Fine Point - Church And State: Classmates? - With Ryan Walters 7/5/24
Fine Point - Church And State: Classmates? - With Ryan Walters 7/5/24



@mya5980 Says:
@glenngraham8513 Says:
In islam, the church is the state. In Judea, the church (tabernacle, temple) was run by the sons of Levi, whereas the state was run by sons of Judah, thus a separation of church and state. The bible is a history book: past, present & future. For present history, look at our southern border and Jer51:14. MAGAs' lament: Jer51:9. That Biden facilitates Persia killing Israelis: Jer51:49. Is not America 'surrounded by many waters'? Jer5113, 2 oceans, 1 gulf, 5 great lakes. America weighed God in the balance and found Him wanting at Scopes' on the day of atonement 1925 A.D., kicked His ass out of school in '62. The state ( PBS) replaced Him with Sesame Street in '69. We started shedding innocent blood in '73 with Roe v. Wade, so God raised up an adversary in '79.
@michellerock3840 Says:
Great points!! So glad I watched this
@trknangel Says:
Liberals don't care if disgusting porn is read to kids but are outraged at the Bible being read. I'd rather my grandkids learn about Jesus then how men have sex.
@kimberlyingram2862 Says:
I took Bible history in high school in Texas in the 1970s. Not one person could ever say it was teaching “religion.” It was HISTORY. The Bible is rich in history and moral lessons that are sadly missing from today’s society.
@11957gary Says:
Good job Ryan
@jacobmcandles1745 Says:
The government should not be in the religion business. That goes for climate change too.
@arielview6601 Says:
The scotus overstepped their authority. From the beginning with the Pilgrims, the Bible was taught daily in school. Their children were reading and memorizing scripture by the age of 4. The decline of education in the US began when scotus overstepped their authority.
@Dean-zx6nx Says:
There is only one true church.
@chadmeidl1140 Says:
Having Bibles in the classroom does no good without a Bible at home, and the father teaching his children scripture. Which sect of Christianity will be the basis for instruction, and which version of the Bible? Do we need the schools teaching the Bible? What are the Christian parents doing? What are the local CHURCHES doing? I foresee the Ol' State Church clawing its way into the Republic to re-establish itself and darken America as it did Europe in the Dark Age Pre-Reformation Era. Who does not see that the same authority which can establish Christianity, in exclusion of all other Religions, may establish with the same ease any particular sect of Christians, in exclusion of all other Sects? JAMES MADISON "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here." - PATRICK HENRY, Ratifier of the U.S. Constitution man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested, or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer on account of his religious opinions of belief... THOMAS JEFFERSON Letter to the Danbury Baptists First, that the blood of so many hundred thousand souls of Protestants and Papists, spilt in the wars of present and former ages, for their respective consciences, is not required nor accepted by Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace. Secondly, pregnant scriptures and arguments are throughout the work proposed against the doctrine of persecution for cause of conscience. […] Fourthly, the doctrine of persecution for cause of conscience is proved guilty of all the blood of the souls crying for vengeance under the altar. Fifthly, all civil states with their officers of justice in their respective constitutions and administrations are proved essentially civil, and therefore not judges, governors, or defenders of the spiritual or Christian state and worship. […] Eighthly, God requireth not a uniformity of religion to be enacted and enforced in any civil state; which enforced uniformity (sooner or later) is the greatest occasion of civil war, ravishing of conscience, persecution of Christ Jesus in his servants, and of the hypocrisy and destruction of millions of souls. Ninthly, in holding an enforced uniformity of religion in a civil state, we must necessarily disclaim our desires and hopes of the Jew’s conversion to Christ. Tenthly, an enforced uniformity of religion throughout a nation or civil state, confounds the civil and religious, denies the principles of Christianity and civility, and that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. Eleventhly, the permission of other consciences and worships than a state professeth only can (according to God) procure a firm and lasting peace (good assurance being taken according to the wisdom of the civil state for uniformity of civil obedience from all forts). ROGER WILLIAMS: "The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience or A Plea for Religious Liberty" on Ending Enforced Uniformity of Religion
@jeananndaniels7738 Says:
He is so correct. I teach history and social studies in Oklahoma and I have referenced my Bible many times in context with Oklahoma standards and my curriculum.
@irlburlison4264 Says:
Notice how none of these news networks or podcasts are telling the American people how to save America by using our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS aka BILL OF RIGHTS .
@Abdikadirmahamedfarah Says:
We the people of low&orders, we love trump to become 47president of usa, trump2024WH ❤❤❤❤❤
@bopitbull3957 Says:
The devil worshipers don't like that they want to teach creepy gender studies
@Scaliad Says:
The 1st Amendment was intended to protect church from state, not state from church... The state has been subverting the authority of the church for decades, to the destruction of the nation, but I fear it is to late for saving...
@cindywright9214 Says:
They want to erase our history
@cindywright9214 Says:
This is American culture! Which is being erased by foreigners moving here and cooking up their culture
@chud-dd3tg Says:
It says right there in the 1st amendment of the constitution we’re a Christian nation! “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. “
@jamesbanks4606 Says:
It is still a book
@tomvalpo9361 Says:
Excellent points! Great work. ❤
@scottholliday9308 Says:
I am not a Christian, nor do i believe in any man made religion. But he is right. to teach history in this country without mentioning the impact that Christianity had in the founding of our country, is like teaching our children that boys can be girls and girls can be boys. When they decided to replaced Christianity with Atheism in our school system, is when our society started to go down hill. As i said: i do not believe in Christianity, but at least the bible tought morals and respect! Something that is severely lacking in our country today.
@melburke5405 Says:
You should not mix state money with church money! The government should not collect money for the support of a religion!
@davidwinokur2131 Says:
Me: We need to return to teaching the Holy Bible in schools like we did in the earlier years of the country. Lib: That is past history and no longer relevant. Me: Oh, you mean like slavery? Lib: ...
@Shadow-vu7tq Says:
I enjoy reading William Federer`s American minute emails he's a great Christian historian , the founders preached the church and state being classmates
@terrinorton3126 Says:
Truth is not censorship.❤ Our foundations as a Nation are Christian. ✝️⚓️To know what is in the Bible gives understanding of our heritage as a People. 🇺🇸🌟💕
@RorkesDriftVC Says:
Madison was emphatic about the separation of Church and State. Eroding that division is weakening the country.
@peppolobuondelmonte Says:
MAGA's deceive themselves in generalities; where in particulars they occasionally judge truly. 🇺🇸 - Democracy in - Constitutional Republic in particular - Type 2 Republic in particular further
@charmaineburgin9369 Says:
Get UNESCO out of the education system.
@KrustyKlown Says:
SEPARATION of CHURCH and State is why the USA is the most religious Western country in the World. Why would you remove the barrier that protects you from being forced to follow a single State religion??
@eileenmccarthy8507 Says:
I met an 85 year old woman in the dollar store, she told me when she was young in school they read the bible first thing for 5 minutes each day. I think the most important book in history should be read each day! Our children would know how good God is! Our country could be so different! God bless the children!
@lindapurdue822 Says:
Thank you! Amen!💖🙏🏻🙏🏻💖
@8ch-Ivy Says:
Poontang Instant Breakfast Drink

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