Ana Navarro has a message for Democrats calling for Biden to step aside
Ana Navarro has a message for Democrats calling for Biden to step aside



@user-we6wi3rn1l Says:
How does cnn gather these people to spew such nonsense?
@carolynlee2512 Says:
We voting for Biden. PERIOD!!!!!
@user-we6wi3rn1l Says:
Look at ana spin!!!!!
@cindyslater7431 Says:
Have faith. He'll pull through. He's not giving up on you or anyone. Maybe Biden is just tired of debating all Trump's lies. We all know Trump from day one how he won in 2016 and how he was when he left office in 2020. The man is still in denial of his criminal wrong doing as of today. Biden's is still standing strong as a leader.
@adolfceazer4711 Says:
This 🤡 has the power to send your Sons to war, let that rest on you.
@johnperrin6341 Says:
My God CNN is such a horrible despicable news organization with no credibility in America whatsoever it's hilarious to watch these idiots
@jamesof7seven Says:
This is crazy. Biden wasn't bad in the debate; he just had a strained 80 year old voice. It's just that these debates are decided by who seems better at winning a street cutdown fight which requires being a fast talker... Anna Navarro could win debates bc while she says stuff that is manifestly spurious she's very loud and very very fast.
@pcastromedina Says:
CNN = CROOKED NASTY NEWS. This is not longer a trustworthy source of news, you are just spreading lies to favor Trump because the convicted felon psychopath has no chance of winning the elections. The American people are not dumb.
@dje_2863 Says:
Cancel CNN. Don't let Them anywhere near a debate again. They dont know how to fact check, make the main things the main thing and focus on the nut on the ither side and fhe countless crazy things and lie. Try reporting news and having unbiased convdrstations once in your business life.
@omdiq-namarlyi585 Says:
why you say is a blocked monkey??
@andrewcavenagh9016 Says:
The farce goes on, with a lot of utterly dishonest Democrats attempting to perpetuate the myth that Biden is remotely fit for office. How stupid or gullible do they think voters are?
@topcat6495 Says:
They have the "Get Trump Virus" and can't shake it. They're like "Get Trump" pit bulls. They can't stop or focus on anything else!
@stobben Says:
Clown show from Clown News Network
@misdesixtysix8255 Says:
Walsh lied, Biden was out the next day at a Campaign event. #BIDEN2024 💙🇺🇸🌊
@butcherboy2008 Says:
1:15 More successful than Barack Obama and Lyndon Johnson. I disagree with a lot of Johnson and Obama policies, but if you are a liberal Democrat you should not be saying those things. It makes you sound stupid. Let's all just talk about stuff that has bipartisan praise and agree that LBJ passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 alone was more important than the entire Biden Administration record. They are whistling past the graveyard.
@nancyreeves1557 Says:
Omg. Bidón is he is Done
Shout it out loud, Ana Navarro! There will be a team of good advisors around Biden, just like every other President before him. The focus must be on voting for Democracy, not a felon, rapist, insurrectionist who intends on being a king.
@laurinnnn Says:
The entire country would rally around Harris to support her? Are you out of your mind?
@laurinnnn Says:
The cackling hens didn’t give the man a chance to talk. So typical, they should all be on the view. The show of hateful, angry women.
@laurinnnn Says:
Stop with all your lies! You’re sounding like Joe Biden. Panel of liars.
@laurinnnn Says:
Have you all forgotten that Joe Biden is a career liar. Have you conveniently forgotten ? such hypocrisy with your hate for Trump?
@laurinnnn Says:
Look at these people! Who in the heck do they think they’re fooling and how long are they gonna keep up the charade? Ozempic face is not. 😅
@laurinnnn Says:
Look at these people! Who in the heck do they think they’re fooling and how long are they gonna keep up the charade? Ozempic face is not attractive. 😅
@lindastewart5627 Says:
Here’s the deal with what happened with President Biden. Trump was lying so much during the debate that it threw Biden off because his brain (just as ours would do and it’s very common) couldn’t keep up to respond to all the lies and answer the questions being asked. Trump knew exactly what he was doing! If someone tells 3-4 outrageous lies every minute then your brain starts to shut down because it’s so overwhelming trying to figure out which one is most important to correct. Look it up yourself and we all know Trump is a master manipulator! Vote Blue and take our country back from the so called MAGA movement!
@FranklySpeaking73 Says:
Wow CNN is the den of lies. Not one bit of truth over there... 😂😂😂😂
@dandoss-xp2qq Says:
Interesting, like we’re not talking about the same person !
@stlapierre Says:
OMG, what is on Anna Navarro‘s neck?… Talk about gaslighting
@oseikofi4121 Says:
Mammoth fear mongering about Trump won't win you this election. He will win 2024 and America will be fine. Biden got into the White House to enact Obama's 3rd term only because of Democrats weaponization of COVID, keeping Biden in his basement, harvesting volumes of unverified absentee ballots in the swing states, stuffing unguarded Drop Boxes, using rigged Dominion voting machines, etc. These won't happen again.
@tinahenderson3186 Says:
I am sick of the media trying to tell me what I think! F off! Biden is in to win! There is no alternative and now is the time to back him up Morons!
