Keir Starmer's victory has 'significantly less public enthusiasm' than expected
Keir Starmer's victory has 'significantly less public enthusiasm' than expected



@giocosoaustralia5286 Says:
Wait for the Marxist ideology to rear it's disgusting ugly head they've hidden during the election
@BozoTheclown-cs9mk Says:
Lol, Labor obliterated the conservatives, but it was more about the disastrous conservative government. Far right and far left governments have no place in decent society.
@henrysmith1103 Says:
Klaus is enthused
@andylaauk Says:
He has no mandate, he was elected by default. 59% turnout and the crooked voting system that favours the two main parties.
@SoiBuakhaoRoutemasterbus Says:
It's quite funny really....... normally, when Labour leave power there's f**k all left in the till.... this time, the socialist-communist's are following a socialist government and are finding things are as they leave them!..... Must be a shock them, normally a Tory government leaves a surplus.....
@katherine3486 Says:
@katherine3486 Says:
The EXIT polls in 2020 in USA had Biden on around 15 states with Trump on 35. That info was quickly scrubbed from www !!
@trickyboy1517 Says:
Look at the results, Sam. The British public were far less enthusiastic about the Tories. ;)
@fazedumbjr6531 Says:
No one likes him
@carolegill2456 Says:
Idiots not thinking about Our Country voted this creep and co. in. should be ashamed of themselves
@jossgower Says:
His Dad was a Toolmaker.
@leifandersen2756 Says:
A victory is a victory and that’s it ! He will be there the next four years with the big majority he gained. The British society needs a reform in all places .It needs to be modernized thoroughly !
@TheClownVP Says:
Another loser in charge
@wolfgangvonhaffner869 Says:
The British must truly hate themselves.
@carolturner3850 Says:
A wefminster puppet so just a change in the marionette and more lies
@lyndeldunn7932 Says:
Working class background? I don’t think so!!
@YouShouldThink4Yourself Says:
Of course, Basically when you end up with a 2 party system you have the choice of Bad or Bad, but you have to oust the guy that IN otherwise he thinks he's God and continues to do worse. A LOT of people know that Starmer is a 2 faced liar who will side where he thinks the tipping support comes from , IE the Greens and Davos
@troothseeker7312 Says:
That’s because he was Selected & NOT Elected. All rigged, UK Patriots did not vote for this traitor!
@bobjam8870 Says:
Dr in what? BS! Again 70% of Britain didn't vote for this nor did they want it. Democracy 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@martinepstein3332 Says:
We must see how he gets on. No firm judgement after one day in office
@Christine-ry1qq Says:
80% of the British public did NOT vote for Starmer. He may be in office, he’s not in power. And trust me, there is nothing ‘sensible’ about the Labour Party. We now have a foreign Minister in Lammy, who said that a man can grow a uterus … God help us .
@mjmack633 Says:
Stop thinking this is a left v right result ... this is about the average person sick of corporate rule ... case in point , why does 80% of Australian gas go overseas, leaving a shortage here, or maybe the Australian Government handing out more in corporate welfare to the petrol industry than the receive in royalties for the country. The next party that governs in the best interest of the people and the country, instead of their own interest or their party/corporate interest, I think they'll be in office a long time.
@rayalbion9637 Says:
The government we had before starmer was self serving, w.e.f led, pathetic and disingenuous, the government we have now is self serving, w.e.f led , pathetic and disingenuous with a good dash of extra hate for anybody who happens to be indigenous to the British isles. A real result. R.I.P U.K
@d-munn Says:
Viktor Orban is a frigg'n legend! A realistic leader with gumption & courage.
@nickbutler7935 Says:
We don't have a new P.M., all we have is a change of WEF puppet. Lets not forget Jimmy Saville either.
@deborah5763 Says:
I am an American, but he doesn't inspire confidence in me that he will help Britain. He appears weak to me. Maybe I am wrong. We will have to wait and see. He doesn't look like someone who will be tough.
@alexguest9937 Says:
In 1997, the Tories were ousted by New Labour, partly because of 'Sleaze', but partly because they were so DIVIDED on 'Europe' (The EU). They had a half-arsed attempt to pull themselves together and in 2010, they were re-elected (only just). David Cameron offered us the Referendum on EU membership in 2016, mainly to try to annihilate Eurosceptcism in his party to unify it. And that bit him on the arse! Treason May had the job of FINALLY CHOOSING SIDES on the EU issue as she was given the job of leaving the EU, post referendum. And she royally botched it, because she REFUSED TO CHOOSE A SIDE. She cooked up an agreement which was REJECTED THREE TIMES IN PARLIAMENT because it was an attempt to 'go left and right, at the same time' (leave, but try to have access to the Single Market). Boris Johnson was then elected on a CLEAR MANDATE TO GET BREXIT DONE. And what did he do? he dug up the festering corpse of the Treason May 'Withdrawal Agreement', shoved it in the microwave, re-heated it until it was tepid, and forced everyone to eat it. I should add, he then bankrupted everyone in the country by means of three 'house arrests' (Lockdowns) for Covid. This has all been in the face of UKIP, the Brexit Party, and now REFORM. The Tories have lost because they have allowed themselves to be divided on the issue of the EU, and whether they stand for being IN the EU or OUT of the EU. The REFORM party getting FIFTEEN PERCENT OF THE VOTE SHARE in this election indicates quite succinctly that this is the case. If, at the time of Treason May's premiership, the Tories had finally DECIDED to be led by the ELECTORATE in the referendum of 2016, and FULLY LEAVE the EU, and be a party standing for an INDEPENDENT (of the EU) Britain, they would now not be torn asunder into the Tories and REFORM. But REFORM only getting 5 seats while the Lib Dems get 71, yet REFORM got more vote share than the LIb Dems is utterly criminal. It's their own fault. And now we have to suffer the Labour Party with a huge 'majority' forcing us back into the EU by the back door, and ramming 'net zero' down our throats harder than anyone previously. And the ramifications for the push for the 'Woke Agenda', and the constitution of the UK don't bear thinking about. I truly fear for this country now.
