See new CNN poll results after Biden-Trump debate
See new CNN poll results after Biden-Trump debate



@annettesurfer Says:
Biden doesn't understand what for the good of the country means. Democracy is at stake. Bernie Sanders needs to challenge the duopoly since it was the crossover republicans on Super Tuesday that brought Biden back from the dead.
@umoabasute9424 Says:
#2024Elections: A reminder to voters 🗳️ if you’ve concerned about the direction of where America 🇺🇸 is headed then y’all will do all that y’all can to vote 🗳️ to make changes in America 🇺🇸. Future of America 🇺🇸 and Next Generation’s Future are at stake. We need new leadership.
@umoabasute9424 Says:
#BorderCrisis: There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep your homeland safe from criminals. @POTUS Sleepy 😴 Joe and @TheDemocrats have both ignored the significant issues with securing the Border, for 3 years they allowed people to be murdered and raped by illegal immigrants.
@pcastromedina Says:
CNN = CROOKED NASTY NEWS. This is not longer a trustworthy source of news, you are just spreading lies to favor Trump because the convicted felon psychopath has no chance of winning the elections. The American people are not dumb. Why aren’t you reporting on Trump’s connections to Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking ring? We know you won’t do it because you’re being paid to hush it up. So you let a convicted felon lie during a debate.
@onuohaedwin3647 Says:
The supreme Court ruling benefits all living presidents including dementia Biden, so, why complain??
@GigiWright Says:
It this a Saturday Night Live skit?😅
@GigiWright Says:
Kamala has no chance they are inside polls.
@GigiWright Says:
D.C. voters of that's who you poll..... ha ha ha
@GigiWright Says:
This is the popular vote Trump will win the electoral collegec against anyone. What are they smoking I want some
@GigiWright Says:
If Biden stays in the Dems have no chance these people are delusional.
@chucktilley7155 Says:
Trump 2024
@ReneZaspa Says:
If Trump win he killed the US Democracy And The Birth of the Dictatorship Government...
@kansashoneybadger7899 Says:
Attorney here. Everything Biden is saying is false, false and more false. The Supremes explicitly established executive immunity which is totally comparable to all executive branch officers in the federal government or state governments. Presidents (including Biden in the future) will have immunit comparable to governors and mayors.
@kevingrem1364 Says:
quigley: "one of the great presidencies of our lifetime" but his at 36% approval lol
@kkiat424 Says:
Seriously USA?? U guys don't hav other candidates???? Biden is old & useless. Trump is a liar, a scammer, conman, showman, a misogynist,a racist, a egotistic, & worst of all he spreading conspiracy theories among it's own citizens while he was the country's president
@Sunnythesunneversets Says:
Amend candidate reset vote? ……………………………………………………………………..
@kenwalker687 Says:
I do NOT understand why Trump is still ahead of Biden in the polls. Something is wrong w/ American voters. ❤‍🩹
@w9shcl0thes Says:
Shame on you CNN for refusing to let RFK Jr debate. You know he would destroy your guy.
@OpenSesame858 Says:
Communist News Network.
@beckymoondrop1428 Says:
How can we CANCEL you Cnn? They have flipped the script, as soon as the debate was over they went for the jugular. Why would they keep up with this strange rhetoric and negative Fox type behavior about Biden all of the sudden? There must have been a plan to switch sides or something why else would they let Trump run wild. They fact checked nothing that night and there was a lot of alternatives truths in his yammering. It all makes sense now.
@thomaschew2191 Says:
If you want to know why CNN is unwatchable, look no further...
@chrischetland9642 Says:
Joe's statement that NO-ONE is above the law opens him up to criminal charges for his apparent interference in the Ukraine when he blackmailed them with the threat of refusing the multi-million aid package unless they sacked the man probing corruption and then he openly bragged about it which proved his corruption. And the fact that Hunter was put on yhe board of Burisma appears to be proof of his treason. History will judge Biden with hindsight which will not be as generous as his corrupt supporters.
@JC-gd3cc Says:
CNN, CBS and MSNBC like to straddle the sharp picket fence of public opinion when they see things are not going well for their candidate by appearing to be unbiased. Prior to the debate, they insisted that Biden was mentally and physically capable to run our country for another 4 years. This is just one more example of them slipping and impaling themselves in the eyes of the public. They are not to be trusted as their loyalty is to ratings and money, not the American people.
@tensaijuusan4653 Says:
The fact that Kamala is the favorite to take on the role of POTUS just reveals how very low the bar is.
@user-yk2hc4nq1c Says:
These nut balls just don’t want to admit defeat for their candidate. Biden is going to get his ass handed to him
@fysics_nerd0.0073 Says:
vote for JFK JR. not for those two clowns
@thecofieldcollection3792 Says:
Can you say --- teleprompter!
