Former Boeing inspector alleges 'scrap' parts ended up on assembly lines
Former Boeing inspector alleges 'scrap' parts ended up on assembly lines



@desmeisme Says:
These whistleblowers are hero’s
@johnsonbui Says:
Yeb me too worry putting go after him😂😂😂😂
@ray_donovan_v4 Says:
50,000 parts? Holy shit. This isnt a one or two off thing? 🤦 This? And trains having issues on top of it.. No.. who is running this shitshow..? Where is the NTSB in this? And the people wanna bitch and complain about less regulation... And its just proving we need more.. Why? PROFITS over SAFETY does not fly! Boeing needs fixing. Clearly. And the ceo is stepping down soon?.. Nah.. fuck that.. grill him.
@John-Smith02 Says:
He's gotta be put into witnesses protection. The same thing that Michael Townley/DeSanta was in in GTA 5.
@PinoyReactMedia Says:
This guy is already in danger.
@paulstough2995 Says:
Flight 232 that crashed in Sioux City Iowa about 1990 had a fan disc fail that had been rejected by inspectors before finding its way into the engine that failed on that airplane.
@harryhoesch3793 Says:
They need to put cameras on the supervisors and have these dismissed employees review the footage daily. Full transparency, 24/7. No whistleblowing necessary, unerasable stored cloud footage inspected by all parties with an interest.
@jamesfields7 Says:
Maybe it's time for Airbus to purchase Boeing
@natopeacekeeper97 Says:
We've lost two aircraft-along with their passengers and crews already over Boing's problems. When will the next one fall?
@BOSSposes Says:
Bullsht your employees already told us whats going on
@keithleeuwen877 Says:
I figured this went on as when I was a maintenance person for money counters(non life threatening I know) and saw a manager stylus whipping preventative maintenance forms without the work being done at Cummins Allison: home office 852 Feehanville Drive Mount Prospect IL 60056. I brought it up and well you guessed it...FIRED ! Theft of Service run company...SAD ! In this day and age too ya know ?
@jamesdelcol3701 Says:
Good coverage.
@TitusFFM Says:
Is he still alive or did he already jumped out of the basement window cough cough.... This company is a joke but more important you can see how everything around it is corrupt too. From the government that should control it to business practices. The entire management should be put in front of a judge. But as life progresses none of this will ever happen even if people have died. Airbus is going to make more money.
@sheansankar2998 Says:
Crap report you cannot get one side of a report
@stst-zq1cz Says:
50000 non-conditioned details were installed. It is a very power whistle-blower.
@grvc44 Says:
Boeing loses to Airbus to supply the Phillippine Airlines a total of 22 Passenger Jets last week. Boeing Lobbying Failed!
@drttgb4955 Says:
Big Western corporations of today. 1. CEO paycheck 2. Share holders . . . . 9999/10000. Workers/Customers .
@ThirstysURL Says:
You risked your time for a top hat, wellll done 🥩
@scottoreilly4785 Says:
I am an Englishman living in London. After another scandal coming from the USA regarding putting money above safety. I am 57 and have decided that I will never fly in a plane ever again. I would never trust anything come from the US regarding safety so my only option is not to fly again. My wife and I have bought a large camper and will in future go on holiday in Europe and the UK. Why do these American companies continue to have these practices. This is what happens when you abandon regulations.
@joeblack9525 Says:
They know where exactly those parts are installed. But its too many planes and if air companies will know its their planes they were using they will start suing boing. And probably some of those planes have already crashed. If it comes out in public, company will go bankrupt and management will end-up in jail. So they will pretend that they don’t know, so that the scale of the problem will stay unknown and no one actually can sue them.
@nategoodwin3329 Says:
This guys has some stones. Mad respect. I hope he survives it.
@keith6371 Says:
As the story goes, these parts were originally sourced from china, but as we are now decoupling, Boeing ordered these parts from India instead, strangely, Indian suppliers used original Chinese documents(which is now completely irrelevant) as certificates of quality, and Boeing accepted parts without realizing these documents weren’t from Indian suppliers
@lisastjohn2076 Says:
So his life is in jeopardy?
@BrentMettert Says:
It's a shame, Boeing used to be the greatest airplane manufacturer in the world. Always trying to beat Airbus to the punch, and you see what happened!!! L Boeing CEO.
@hazelguillen3993 Says:
This guy safety is at risk big-time those big corporations are mass killers of people like him
@dadarknightbatman1368 Says:
What if there's a Hamas plant in there . Doing this on purpose.just food for thought
@kevinp8108 Says:
This guy will go missing soon!
@martinrobinson9061 Says:
If it’s Boeing I ain’t going.
@katiesioux7757 Says:
Whistle blowers need to speak up quick before they have horrible accidents!!!!
@ericthur4138 Says:
Nationalize them, as they can't be trusted anymore.
@LeaverWild Says:
So what are they going to do about it? How come the FAA didn’t catch it? They catch every bag that’s .4mm larger than it should be - why can’t they find this?!? Yeah - I’ll drive, thanks.
@patricklandor47 Says:
He already dead
@sonnymarino7904 Says:
It’s going full throttle now, with the IAM union contract expiring on Sep 12. Boeing is trying there hardest to get as many planes delivered as possible before before then…..
@odiewan67 Says:
But, but, but....what about shareholder value??!??!?!? That what's important. Greed, greed, greed....
@00bikeboy Says:
This report failed to ask the key and obvious questions. Who shipped the parts back? Why were they shipped back? Is there evidence that they wound up being installed on new planes? If you can't ask good questions you have no business being in journalism.
@zzzyxwv Says:
One more who is going to die. Like in Russia
@Awakeningspirit20 Says:
They’re extremely anti-union, too. Visited our manufacturing school and bashed unions to us with the bubba instructor.
@fullyloadedwp Says:
Stop hiring based on DEI. How about we hire the most qualified instead of skin color.? You can make this suit up.
@MalikTamim Says:
Well done communist news network,keep it up and destroy boeing completely because you have launched your own passenger jets via china and russia and airbus is your own far a long long time. Kick the americans completely out of business.well done.
@craig7350 Says:
Who designated them as scrap? They can just as easily be undesignated.
@carloscintron2321 Says:
That’s impossible! That’s against the law! What kind of management would do something like that??
@cantrell0817 Says:
Their only competition is Airbus and they know the US government won't let them fail. Break up the company and foster competition
@martinwhite418 Says:
He knew there were junk parts, but when did he call the FAA?
@TheKamilkrawczak Says:
Profit, profit is the god. Eat your capitalism
@kilopimpin42555 Says:
These MFs trying to get us hurt in those ragity azz planes!!
@Battleneter Says:
Be a real shame if the Boeing inspector fell out of a 10 story window.
@intracaffeenous Says:
If it’s Boeing I’m not going!
@oraschannel Says:
I like it when company says they encourages people to speak and when they do speak up ends up getting punished, just laughable
@QuarkXQuasar Says:
Whew, for a second I thought they may be making shit planes.
@LUCKY1i1K7NG Says:
Aka BOOing at it again

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