@NRCZ5BRO7_ Says:
This will get very interesting very quickly. He does not have a mandate by any stretch of the imagination. He wants to make all the usual woke weak changes. And he will attack the Constitution. When at least 80% of British people did not vote. You can bet he will be on the receiving end very quickly - of bad opinion polls. It's would be safe to say within six months - he will be in a world of hurt. If British voters thought the Tories were bad - labor will prove yet again they are criminals.
@windsong3wong828 Says:
It was no surprise at all. Yawn. He promised continuity……boring. The Brit’s just wanted to boot out Rishi and the Tories.
@leifandersen2756 Says:
Perhaps but mainly from Tory voters and people who did not vote .
@nikakiskainourgios2227 Says:
Is it true that the nazionist clown Starmer and his LGBT supporters want to fight against Russia?
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
What is spear of destiny? Answer is bible book is word of Jesus christ is spear of destiny pierced life and resserection jesus christ flesh gives water of repentance so nobody can enter kingdom of God until born of water and born of holy spirit so spear of destiny gives water of life and blood of lamb life and the resserection jesus christ flesh live forever and holy spirit is advocate is comforter is superman spirit is John baptist spirit is way of rightness is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death because life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 carry spear of destiny the sceptre of Judah shall not depart Judah until Shiloh superman John Williams theme song
@alanthecat59 Says:
no enthusiasm ( 5% ) agreed with there policy who voted for them .......
@stuartosborne3013 Says:
The Aussies know all about crap leftie goons. It wasn’t a landslide Labour got less votes than the last election only 33%. Only 57% turn out. Starmer is another lawyer another Blair but no where near the “talent” of Blair. This bloke you have here is way off. UK is screwed you can all watch us burn and be thankful you’re not here.
@alexzannoni1501 Says:
Now the UK can really flush itself down the S bend....just like Canada and Australia
@anthonysafos4819 Says:
Starmer is the same as the other, a puppet for the WEF of tyranny to enslave its people & a Zionists.
@nellyross8761 Says:
That what happens, when people want something but get something else in return. As in Australia people have a Band-Aid approach with no realisation of the final result.
@robertpaulson5404 Says:
He let jimmy Savile off
@frankcoates4609 Says:
The conservative criminal class have lost considerable credibility, Farage has got enough simpletons addicted to his political fentynal to swindle a seat at the table. Rupert will have his work cut out.
@gigi6374 Says:
The real problem is that the conservatives did not deliver on a conservative platform. People were angry with that. Just like in Canada, the UK votes OUT governments. The sad thing is, Labour is crazy left- they are simply hiding who they are, and voters are so ill informed they will believe anything. Because they want to believe; they want a return to common sense. But Labour is not a commonsense party. All the bad things happening in the UK, will increase exponentially and be swept under the rug. Hidden from view and those who try and force it to the light will be imprisoned. They are already doing that now, just look at what the MET has been doing and covering up. When you see what their priorities are, I worry for the future of the UK.
@GodsTruth09 Says:
Part of the WEF Cabal !?
@stephenball-qo7ug Says:
Liebour voters will be like Biden voters, I never voted liebour, no sir, not me gov. I voted for the other party.
@Exanto777 Says:
The voters already regret letting Starmer in with his mob. The electoral system in the U.K. is very skewed to favour the two main parties. The reform party is getting 12% of the vote but only a few parliamentary seats, so their aim is to change the system to proportional representation. It will take time to do that.
@17th_Street_Preacher Says:
He’s exciting as old cheese
@jab-gn3sw Says:
Fraudulent election in the UK , get a Pedo supporting 💩 Starmer, WEF 💩bag
Those Brits who voted Labour will undoubtedly very soon come to regret their choice, guaranteed !
@thewholls7176 Says:
The reason for poor public support for Starmer is because he was not voted in. The Tories were voted out and the average punter didn’t care who the replacement was. They just wanted the Tories gone.
@serviusm9523 Says:
34% vote share and Reform plus Conservative is greater than that. Labour won thanks to vote splitting
@vitaluna1568 Says:
Reform has 4 million votes but have only FOUR seats in parliament?? This FPTP is the same system as in the Australia, too, right?
@Michael-b2s7g Says:
What a fixed election.

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