Labor won't be able to run a 'scare campaign' against nuclear
Labor won't be able to run a 'scare campaign' against nuclear



@julesmarwell8023 Says:
THE hypocrisy of labour refusing to burn one kilo of COAL> YET at the same time. EXPORTing MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF TONS TO COAL to china. to enable CHINA BUILD MORE military ships
@julesmarwell8023 Says:
@EricSchneider-u6p Says:
Here we are arguing about nuclear power and Albo the Weak doing his scaremongering best to frighten us with the usual crap, while France, for example, which is 100% nuclear powered, is busy contemplating alternative options but hasn’t found a better alternative. Albo the Weak won’t make a decision unless Wong the Horrible gives it her imprimatur. But in the meantime we have to tolerate his scurrilous rhetoric!
@Weedmonster-wr8nj Says:
Be real nuclear if goes ahead will take decades...we don't have decades how long do expect the Aussie battler to battle for ...
@infidel202 Says:
Labor sux
@kerry-leeangel1656 Says:
They’re scary.
@Bruski68. Says:
The simple fact is, that nuclear power stations have been around too long for Labors scare tactics to work, as anything they try to say, can be easily debunked by facts.
@RiverWhiskey07 Says:
Poor Albo, losing again. Wonder how much he's got invested in this replaceable malarkey. Pretty boi cracking the sads.
@zoecampbell3514 Says:
So out of touch Why do you think Trump is so loved - outside of corporate media Because he supports USA 1st Not a mention here of big super market chains stocking Australian products ! That’s what we want from a government to put Australia and Australians 1st - especially our farmers and local grown produce
@ronvds4713 Says:
Please keep the nuclear power plants in Australian Government hands. Income for the government and profits used for the betterment of Australians.
@patfallon3027 Says:
I said once before, Australia needs to be run by industrialists with a vision , goals ,and common sense, not by stupid half wit politicians who don't know what they're doing and put Australia into more debt as time goes on
@Russell-c9s Says:
@guymoschella4066 Says:
Liebor party would like to see Australia as a communist country and you'll then have no freedom or writes forever. Elbo will be over in Kimmies country taking lessons on how to be a dicktator . Yes I know it's spelt wrong .
@susiekopp3578 Says:
Yes, we’ll see Labor is ready can manage our budget or not without increasing massive immigration. Policy.
@chrisbabbage4004 Says:
How much is it going to cost and what time frame to be finished
@MrTryReasoning Says:
Oh ! That is not a threat. i don't need to.. It's a reality check !
@MrTryReasoning Says:
Well done Andrew You and Labor are crippling the Nation … I hope you are proud of yourself. Now explain that to your family.. 10,800 sq Klms of queensland land in the south east corner. The most highly populated has now been give land title to the indigenous ! So after paying Land Taxes for what 45 years. I don't own the land my house is built on?? Do I have the right as may millions of queenslanders to sue the Government /s for breech of contract ! Answer that Labor supporting Andrew and your mate on Sky? Remember when the schmit hits the fan … Buddy. Tel your family how proud you are to be part of the destruction of Australia .. You rjob by the way.. = No power no job ! Bye…
@KurtBoulter Says:
Sick of seeing Gru's hideous face & listening to his terrible, bogan voice. Get Andrew "The Bogan" off the screen please!
@Lou_Chandler Says:
Who tf votes for Albo Bowen Chalmers Marles and Wong lol you'd have to be braindead
@Poorlineforeva Says:
Nuclear is it's own scare campaign. It's also never going to happen in this country
@PaulSmith-ss6zm Says:
Andrew you should be working for the ABC
@dariusdodd Says:
If any part of that doesn’t make sense then you’re not using reason & logic
@batmanlives6456 Says:
Labor is nothing but a sad joke…
@kimnewburn1 Says:
Idiotic Bowen has no idea what he’s doing and destroying the land and wildlife along with farmers with all the solar panels covering Australia. He should be gone from the government.
@janastehbauer9926 Says:
Government seems to think they need to interfere in everything the consumers can do themselves. Government decides what they like without consulting the public. She literally says: you obey or you will be punished!!!!! How dare these people play the big daddy punishing their children as if they owned the country. They are employees of the public and the public can tell them to behave or they get punished. Disgusting lot, can't listen to this arrogant lot.
