'Justin Trudeau Is a Nazi Thug!' – Solovyov's Hysteria | Russian Hate Speech
'Justin Trudeau Is a Nazi Thug!' – Solovyov's Hysteria | Russian Hate Speech



@VictorBonello Says:
Does not take much to see and beleive this.. he hosted ex NAZIS who he and Zelensky applauded
@DanaFostrova Says:
в России людям не разрешают комментировать войну, это нацистский и фашистский режим сбивает ракетами Украину, недавно детскую больницу в Киеве. Это могут сделать самые большие монстры диктаторской России. Когда же Россия наконец поймет, что убивать кого-либо — это неправильно
@darrencorrigan8505 Says:
Thanks, UATV English.
@bloggalot4718 Says:
Hate speeches should be banned on YouTube, any comments by private individuals are censored by YouTube, why are these allowed?
@Ro-oot Says:
Lol i just think Nazi is the wrong side of the spectrum for Trudeau. He’s on the left first off - and he’s a Xi Jingping and IRGC fan boy. He supports Kalistanis too.
@johnsavard7583 Says:
I have done some research. What Trudeau said was Слава Україні!, and, while that was used by the OUN, it did not originate with them, it was used during the 1917-1921 War for Ukrainian Independence. So, yes, a simple lie.
@cameroncurrie7208 Says:
Hey , don't be like that. Come visit, weed and shrooms are legal you may never want to go back.
@walterhason269 Says:
Well he is right, Trudeau is a Nazi. But the rest of the information is an absolute shit. It is hard to believe that some people will go along with this crap. ilii
@SlavaUkraine966 Says:
They can't criticize their own leader, so have to vent somehow, even if none of it is true.
@johnsavard7583 Says:
Upon the revelation that Nixon privately called his father names, Pierre Elliot Trudeau said, "I've been called worse things from better people". Oh, he called Justin Trudeau a _Bandera_ Nazi Thug, not just a plain Nazi Thug. We can be thankful for the context.
@cdf2024 Says:
Trudeau and this Russian guy are bad. Bad for everyone.
@sharon_shaw Says:
Soloyev and his band of mini Goebbels really should look in the mirror before they accuse any one else of being a NatZzzz
@skthomas40 Says:
Trudeau is a Nazi???...wait...wait (pause for 20 minutes to stop laughing). The Prime Minister of Apology is a Nazi.....yeah...right. As a Canadian, that's the best joke I've heard in a long time.
@AstroGremlinAmerican Says:
Solovyov will flee to Israel when it gets too hot.
@JohnS-b8f Says:
As a Canadian..i am proud to be on their shit list..
@romanmichalek4758 Says:
De facto the whole known universe is nazz, except for the peace loving democratic ru and democratic north k
@BumberClarke Says:
Who forgot to give the medication 💊
@Grant_S_M Says:
google will throttle this video because google stands with russia
@Grant_S_M Says:
I stand with President Zelenskyy, PM Trudeau and the Ukrainian people against russia.
@CitizenAyellowblue Says:
Hilarious drivel. If Trudeau is a nazi, so is a bag of marshmallows. Russian definition of nazis= anyone not a part of Russia.
@meso8848 Says:
He invited a Nazi and applauded him in front of the whole parliament…. Duh 🙄 …
@user-zp8sp4hj3d Says:
Repeating Propaganda, saying you are just reporting on it, is still spreading Russian propaganda
@wesc6755 Says:
The problem with calling everyone Nazis is that they are calling *us* in the west Nazis. And we know for a fact that we are not. So, we know for a fact that they are liars. So we can't believe the trolls who regurgitate that line either. They seem insane, delusional, and extremely stupid to us.
@Northman-from-the-North Says:
Everyone knows the Sovietunion and Hitler started WW2 when they invaded Poland. Everyone except the russians. And now they blame everyone else for the outbreak of WW2, thats hilarious. The same thing with the Ukraine war. First they annex Crimea, then hold a rigged referendum there. When Ukraine fights back its them who start the conflict?!? Insane logic. The leaders of the West warned Putin that they wouldnt tolerate a russian invasion of Ukraine, and here we are again: russia starts a war, and then blame others when things doesnt go according to plan.
