Gravitas: Pakistan court sentences Christian man to death | Dozens rally against blasphemy laws
Gravitas: Pakistan court sentences Christian man to death | Dozens rally against blasphemy laws



@cnault3244 Says:
Blasphemy laws are ridiculous. If there is going to be a law against blasphemy, the law should require that the offended deity must appear at the police station and file a formal complaint. Offended deity only, no representatives of the deity.
@colorgrower Says:
Minorities in paxtan endangered species writing the truth will get me banned from yotube
@alemjamir2672 Says:
everything to divide people...most racist country is our india.
@hatereligion621 Says:
Where is Malala youzufzai, human rights activists, UNHRC, Western media.... HYPOCRITES..
@JCree-si2th Says:
Religions and nazis are the problems of the world.
@ordinarylife2343 Says:
Muhammad + Quran + Al-lah= CULT
@Bw5ek Says:
Unfortunately something similar is happening in India. Minorities suffer the same fate. Talking about witch hunts . 😂 India look at yourself .
@rj_olive7 Says:
“But to you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. Give to everyone who asks of you, and from the one who takes what is yours do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. For if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same. If you lend money to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit [is] that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, and get back the same amount. But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back; This is what Jesus taught
@heavenswanted9687 Says:
I think same laws should be made in Christian countries for muslims living there, then probably they will understand. But the thing is that our leaders are different and have taught differently. Muslims are taught by muhammad to kill and Jesus has taught his people to forgive and love your enemies. So the problem is with the leader.
@harrymeyer9947 Says:
@rajarampelimelli Says:
Racists oun country Pakistan
@Save_your_nation Says:
@surenthiren8663 Says:
The christians in Pakistan should migrate to other countries for their safety.
@rudolfdsilva2844 Says:
This is total misuse of power! I don't support people doing things against people of other religion. No person or law has the power to take away the life of a person because the law and the people cannot bring a person into this world unless it is the will of Almighty. The religion of peace as it is called cannot dictate terms to this world. What I would say is let's not hate eachother but love eachother because the Lord Almighty whom we love loves us all. We all respect and love Almighty and worship Him in different forms, names etc.Let's not be the cause of Almighty's anger and destroy this planet. Let us respect eachothers feelings and sentiments of the religion that we follow and worship Almighty. Afterall we all pray to God whom we worship in different forms. Why should we hate eachother!
@billygun1000 Says:
We do not need peacefuls in the world
@elliboysamson288 Says:
Pakistan not original Muslim if you see the old history they original Hinduism
@aMutantMind Says:
mahaMad of islam was the most immoral man ever .. tribal godman fraud, supremacist hater, extremely violent genocider and polygamy and child marriage and brutal invasions ... he did everything immoral and crimes against humaity ever. And the modern day (western) left are supporting islam and islamists ...
@YongamaLove Says:
@MahmudurRahman64 Says:
Arabian ALLAH cannot do anything , Therefore Islam needs BLASPHEMY law..... SHAME ON PEDO AND LIAR SUPPORTERS.
@abrahamamalraj7187 Says:
Nobody will help pak. On humanitarian grounds.
@Tyoezae Says:
Please don't fight on religions it's not good for every god .if you are christian you stay in your Christan country,if you are Muslim you stay in your Muslim country and if you Hindusm you stay in your hindus country no need to mixed that is the best idea for everyone because god loves everyone we makes the different so we should stay away from each other that is best for all countrys.
@joshuacherian6718 Says:
Islam is the curse on humanity
@vichysaho2135 Says:
This is how they scare you !
@nobinwary4833 Says:
This is Islam... 🌎 Will be better if there is no Islam.. hated by everyone
@BLUERAY1611 Says:
Islamophobia 😂
@BLUERAY1611 Says:
Without scare tactics this cult dies.
@satishmaurya3404 Says:
Islamophobia is dancing
@sangarp2001 Says:
India should take in all the Hindus and Christian from pakistan.
@gerardosiasoniii8473 Says:
God Bless you Brother in Christ, You are a true Soldiers of Christ. It takes a lot of guts to exposed this Death Cult Religion "Islam"
@shantanukumarsingh8405 Says:
Muslims 🤮🤮🤮
@TheSumaru01 Says:
Check out Hadid and Koran,it's sickening.
@TheSumaru01 Says:
Torches of Churches and Christians are becoming common in Pakistan and India against minority Christians.
@searchlight33 Says:
Non-ambraceing Islam is an offence in the eye of Islam. So, Muslim judges are naturally prejudicial and deliver judgment accordingly.
@sandev9470 Says:
Pointing out the truth is not blasphemous and terrorism is not the religion of God. Associating Heaven which is God's Holy Abode with lustful earthly pleasures, is disgraceful and blasphemous.
@ganpathynadar Says:
These Christian people can come to India under CAA, but Indian Christians are against CAA, and India can't help.
@mariatheresiayulitadr1516 Says:
a religious state produces religious but immoral people!
@JesusSaves349 Says:
Followers of a cult leader Mo
@ganapathigm4345 Says:
Pakistan is a worst country in the world.
@clintchandra9874 Says:
It is evil and hate,Paki is an ally of US maybe they can help....
@marryme4188 Says:
Jesus teaching LOVE Mohammed teaching fir HATE.
@mercedesbenz3751 Says:
Why are western christians triggered in the comments? Don't they support Pakistan against Hindu country of India?
@mercedesbenz3751 Says:
India needs Blasphemy laws for Hinduism. Muslims Christians and Bhimtas have taking hindus for granted. They intentionally keep making fun of hinduism. These cheap people need to respect Hinduism in India.
@MixKeviiNaGa Says:
I don't know they law n ruled.. but death sentence n life prison is not acceptable... because every religion teach us peace, saviour, holy, courage, wisdom ...
@FactualComments Says:
Christians and other religious minorities are being persecuted a lot in Pakistan
@FactualComments Says:
Christians and other religious minorities are being persecuted a lot in Pakistan
@FactualComments Says:
Christians and other religious minorities are being persecuted a lot in Pakistan
@josephmedina6403 Says:
Aww Hell ! They can talk about everyone else's religion but nobody can talk about theirs 👏💩
@mnldlh6753 Says:
Shame on pak muslims
@mnldlh6753 Says:
Pk muslim stop it

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