Immigration levels are one of the 'key factors' driving up Australia's property market
Immigration levels are one of the 'key factors' driving up Australia's property market



@shuyuan901 Says:
Zero immigration pls
@vmura Says:
Gov are negligent causing suffering pain and poverty - true criminals
@asifulzead Says:
Only way to stop Albo ji is election.
@scottclark1634 Says:
We have an immigration crisis and we need net zero now.
@owendavies7452 Says:
The Government, Politicians in particular and them getting rich going into golden parachute jobs and selling us down the river. Is the correct answer, No infrastructure Because they sell, sell, sell. No Vision, No future Straya.
@sierabravo215 Says:
Albanese has sold Australia out.
@virginiawilliams7790 Says:
Nothing will get better. How the hell can it? Australia's struggling to pay for their rent, mortgage, gas, and electricity. Causing homelessness and stress and mental health on families and individuals. Wait, until the effects of no coal amd natural resources are stopped. This government is tyranicle and does not put Australains first!! Deliberately dividing Australians to the pointnof no return. DISGUSTING!!
@kelvinjames6344 Says:
Sell all public housing houses hoarders junkies roaming dogs whalan and emerton and lethbridge park and use the money to build apartments metres in the air like every other country does or put long term unemployed and retired housing commission in regional
@kelvinjames6344 Says:
Whalan and Lithgow need penrith and emerton and mt druitt need immigrants to improve the place
@chrisaustin1969 Says:
Finally a rocket scientist has realised what’s going on FFS 🤦🏻‍♂️
@Nabraska49 Says:
So we all pay tax to these people to do the job of working for the people and all they have done is sell the country to the multinationals and make the country unaffordable to the people that live here..
@mikkybozzy-my2vk Says:
Immigration isn’t just about housing crisis, it’s destroying the country in culture, freedom and just the look. Australia is turning into a 3rd world country.
@jjsc4396 Says:
Ask yourself how appallingly ignorant a country has to be to have this pointed out to them after it's completely blown up in their faces and is BLINDINGLY obvious. Classic Australianism. And Gawd you've got the appallingly dithering, feckless governance you deserve. of BOTH major parties.
@bluebagel8084 Says:
Australia the lucky country
@Juice558 Says:
Immigration levels correct, all by design!
@HS-PGA Says:
Australians need to stop blaming external reasons and take responsibility for our idol/obession with property creating perpetual fomo like conditions pushing up prices . With main stream media owning RE platforms pouring fuel on the fire.
@craigianna2844 Says:
Labor , totally fkd us…Enjoying them yet fools….Learn how to vote..Preferences are important..Put labor last…..
@Pedroaghyu Says:
Socialism is working so well, Australian voters destroying there own country
@russellcullen9913 Says:
And we keep voting for the socialist pricks?
@zefangmeisterbob7592 Says:
No growth in Victoria because they f-ed their own state and all moved to Queensland- awful invasion of them
@zefangmeisterbob7592 Says:
No kidding Einstein:::: now tell the idiots in charge
@benhall6840 Says:
I hope interest rates keep rising everyone loses their jobs and houses and all the immigrants piss back off Australia the great Ponzi scheme
@JM87Fly Says:
The idea that immigration alone is driving up house prices is a lie used by major political parties (especially the neo-cons in the coalition) to shift responsibility away from policy makers and onto an easy target. The fact is the primary drivers of housing price increases are a dearth of affordable and public housing, lack of regulation governing investment properties, and a general affordability crisis driven by the inaction of successive governments on corporate taxation. Blaming immigrants so openly is sadly indicative of Australia’s racist roots which Laura Tingle so bravely and accurately pointed out.
@DJ99777 Says:
Get rid of negative gearing stop immigration and support our kids future.
@anitacohen8753 Says:
Oh the dear old ALP! Completely riddled with cronyism, feminism and corrupt groupism. Unable and unwilling to do anything about that! Did you expect something else? It is a UNION party after all.
@paulgraham5790 Says:
Don't expect stupid Labor or the fake commo greens to concede that immigration has played a large role in stuffing Australia for the next generation. The most ignorant group of idiots in Australia are in parliament house.
@krissyk9767 Says:
Its just so unfair for the younger generations today who have to find a way to survive with the extremely high house prices. I was looking at newspapers from the late 1980s recently, and there were advertisements for jobs including the pay rate. A junior admin job for example was paying $12 an hour. Now I imagine that same job today might pay 3 times as much? Certainly no more then 4 times as much. My parents bought a house at that time for around $200,000. Its now worth 10 times as much! Something is terribly wrong when house prices go up 10 times, but wages only go up 3-4 times. No wonder people today are struggling to be able to afford a home. Immigration really needs to be reduced until such a time that enough housing can be built and wages have a chance to catch up so that buying a home is more affordable.
@UnknownUser-sc6jx Says:
Only Australian born citizens should be able to buy land
@AnhNguyen-il6qf Says:
Fuck racist white ideas shit from this channel
@rohanhall-dq9ij Says:
Oh yes, and who better to interview about this is an economist from the REA property speculators group.. Well done..
@JonathanBriggs-q4u Says:
The main driver is right wing policies. We have 20% stock empty, so it’s not a shortage of housing, it’s a shortage of entitlement to housing. Look at rest of world
@abcnit Says:
one billion of them,and they still can't play cricket
@ЕвгенийТимошенко-е3у Says:
Why no one is talking about a reason why less houses are built! Gov have launched too many projects in one time, unions asked income around 240k for tradies, of course noone wanna buld a house for 100k a year!
@stevewiles7132 Says:
The internet allows us to see in real time what is going on all round the world, pay attention, don't let it happen here.
@carbonite1999 Says:
3k a year for rates? for bins to be emptied and councillors on study tours..
@davehad-enough2369 Says:
And yet so called "experts" and university "professors" are telling us there is nore to the housing crisis than excessive immigration. I look at it simply as - you have 50 homes and 200 people looking to rent or buy ... so 150 are on the street. Everything is affected negatively by excessive immigration. Our country is turning into a multicultural shithole.
@daughter-of-christ Says:
They let in over one million during COVID.our small country towns have been invaded by them with in a year
@homers7777 Says:
Congratulations Australia for becoming the worlds TOILET.
@homers7777 Says:
Australia needs more Sudanese and muslims. They fit in so well.😂
@JoeyBlogs007 Says:
Nothing new. You get what you vote for. Both major parties propose minimal immigration reductions. 🤣🤣🤣
@Deano00777 Says:
If someone has a 3 bedroom house, they don’t invite 20 people to live there. Yet here we have a country, a million homes short of what we need, and we’re flying in 10000 immigrants a week. Crazy
@jamestinning8900 Says:
A phenomenon never heard of 😮 Except every decade since the '50s.
@makedredd299 Says:
It’s happening all over the world in Democratic countries.
@coreytrevor1311 Says:
So, not enough housing for citizens. Let’s accept a bunch of immigrants. Sounds like an egregious error right out of Joe Biden’s playbook.
@rob6543 Says:
Immigration must stop labor is destroying the chance for the people that pay the bills, labor hates 🇦🇺they don’t want our children to have a home and family, wake up people
@RLMUnbelievaaable Says:
Thank you!
@christophfacius3885 Says:
What about the strict immigration rules Australia had been known for?
@torablack Says:
We're having issues with immigration and high housing prices here in the U.S.A. as well. We need to build more homes!
@matthewflinders1978 Says:
Stop immigration. It’s really that simple. And stop wrecking the economy with useless socialism.
@simplesmile6984 Says:
Easy to stop deport them

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