FRANCE ERUPTS: Left threaten democracy amid Marine Le Pen's election victory
FRANCE ERUPTS: Left threaten democracy amid Marine Le Pen's election victory



@garionporter5961 Says:
La France pour les Français !!!
@maxanderson9187 Says:
"Digital Originals" Get a life, Sky News.
@rogerthasan235 Says:
Same thing will happen all over the world the far left are so much more dangerous than the right. We.speak to many people many you just can't hide the truth from people.
@Dybbouk Says:
I live in France and Gavin's analysis is spot on.
@cdynes385 Says:
Libertie, Fraternitie,Egalitie. Vive La France!
@burnlootmonkey Says:
Trop de sodomites
@webhykers Says:
These guys were never democratic, not France, not the US, not Britain. It's all about the interest of the loudest or the strongest. Democracy is, at best, an evolving political metanarrative. Far from the best in play even today. Plus, it's not even 'democratic', whatever that means. Good luck to them.....
@eugene9972 Says:
Hello America, listen to France voters regarding illegal immigration, the people is strength
@eleanortenerelli6120 Says:
Don't allow lawlessness to rule the nation
@anthonyblacker8471 Says:
Good for France and the REGULAR people OUTSIDE of the hoity toity cities.. TAKE BACK YOUR LAND! Get that weasel Macron out of there and fix your land!
@Davidcallard Says:
I'm getting a bit confused about why we persist in identifying these violent usurpers of democratic rule of our societies as coming from the *left". I can claim to share certain views of the "left" without any malice to my ideological opposites which ability seems to lie beyond the scope of the disruptive actors. I am inclined to call this element by their true name as I see them : FASCISTS.
@ichibanxeo6447 Says:
Make foie gras great again.
@user-nh1xh4zf6w Says:
The left is a malicious cult!!
@_Bertil Says:
The left are delusional idiots, deport all terrorist sympathizers
@f.andrewmeunier5440 Says:
Remember the French revolution? It can happen again.
@jeyna8243 Says:
Yeah right. Cherry picked exemple to support fascist argument.
@lewistrudgett9014 Says:
I love that the french are taking back their country! Support from Australia!
@bigorange000 Says:
1M illegals in France? Them are some rookie numbers. Try that per month.
@cryptomojito Says:
There is no right wing in France lol
@JC-ct7zx Says:
Soros based chaos
@stevesherman1743 Says:
In a few countries … the left paradoxically like both anarchy AND authoritarianism at the same time.
@impy2d843 Says:
Some say the Pen is mightier than the sword. Am with Pen! Let the Left riot because the world will see their true colours.
@GloogleGloigle Says:
It is a shame that _this_ Sky News story chooses to completely brush off the history that Marine Le Pen’s father and party-founder, have with the historical Nazism of WWII. His party co-founders, were not only Vichyist sympathizers of Hitler, they were members of the Waffen SS, who wore SS uniforms and had SS military ranks… as non-Germans, _during_ the Nazi occupation of France. People in the center should opt for rational policies, like _some_ controls to immigration, or a nation will turn to _actual_ fascists for an over-correction.
@adamsksof.348 Says:
France remind me of Napoleon who returned in triumph from exile in St Alba and finally lost in Waterloo. History may repeat itself.
@rocam69 Says:
Well Done Nationalist France take your country back deport those illegal back to where they belong
@leighcarlson7725 Says:
Always the lefties rioting and violence 😂
@cujo3097 Says:
Paris is an unmitigated shit hole
@bolobolo7928 Says:
Funny how I see so many “make France French again” comments when all I can think off make all of Frances colonies free 🤷🏾‍♂️
@RodoElshoff Says:
Its amazing how Muslims gather with far lefts including homosexuals and feminists, with which they share NOTHING, just in order to destabilize.
@ByankaMexia Says:
Paid by Russia to cause chaos. When will you all realize? KGB
@bazza69420 Says:
such a beautiful country, falling apart. VIVE LA FRANCE TILL THE DAY I DIE!
@Dimitris-td5kb Says:
The thugs do what they know best...
@CMAzeriah Says:
So they democratically elected a dude via popular vote IE will of the majority of the people and the left say its a threat to democracy.
@pranavambhore9215 Says:
As an immigrant myself from India to Germany, I can see why locals don't want immigrants. Whatever experience I have, tells that usually locals don't care if you're helping the economy and society in general. Unfortunately there are many instances in Berlin where so called immigrants and the people of certain faith absolutely act as if they own the country and are not tolerant. I'm not saying that everything is hunky dory for me in general. But Europe has in general failed to filter out the people that they should allow in their country.
@baldbollocks Says:
All this caos is just how we all expected it to turn out for decades. Surely only a complete idiot is surprised!
@nma367 Says:
Macron is not left.
@RodoElshoff Says:
Immigration killed France. Prisioners in their own country and from their own choices.
@surendrapatel5787 Says:
Macron is new rahul gandhi of france
@gerwinbitter4968 Says:
Ces manifestants devraient être abattus ou expulsés.
@prestonphelps1649 Says:
France admitted all the immigrants from Northern Africa..... now their paying the price.
@alexxander1768 Says:
(I will never read a reply) These liberals don't even care about eachother at all. Look how they shoot weapons, throw bombs, molotovs literally right next to the people they claim to care about. It's all about the fantasy of raising their social status, when no matter how much money is given to a migrant or low status person they will still remain low status at heart.
@christopherlashley1297 Says:
Do not let the elites win. They are creating confusion so they can create a one world government.
@mikeutube7888 Says:
I don’t get it. Didn’t they vote? So they don’t like that more people chose a different side?
@astromigui Says:
When you are under the EU rule, you can't change laws about immigration or economics. It's worthless to vote in this system, it's just to keep people busy and fighting each other but it won't change anything
@TacitusR Says:
Pre-EU Europe was more peaceful, and more European.
@wolfdietrich8297 Says:
Linke sind pervers!
@marktrail8624 Says:
They are acting like commies not fascists
@marcosoliveira6470 Says:
Amazing news. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

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