out and talk to other people in power.
@TCK71 Says:
Far right groups are taking over as successive governments have done absolutely nothing about legal and illegal migration from the Middle East and people have had enough of their country demographic, customs and history swept away and any complaint is met with cries of “racist!”
@RoofLight00 Says:
Give it time, the right always manage to make a mess of their economies and thus can’t please the voters that they promised the earth. Then the constituents wake up to those parties idiocy.
@3TYKX Says:
Europe can have a little shift to the right. But not at the expense of supporting Ukraine. Not a single euro or shell. That's the line.
@lazeppelin1 Says:
The right wing is the ONLY party that will save Europe
@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
@charlieboffin2432 Says:
When you push people too far they fight back and I'd say many countries in the E.U. are sick of unrestricted illegal immigration of those who hate us and want to destroy our way of life which threatens the history , culture and future of Europe .
@babalonkie Says:
UK is about to vote in a Central Left party... we will stand alone if need be... we are used to it. But our support for Ukraine is absolute.
@williamdeasy7507 Says:
Glory to Ukraine
@ohwell2790 Says:
The only that will happen is that socialist/communist will be defeated and those countries will deport all those people who do not belong there. Conservatism will make the citizens their priority and rebuild their economy's.
@davesaunders568 Says:
It's not looking good for Europe. The mass immigration, probably funded by the Ruzzists has caused a lot of resentment. Let's hope logic prevails .

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