NYT Op-Ed: The First Amendment Is Out Of Control | TIPPING POINT 🟧
NYT Op-Ed: The First Amendment Is Out Of Control | TIPPING POINT 🟧



@falcon127 Says:
@chesterfranklin2642 Says:
The 1st Amendment comes with both plusses and minuses, but you have to deal with the bad on an individual basis in order to have the other. I have no respect for a beard scratching liberal college professor with an opinion. Changing this amendment is a very slippery slope. Leave it be and deal with it.
@diceportz7107 Says:
Once again, the guest is cut off. Ironic isn't it?
@larrybanta8858 Says:
Bullshit is all the left are doing bad things and needs held accountable for this BS
@reginac5488 Says:
Beautiful dress
@gsleatherworks2442 Says:
What! People can freely disagree with government without fear of prosecution? Were does the SCOTUS think we are? America??? Liberals HATE freedoms when they are granted to anyone who might disagree with them, BUT they applaud and celebrate them when expressed by those who don’t disagree!! But it’s those scary republicans who are the real threat to freedom…..right? 🤦‍♂️
@ZebZanko Says:
The NYT is a domestic enemy of the republic. Millions have taken an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies--foreign and domestic.
@noway905 Says:
And if anything is to be done about the 1st amendment being out of control it will start with the leftist rag, The New York Times.
@daveh322 Says:
You have the right to speak freely. You can not expand that. You can only constrain it. Which they have been slowly doing for several years now.
@AMX86 Says:
FREE SPEECH and every other Right in the Bill of Rights should NEVER be assaulted or CONTROLLED. These BELONG to tbe People, not Govt. Govt and social elitists MUST FEAR our Rights akways. They are OUR KEYS to Freedom.
@mitchelldarnell5334 Says:
I Kno what the Constitution says, and I'm sick of A-holes trying to change it to their liking.. I think that these people are all communists and need to be charged with Treason.. Get back to the Constitution or get the h ell out and move to chenna....
@OSUBucknado Says:
And remember, don't research on your own. Can be very harmful. Trust the experts when it comes to important stuff. Then the government can collate the information and dispense it into your head through the tv. All other attempts at gathering information are harmful
@ltankhsd Says:
These communists will never stop trying to take your rights and make you a slave until we make them stop.
@ThePeachtree69 Says:
Freedom is scary to bootlicking authoritarian communists.
@zarroth Says:
Hate "crimes" are modifiers that exist to bypass unreasonable punishment clauses in existing law. As such, they are unconstitutional themselves. They really need to be taken to the SCOTUS and removed.
@millsrickman7703 Says:
Wu. Like Chinese wu? Chinese like have undermined our institutions?
@fastwheels195 Says:
Go after the 2nd then it's easy to take away the 1st
@davehood2667 Says:
Yet another Der Angriff wannabe kvetching thet people they hate have rights.
@joshcal7370 Says:
It’s not really surprising that Democrats are complaining people are allowed to speak freely. They do everything in their power to silence all opposition. They are flat out tyrannical.
@nomdeguerre7265 Says:
Remarkable that the Democrat dominated newspaper 'of record' advocates censorship.
@A-stray42 Says:
Anyone from The Blaze is automatically suspect, sorry. They've lied about too much, for too long. Zionism should be outright banned, and the USA should be looking to arrest Benny and his gang, like the ICC wants. But no, we have to be ruled by a certain "Greatest Ally". I guess we're super into condoning genocide, now? What will you do when Israel annexes New York. Oh, wait, way too late.
@johnbrown4568 Says:
Vote Trump THE Free Speech 🎤 advocate 👍👏
@price724 Says:
I can see why it’s tipping…
@eddysgaming9868 Says:
All those speaking of "safety" and the prevention of "harm" on the internet really want to eliminate our First Amendment rights. They do make a good case and can sound convincing. But I'm aware that mission creep exists. As did our founders.
@scottw5315 Says:
Sulzenberger, Lebowitz, Weinstein, Epstein, Zuckerberg, Soros, Schwab and many more have one thing in common.
@BillyNewton-b5t Says:
Glitches , possible cyber on youtube nothing hardly is loading
@Mis-AdventureCH Says:
Cool. Please set this precident. The Bourgeoisie and the left never grasp that culture and politics is cyclical, like a pendulum. They've pulled it so far their direction that when it eventually swings back the other way, with equal and opposite force, Orange Man Bad will be the least of their worries...they'll have a Pinochet on their hands and that will be thend of their suare. Whatever, reap what you sow, it will be the end of your little soiree.
@jaymitchell9993 Says:
Hey OAN, Why don't you talk about Project 2025?
@morgangallowglass8668 Says:
Time to put the Old Grey Lady to bed for good.
@MrMadmanUSA Says:
More examples of how the left are the real fascist.
Smart commentary! Thank you
@SouthernIowaBaseball Says:
They mean “it’s out of THEIR control”🤨
@colinbooher3945 Says:
democrats showing us everyday...why us Americans need more guns .....
@RorkesDriftVC Says:
Freedom of the Press is being eroded as media becomes more concentrated. The Republican Sinclair family now owns 70% of local news stations.
@Just_Pele Says:
We need to outlaw Marxism and Communism again.

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