@tinahenderson3186 Says:
He already proved he’s in! Stop this bullshit!
@billeem5151 Says:
Even when Felon 45 Trump loses, he continues to Harass America! 🤨🤬
@mina-yu4hn Says:
hillary won each debate yet lost obama fubble on the debates and won. john kerry won debates lost. on debate should not disqualify him get over it people.
@abigailfahey4146 Says:
What the hell is going on with Anna's neck?
@mina-yu4hn Says:
anna looks horriable needs to stop taking the diabetic meds to lose weight. her neck looks horriable she was such a pretty woman.
@teresaaguila2408 Says:
Biden 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
@JudyBofill Says:
Biden still the man to beat lying trump
@loveyscully Says:
YES, Ana Navarro, YES!! Biden Blue! 💙💙💙💙
@abelperez4032 Says:
These Dems can’t stop lying Still voting for Donald Trump 2024 Especially lying Navarrrrrooo. What a stupid lady.
@milianozuniga-deanda4955 Says:
Biden should #PassTheTorch to Kamala Harris and move on.
@jsjs4442 Says:
I hate Trump more than anyone else, but PLEASE get rid of the old stubborn senile man out of the race. He knows how important this race is. Democracy is at stake and all he cares about it to enjoy his throne 4 more years. Anyone is better than Trump but with this old senile man, we will lose the election. Then, Trump will rule as a dictator. Gosh, we have a senile power greedy old man vs old scam criminal convict old man for the most powerful nation on earth. PLEASE replace Biden before it is too late.
@pianista17mari Says:
Don't worry, the Clown News Network is obsessed with and NEEDS Trump. They'll be back to obsessing about him in order to rake in those ratings soon enough. Biden is the most successful president of ALL TIME! Greatest president ever! hahaha Y Ana Navarro no se ve loca para nada.
@gerrypallor5323 Says:
CNN is useless. They have been after Biden since immediately after the debate, giving Trump a pass for a trust egregious performance. Biden was brilliant in Wisconsin and North Carolina. Why do mesxBiden face to take questions from pundits who get things wrong more often than not. This is not news, this is not reporting. This is mostly pathetic arrogance.
@imhereforit4798 Says:
You do know he is running the country at the same time as campaigning. CNN has lost all credibility as a legit news outlet. Focus on Trump for Gods sake. Polls dont mean a thing. It's way too early and have proven wrong election after election. CNN you should be ashamed of yourself. You are turning into Fox news. TALK ABOUT PROJECT 2025! THATS SOMETHING EVERY AMERICAN SHOULD KNOW ABOUT AND UNDERSTAND IT. But let's put out over 20 videos on the debate a week later. How about Trump lying about everything during the debate. I see nothing here about that. How about Trump denying he knows nothing about project 2025 when he spoke at their convention with plenty of pictures with him with the president of the Heritage Foundation. How about him meeting with Victor Orban to get the playbook on how to turn a democracy into an atocracy. That should be news instead of speculating on Biden stepping down etc, when he said he's not. You are lazy journalists and seem to be in Trumps pocket. Congratulations.
@cuchupacu Says:
those who still think cnn is to the democratic party what faux news is to the republican party are insane. cnn did hillary no favors. they covered all of trump’s circus rallies in 2016 and legitimized him as a candidate. democrats need to take a page from the republican playbook and put out a strong, united message in favor of their candidate and against trump instead of planting seeds of doubt about biden.
@unintentionalprovocateur2158 Says:
The most successful president of your lifetime!? Maybe if you are 7 years old.
@retrogal1520 Says:
TRUMP NEED TO BE THE ONE TO STEP ASIDE. The list of Trump’s former team members who’ve been convicted of a crime is expansive. Among them: Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, and former campaign vice chairman, Rick Gates; his former fixer, Michael Cohen; his former chief strategist, Steve Bannon; his former national security advisor, Michael Flynn; his former trade advisor, Peter Navarro; and his former foreign policy adviser, George Papadopoulos. Trump is now...a felon. Judged by the company you keep and if everybody in your social circle is a convict, I don’t think it’s rigged. There are too many jury panels involved from federal and civil courts in different districts to be able to claim innocence here. They all have to be unanimous (guilty or not guilty otherwise it's a hung jury) and there has to be evidence beyond  a reasonable doubt to create that unanimity. "Donald Trump doesn't want to drain the swamp. He wants the deed to the swamp signed over to him so he can just turn America into another subsidiary of the Trump organization." - John Stewart. Never more TRUE. "You are the company you keep."
@mik67890 Says:
Without illegal immigration, we would be In excellent shape, but all these people speaking in Biden's ear have brought us to all this illegal illegal, not legal, but illegal immigration, which has caused all this problems and Fox News screaming it out. That's why we're in this position. Anna navarro I don't wanna hear from her
@mik67890 Says:
People like ananavarro are putting in this position Illegal immigration. That is our biggest mistake. Yeah mistake Mexicans should stay in Mexico. Why are they here? They're here because they voted their situation into a catastrophe. Now add a wants to make this into a good catastrophe
@marycollins2654 Says:
What does the public have to do with Biden stepping down???? Let it all to the Professionals!!!
@christopherholmes7180 Says:
I think CNN sucks. You're terrible. I'll never watch you again.

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