Ukraine Asks for the Permission to Destroy Aircraft over Russia
Ukraine Asks for the Permission to Destroy Aircraft over Russia



@kevinnunes7079 Says:
Better to ask for forgiveness than permission
@samantharose9995 Says:
mach es jetzt
@jfbaro2 Says:
Is Ukrainian winning now?
@Relayer6a Says:
Drip feed the weapons. Got to drag this war on. It's good for the defense industry. FJB!
@1rustyz Says:
And there is the should not have to ask
@alpinecenter Says:
America is so weak, fearful and indecisive. We have the means to achieve victory, but we don't have the will. America is a shameful paper tiger.
We Canadians have a saying when politicians talk like Austin. It's called "stick handling." Very crafty at trying not to answer the question. "Stick handling" around the issue or question.
@stanadams5541 Says:
Putin,Lavrov and the daily Threat mongers talk the talk but dont walk the walk the Brave Ukrainians are proving that to the World.
@davidkamen Says:
This is Ukrainine's war - it should fight it as it sees fit. Countries should provide military assistance in terns of equipment and weapons but don't tell Ukraine what or where or how to fight their war.
@atilhun348 Says:
Ukraine does not want permission because they do not have the capabilities to shoot long range missiles, they want the US to guide and shoot the missiles but that means direct war between Russia and the US.
@clausb5826 Says:
Tak! Your supporters on here have given you permission .... Those weak men work for us, so we bypass them in this decision process and grant you permission ...
@silentblackhole Says:
Bidan needs to allow Ukraine to fight with both hands. This is rediclous. You don't fight wars this way with random restrictions.
@dawnfreedom2024 Says:
ask for permission? lol ....this is a joke! I would be Ukraine, I would ask for no permission to no one! BIden circus! these 2 character should never come to power again.... trump a criminal and Biden a zombie... USA need Kamala Harris...
@politicsuncensored5617 Says:
This is INSANE. Ukraine should not have to ask anyone for permission. Would the USA ask permission to shoot down enemy aircraft over their country if we were at war with that country like Ukraine is with Russia? That is a big H3(( NO. Shalom
@Joe_Terra_Citizen Says:
Ukraine shouldn't have to ask for permission to do this. It's their country, their defense, their call.
@Roger-go6jc Says:
Still playing the lets not offend putin BS. He started offending neighbours 25 years ago, and has written the script of "these are the rules of engagement". Time to throw putins script in the garbage, and REALLY listen to putins neighbours and what they want and need. Then give them what they need with no conditions. After all, it is their war that Russia brought to them. So stop tying one of their arms behind their back because that is aiding and abbetting putins agenda.
@agrimensor6406 Says:
Should be allowed not only aircrafts but also the ammo factories and warehouses way beyond the border....
@basiliosiervo8958 Says:
Everything you do has a permission first-not until your city has been flattened, warriors has been wife out!! NATO/US/UE- are you really a true UKRAINIAN friend-or due to political&personal or of your national interest ONLY!?
@bort_zdiot Says:
"Do not swing, just keep your elbow up and little jab" the cornerman (take a dive?).😮
@danieldemaree2017 Says:
For me also, permission granted, do what you have to do to protect your country and nationality against an evil attacker.
@AugustusRex-nk8ze Says:
Maybe it would be better to let an AI do the narration ...
@golokavrndavana Says:
Влучне зауваження. Так, насправді треба багато чого зробити. Роботи ще багато. Багато роботи.. Багато різних речей ще потрібно зробити.. Певний прогрес є але сміливі люди марніють, і це шкода. Але з іншого боку люди повинні працювати ще більше.. Більше новин, більше звітів. Ще більше відданості.
@samuelbarcliff4973 Says:
Ukraine has to ask for permission to destroy Aircraft over Russia that is comming to destroy them?? Have you ever heard of such nonsense! in a war! The restrictions being put on Ukraine helps the communist aggressors to get the advantage over Ukraine and cause Ukraine to suffer lost! and fight harder,also prolonging the war. Ukraine is fighting fierce! to be free from the Evil of communism! World! are you paying attention!! Also the deception! or ignorance! in America leadership is being exposed!! The American leaders are doing making some of the dumb decisions towards Israel too. People, still want Biden to rule over them after seeing his debate performance. Expose! the support of ignorance!
