Labor should look to 'their British cousins' regarding UK Labour's nuclear energy policy
Labor should look to 'their British cousins' regarding UK Labour's nuclear energy policy



@edwardbec9844 Says:
well look at that this James doesnt do his homework he's sighting that Nigel Farage Reform Party is merely a one issue platform what bunkum .. truth is the Tories Conservatives became Bed Wetting Lefties like all State Liberal Parties in Australia Sunak failed on Immigration measures .. the Cost of Living Energy Prices ..they too went down the rabbit hole of Renewables Coastal WindTurbine Installations sounds familiar doesn't it .. Albanese has done sweet B all for Australia in 2 Years ..
@thedrunkmarxist Says:
I don't understand the risk of nuclear under considering all the safety improvements we have made over the decades, it's not like we just discovered nuclear power
@PeterElla Says:
nuclear is a go πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘bipartisan support exists in the UK & USA down under in Australia the government is super ultra anti nuclear power and labor is super anti uranium mining except for SA definitely controlled by lunatics If we build nuclear now in 2220 it will be in operation that’s cheap 28GW baseload 24/7 365 generation for 700,800 days
@NRCZ5BRO7_ Says:
Australian labor knows it is lying to everyone. It's scam called labor. How you lie every day - in every single way. Albo the Mister Magoo of Australian politics.
@stancraigie601 Says:
Sorry James you're wrong this time. Reform is more than a one policy party. Biased much? So is Penny Mordaunt's career in the parliament iover! You really should keep up James.
@bettymarshall2702 Says:
"Pauline Hanson's Please Explain" YouTube latest, tells you why Labor doesn't want Nuclear.πŸ˜„πŸ‘
@ChrisM-fz6xx Says:
Powering the UK Economy that is in the Shithouse because of the pathetic Conservative idiots ? This Clown is why every State and Territory and the Federal Government are Labor . The Liberal Party bought the Nuclear Submarines for the Bargain Price of $ 380 Billion for 6 . Lucas Heights Reactor make Radioisotopes for Medical Treatments , it does NOT make Electricity and Lucas Heights Reactor has been there since 1958 , you unspeakably stupid little man . British Labour is pro Nuclear because Britain already has Nuclear Power and has had Nuclear Power for Generations , you bloody Half -Wit .Bring this Moron onto your Channel more often , Sky . It's fun tearing his idiotic Comments to Shreds . Imbecile needs an Instruction Manual to find his Head .
@Ich_slage_dich_in_dominos Says:
the questions are do we need to get ridoof our leber party becouse they are not suporting the furniture of Australia
@Poorlineforeva Says:
Nuclear is a failure. Everyone accepts that except the uneducated.
@Aaronwhatnow Says:
The UK's newest nuclear plant is being built. Has gone way over budget and the construction time frame. Australia would do far worse. Nuclear is a stupid opinion for Australia.
@ianenglish123 Says:
Good idea Google Hinkley point C, Google Hitachi Anglesea, Google EDF SMR'S. Thats the harsh reality of the REAL cost and maintenance of Nuclear Reactors. Uk has the engineers and skilled labour. You will see why Dutton is hiding the real costs to Australians.
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
germany switched off nuclear & went to wind & solar instead... INSTANTLY, the electricity supply became too unreliable & tripled in price. Wake up Australia. Albozo & Bowen are corrupt to the bone.
@NeverGonaHappen Says:
Keir Starmer is a lying two faced prick. Liverpool speech : I will never talk to The SUN. Now Thanks for the SUNs support. Interview: What do you support Westminster or Davos?... Davos Reform UK!
@MrPopo-nn7kp Says:
After being quoted 9 billion to build it ended up costing 94bill and still not done... heaps better than coal:-D
@StephenB-q8l Says:
Australia not being a Nuclear power really is a disservice to the population.
@KimChapman-ko3hz Says:
Sku we arnt Britain cousins ok
@KimChapman-ko3hz Says:
Vote citizens party lnp will take supermarkets from poorer area wont vote Labor greens or one nation
@123mikey1000 Says:
The UK is so screwed
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
England is the size of Victoria with three times the population... of Australia. **WHAT A DUMB COMPARISON*** Typical fake news and spin by conservatives..
@mickoz9389 Says:
Yeahb't British nuclear is much safer than Australian nuclear would be.....
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
What is different between Morpheus team red pill members seek life is tree of life in garden of Eden marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire πŸ”₯ so superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so they had believe Clark Kent spirit is Sebastian yap spirit is superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so superman seeks vinedresser source of their destruction is source of matrix to create marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace because superman spirit is word of God is rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows Morpheus seeks life but John wick seeks money πŸ’°? Why Judas Iscariot seek money πŸ’° but the chosen few team red pill members seek life is tree of life in city of Zion city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire πŸ”₯ so Morpheus is greatest in kingdom of God because Morpheus gives water of repentance and neo of matrix gives Holy spirit so nobody can enter kingdom of God until born of water and born of holy spirit so Morpheus baptise superman in water of repentance because Morpheus as wise as snake and Morpheus as innocent as dove because adversary is rampant lion 🦁 great architect of matrix has fiery pillars for legs and rainbow 🌈 above head so Oracle of matrix is dove πŸ•Š is innocent Oracle of matrix so Morpheus as wise as snake trinity and Morpheus as innocent as dove Oracle of matrix said two babies Morpheus and neo of matrix share one source of matrix create marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire πŸ”₯ so Oracle of matrix is dove πŸ•Š is innocent Team red pill members seek life is chapter 322 genesis bible book chapter 322 skull and bones Yale university USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Team blue pill members believe whatever so team red pill members are separate from world people babies are team blue pill members Is the team red pill members real In Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί and is the team red pill members real in USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Yale university skull and bones chapter 322 bible book Yale university USA πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ Team red pill members seek kingdom of God and team blue pill members seek kingdom of mortal men kings the meats πŸ– of fallen kings so team blue pill members believe whatever is broad way leads to destruction so Many are called but few are chosen team Red pill members are united house 🏠 row in same direction is city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire πŸ”₯ so superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire πŸ”₯ is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death is proof neo of matrix is word of Jesus christ so superman John Williams theme song in real life so everyone eyes shall see him word of Jesus christ is word of God is rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows whomever keeps word of Jesus christ is word of God is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so superman flesh has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire πŸ”₯ is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ Pharaoh of Egypt πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡¬ spirit is not word of Jesus christ so Abraham spirit is not word of Jesus christ so do not presume you are DNA children of Abraham because God can raise son superman from stone rock from infinite one God the father uncut hands grew into man Mountain yhwh rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows whomever keep superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire πŸ”₯ is proof bible book John verse 3-16 said do not presume you are DNA children of Abraham because God can raise son superman spirit is word of Jesus christ can be raised from stone rock from infinite one God the father uncut hands grew into man Mountain yhwh rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows
@Dont_Gnaw_on_the_Kitty Says:
Why should we look to Britain for our nuclear future. What a dumb Sky opinion (this is not a news story).
@ricky6864 Says:
Should not look at England for inspiration at all.. it has been destroyed with mass immigration. And albo the proven liar is doing it here
@bretloyd8097 Says:
πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ another dumb comparison from Sky and their lnp minion πŸ€ͺ

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