@kiritpatel3175 Says:
Question for the journalists - how many times did DT use the word "Democracy" during the debate as compared to JB? Please bring this forward to let America know that DT is not and should not be your favorite.
@galesams4205 Says:
Biden likes debates , Let the second debate be HUNTER VS Donald TRUMP. TRUMP will win with him too.
@stuartbaaske Says:
Disgusting … fake news
@f2mel2 Says:
Biden, "I' beat you at golf. Cary your own bag." Trump, "Actually, I'll be bringing the same mop I used today,"
@slamee100 Says:
It doesn't matter who America elects because God made America a blessed strong nation, but America has pushed God out of our government, our schools and our family life, so until Americans AND our leaders repent and ask God for His blessings, guidance and protection, America will continue its Godless corrupt collapse. The MOST important thing for all people to remember is that this fallen Godless world is our temporary home separated from God for a short period of time because of sin, but all people who admit and repent of their sins and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the Bible and accept Jesus as their Savior Who died to pay for our sins for us and resurrected from the dead to defeat eternal death for us and believe Jesus is coming back again to set up His eternal kingdom, will be forgiven of their sins and have eternal life reconciled with God. Read the entire Holy Bible for yourself and the entire Gospel of Jesus Christ for yourself in the Holy Bible in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. THE GOSPEL TRUTH (THE GOOD NEWS) OF JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD AND SAVIOR - Jesus Christ came down here from heaven, God on earth, to be born one of us His own creation and He lived on earth with us for over three decades and He taught us about God and His eternal heavenly kingdom and repentance and how to live righteously and He lived a perfect sinless life, Then He gave His sinless life to all people from all nations to pay for our sins for us, by dying on the cross and resurrecting from the dead three days later, to take the punishment for our sins for us so that justice was served, to defeat eternal death for us to reconcile us sinners with God to give us eternal life with Him, and after He resurrected from the dead to defeat death for us, He lived on earth for forty more days, speaking to many people, then He ascended back up into heaven and He is coming back again at the end of this world to set up His eternal heavenly kingdom, for all people who admit and repent of their sin and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior Who died to pay for their sins for them, to live in for the rest of eternity, forgiven of their sins and reconciled with God.
@Cityofchampyinz724 Says:
Hahahahhaha lefties losing it hahahahahhahaha
@mariacapobianco788 Says:
CNN cover project 2025 and Trump. Involvement with Epstein criminal activity and the discracefull supreme Court this is News not Mr president Biden vote blue 💙💙💙
@MrRockstar1969 Says:
People are actually starting to realize that though Trump isn't perfect....he did a way better job and will restore this great nation amd unite people..after all we are all after a better life and a solid economy. You will know them by their fruits....check out what each candidate has done and then decide for the good of the country and for us all.
@MrRockstar1969 Says:
Total trash numbers.....?? The dems are sure loss and most are switching sides to save the country.....this info is based on small poles and in my opinion still very biased toward the democratic party
@keithstevens5614 Says:
Biden's brain is fried. He just signs what ever executive orders they place in front of him without understanding or even reading them. If they placed authorization to start a nuclear war in front of him he would sign it, especially if an ice cream truck showed up outside. He also says no one, not even president can be above the law. But that's exactly what happened when courts refused to indite him for taking Chicom bribes saying he's too old to be held responsible for his actions.
@TheresaParrott-ew9yp Says:
President Donald Trump for President
@user-ni1nz1ce7d Says:
Trump should win cos he promotes friendship and diplomacy than Biden who loves war and nations to fight each other cos he is irritable and easily angered old President!
@salveatadero-fg1tf Says:
We wish again , Joe Biden to be the president ❤️ of America ....
@stabishop1769 Says:
Didn't know she had rickets
@thetruth3574 Says:
Biden is poor at public speaking but good at policy and diplomacy. Trump is an entertaining personality but ignorant, self-aggrandizing and uninterested in governing.
@lisawilder.473 Says:
Public speakers always have to remember, The humbling truth is that you're delivery is only going to be on point 75% of the time. It happens Besides, who wants to argue\debate with somebody that everyone knows is lying anyway?
@dantzpaulino8659 Says:
I believe Pres. Biden will be declared winner after the election. The same scenario happened back then
@johncurtis5367 Says:
Mr Magoo has to go!
@palpatine1975 Says:
What a load of croc Biden.
@LucienLaScotte Says:
Biden stole the election
@SeldimSeen1 Says:
I don't believe in poll results at all. Never have and never will.
@Fivers235 Says:
Dear CNN did you not see what the whole world saw already regarding biden's age? Thats why usa is so polarized. No centre. You all seem to be turning on Biden now, which actually makes you seem dishonest.

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