@golokavrndavana Says:
PhD in political science.. :))
@weareallfromafrica8373 Says:
Слава Україн - Slava Ukraini - Glor na Úcráin
@katknights2819 Says:
It's about time America pulled their heads out the sand - WAKE UP
@JimBobJourneyer Says:
NATO should make that the key declaration at the summit next week.
@martinvidenovic5767 Says:
Does this mean that the armies of the breakaway republics can shoot down planes over Europe with Russian missiles? Or that the Houthis in the Red Sea can sink an American aircraft carrier with Russian missiles.
@julieinthenorthwest4594 Says:
Just another "limited warfare" from the politicians. US has had it since Truman tied US military hands in Korea. Oh, God forbid we actually attack the enemy in their country. How did that workout for us in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan? Now we give arms to a country and stipulate where they can use them? BS
@amorris1970 Says:
Why give Ukraine weapons to use against Russia. But then tell them you cant use the USA weapons in Russia. WTF? So, the US is saying we dont care about Ukrainian lives. You cant use our weapons to stop the killing.
@dirtydavekk6954 Says:
Ukraine should be able to do what they want to do to protect themselves
@telebubba5527 Says:
Totally irresponsible and against our interests in that Ukraine has to ask for something like this. Time and time again they have proven only to target military objects. It is not their responsibility that the Russians shoot down missiles on top of their own citizens, they even do it themselves. Ukraine now owns those weapons and they just should be able to use them as they wish without moronic fake generals in the 'West', who are basically supporting Putin. As other posters say: Ukraine go ahead and do what is needed for your survival!
@AllenTolbert-ld9ms Says:
@kummer45 Says:
If Russia don’t need permission to delete a country then why Ukraine must beg the US to use their weapons against Russian targets in Russia attacking Ukraine? So Russia intimidates with nuclear mushrooms? Got it. They act as if we had none in our arsenal. We should stop fearing Russia. Kaja Kalla was right.
@konstantinoskellidis8775 Says:
What state? Is nato completely crazy ukraina gets attacked and has to turn everything into russia
@xain09 Says:
Clear the skies!
@klausberfelde-je2ye Says:
Sadfully to say that, but Biden wants to boil the Frog slowly. I will not understand why US, Germany, France and Britain are so shy to allow deep strikes on Russian soil, while phrasing daily statements that they want to protect lives. Sorry to say that, but the democrats should get rid of Biden, sooner than later.
@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
It's legitimate ✅️✅️😎🚬
@josephking6515 Says:
I got to 58 seconds and couldn't take the pol-speak any more. Have they not heard _an ounce of prevention is will cost less than a Patriot missile?_
@yvesprovencher Says:
🐹🍁restrictions Américaine , une autre stupidité , mais c'est payant pour les USA d'étiré la guerre et de prendre l'Ukraine comme cobaye 💙💛
@petrosmpampalis6097 Says:
Fair permission for Ukraine! Difficult but not impossible.. Good luck,
@lawrencealger3812 Says:
How can anyone fight a war with your hands tied behind your back! This American says go ahead and win!
@meso8848 Says:
To destroy 😂… US can’t beat Russia via Ukraine
@sooz9433 Says:
Ukraine shouldn't have to ask anyone's permission to do what is necessary for their survival. God Bless Ukraine 🇺🇦 🙏
@vincenzodambrosio2118 Says:
no limits!!!
@Intentspunk19 Says:
Think what you like but I'd say the West looks amazingly strong rn.
@o0n0va0oo Says:
The UK has provided long range darts why is the UA not using them or has the US prevented you guys from using these too? Best wishes from the UK..
@o0n0va0oo Says:
The UK has provided long range miss isles why is the UA not using them or has the US prevented you guys from using these too? Best wishes from the UK..
@serviustullus7204 Says:
Let Ukraine expands its strike zone.
@serviustullus7204 Says:
Give them permission with 500 miles of the border?

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