@summergayao166 Says:
Russia : Rise of 2nd Soviet Union
@acarriere30 Says:
As a Canadian Russian calling Justin a Nazi is almost correct. He is a dictator who didn't support his military thus he is a wacko weak dictator.
@musicandbooklover-p2o Says:
Be fair, of all the countries in the world only one is on equal terms with Germany from 85-100 years ago, and that is Putin/Russia. So they definitely know all about the fascist thugs of that government from personal experience. Canada is nowhere near to that - unlike some countries south of their southern border.
@JillClegg-pd5rn Says:
No words these people do not live in the real World 😡😡😡😡😡
@gringoloco5989 Says:
The best way to rediscover history are russian medias. They tend to forget or try to bury very deep the Molotov/Ribbentrop pact signed between Russia and nazi Germany... With this pact they divided between themselves the European countries they wanted. When Germany started to invade Poland, Russia quietly waited until all Polish troops were concentrated in front of the germans to invade from the back... Finland was certainly included in the deal that's why Russia was invaded without comments of Germany... RUSSIA IS EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE OF THE START OF WWII AS GERMANY IS !!!!!! From a long time, Russia and USSR is only using the documents, treaties they sign as toilet paper...
@mrkevrd Says:
“Russia is a land of misery, destruction and booze, with many literary works about misery, destruction and booze, that is what Russia brings to the world. No exceptions.” -Borovsky
@natalieturko4808 Says:
In Russia, a Nazi is actually anyone who objects to or refuses to cooperate with Russia's brutal, imperialistic objectives. This is why they are so free with labeling people and countries as fascists or Nazis.
@agrimensor6406 Says:
That propagandist might be referring to RazzPutin....ha ha ha
@perskarva123 Says:
Seems like the Ruzzian arguments basically just boils down to "NO YOU" without any evidence. This is just pure projection.
@oscargrainger2962 Says:
Yeah Putin but your Nukes don’t work.
@milsring Says:
For this propagandist every living thing in this planet is nazii except himself only???
@ehawolczecki8759 Says:
So sad that Putin has managed to destroy so many innocent lives ,so much devastation and he still keeps lying.
@richardfewer9348 Says:
Thanks from Canada Ruck Fuzzia
@Yoyo-me Says:
Is this putin's trumpet still alive? As well, Hague is waiting for him. VIP ticket
@GilbertAltoveros-u8u Says:
They are all in dreamland.. they cant move on cuz of much support for ukraine....forever in their DREAMLAND😱🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🇺🇲🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇲👍👍💪💪💪
@Grant_S_M Says:
I stand with PMJT and Ukraine
@greatboniwanker Says:
They look like cartoon bad guys. Do they know they look like cartoon bad guys? They sound like cartoon bad guys too; Natasha & Boris!
@aussie-green-skull-7824 Says:
The only narzzis are the propagandists in Russia
@randyearles1634 Says:
weird how MAGA and the Kremlin are on the same page.
@BlackEpyon Says:
To be fair, there's more than a few Conservatives that share that sentiment. They're wrong, as usual.
@ninemoonplanet Says:
I have actually seen a Canadian repeat Trudeau is a Bandera. Blatant ignorance of who Bandera was, what country he was in and what his image is in Ukraine. A Canadian repeating Solovyov's nonsense shows how easily Russian propaganda spreads. It also shows remarkable gullibility and ignorance. Fortunately Canada has more than 2 political parties, more than two sides to every issue. 1.3 MILLION people are descendants of Ukranian people in Canada. Don't use this language anymore.
@kentaylor2416 Says:
They need to find some new insults.
@gluteusmaximus1657 Says:
Solovyov must use very strong drugs. He and his propaganda team act like they overdo crystal meth or something similar.
@vjaysan Says:
Well, it appears so as he has encouraged some Canadians to hate other Canadians. Besides, he showers hate on other free democracies. One can only relate this to the mindset of the Nazis and the colonial powers in considering such actions.

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