@KaneTrainor Says:
Yes they can run a scare campaign against nuclear. It is because your SUPER has invested into renewables so hard. It is our next SCAM to get rich because we missed out on housing SCAM.
@petert24turner71 Says:
What needs to be Publicly advertised is how much the farmer is being paid for a product compared to the supermarket price. Add the cost of transportation to the equation & see what they are charging, is it a fair price otherwise they could be the culprits of high prices.
@petert24turner71 Says:
How does a gov. break up a multi national supermarket. They might as well break up any multinational company. There will be many very costly repercussions.
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Government supermarkets only, open four hours a day, three days a week for 35 weeks of the year.
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Soviet Union supermarkets are the answer, only they aren't super.
@davidhemsted5372 Says:
@actualfacts1055 Says:
Break Woolworths up into a thousand separate companies, that won't increase costs that will get passed onto consumers by any chance would it ?
@actualfacts1055 Says:
So pay suppliers more and charge consumers less but maintain a one percent profit margin, it just doesn't add up.
@actualfacts1055 Says:
She knows how to pronounce divestiture, Andrew doesn't.
@jamesflannery-serle3489 Says:
Leave the supermarket alone or become communist
@knight2425 Says:
Labor just keep resorting to telling lies about everything, hopefully just like the referendum Australians see through their pathetic lies and vote against Labor again
@DieterZimmermann-yf4le Says:
😅The new UK PM is all in WEF and Nuclear, what now Albo.
@tassied12 Says:
They wont have to run a scare campaign. There was just ONE new reactor construction start outside China last year (IAEA reactor database) Nuclear is going nowhere
@wikindog Says:
Regardless of best intentions of politicians and what they say, they don't have control. Australian government is inherently corrupt. The only formula for democracy is VOTE_3-MAJORS_BOTTOM-3! 🤠
@dale7238 Says:
Australia needs reel men running our country not free loading fools
@_hold_the_line_ Says:
So at times Labor's renewable energy scheme will run 100% on natural gas, which is a fossil fuel. Anyone else sees the problem with this?
@Petergrand371 Says:
You people know what labour is all about lia after lia go back in time you know what liberals are all about singing your lives to an overseas party of thief's but your still don't want to give a real ozie a chance in the ring one nation Pauline true ozie she hasn't screwd up so far but all her comments have come to life and your still thinking look at the state of your country under liberals labour green's look at it you will achieve a Muslim party if you keep voting the way you vote for the 2 major parties the green's will hope im wrong join with the Muslims and you just might have a 3 force in your parliament by your stupidity and your vote for the green's and the 2 major parties good luck
@owenroberts1168 Says:
We don’t need muslims in our parliament. You will be sorry if you let them in. This is a Christian country and we don’t want other countries crap.
@Squishy9387 Says:
I have been trying to talk farmers into a starve the city campaign as those in the city make all the policy for farmers and set the price to be paid to the farmers so by not sending produce to market I am sure in a week those in the city will pay a fair good price to the farmer for their produce
@Esword-h5w Says:
Australia has to stop listening to the bs labor is feeding, realise they aren’t working for us, they are controlled by China
@rob6543 Says:
I all for nuclear but net zero can never be achieved Net zero = 0 can never happen
@steventurner8428 Says:
Nungas sitting in the middle of nowhere , get free money for doing nothing, buy alcohol and create mayhem in their own communities, don't work and want every other person to "GET OUT" out of our country. Why should Australian tax payers support this. Make them to get a lob and work like we have/had to do to survive.
@deathbysalt2382 Says:
Use coal and gas until we build nuclear! Open the market, don’t subsidies and let see what happens. If people want to use solar and batteries, let them, if companies want to build wind turbine and think it stacks commercially, let them! But don’t throw billions of dollars on ideology!
@patriot77185 Says:
Hey it will take around 5 years to build a nuclear plant, STOP delaying it and start building. Albo/Bowen shove the fake green solar and turbines where the sun don't shine !!!!!!
@KenDyer-wl4lf Says:
Oh Dear, more about the nuclear unicorn fantasy, all designed to keep that 19th Century technology, coal, alive. Shame on the Coalition for dragging Australia backwards.

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