Israel: Rocket alerts across Lebanon border | Iran heads to runoff polls on July 5 | WION Headlines
Israel: Rocket alerts across Lebanon border | Iran heads to runoff polls on July 5 | WION Headlines



@swaramudapuken Says:
Hi sons of Ismail.... Hi sons of Islam.... Hi sons of the Arab Nation.... Move forward & unite Show your courage.....Never back down and surrender to Allah.....Surely Allah will give you victory as Allah gave to those before us. Allah has appointed us as caliphs in the world. How brave our predecessors were who expelled the Roman empire from the Arabian peninsula, giving us two great empires, namely the Umayyad and Abassyiah, ruling Spain and Cicily for 5 centuries. Had the Ottoman Dynasty which controlled more than half of the world. Leaving a trail of science thus bringing light to pagan Europe who believed in the primitive and unreasonable belief that the earth was like a table and the geo-centric theory. O Arabs, children and grandchildren of Ismail and Muslims, let's make Zionist Israel aware that it is a puppet of the Western colonialists, children and grandchildren of the pagan Roman empire. Move forward bravely...God willing....Allah Subhanahuwata'ala will help us. Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest...

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