David Littleproud calls out supermarkets over their lack of respect
David Littleproud calls out supermarkets over their lack of respect



@carbonite1999 Says:
did you think that pay rise came out of thin air , notice the government are not saying they will take less
@blackcorp0001 Says:
Disgusting behaviour by Coles and Woolies 😢 driving people to suicide
@1JohnnyUTAH Says:
BlackRock/WEF supermarkets give Donations to Labor and Liberals don't they? Correct me if im wrong.
@alhippo2026 Says:
Now this is a good example for nameing Shares how many pollies have Woolworths or coles shares . An tell us they will do something about their prices
@darrylweidenhofer Says:
When you are dealing with big globalist companies like Blackrock who are major share holders this is all piss and vinegar.
@wilbur1884 Says:
@anth5189 Says:
We are in this f-ing mess because BOTH Labor and Liberal governments have been "deregulating" every f-ing thing for decades. Regulation keeps these bastards in check. Bring back the PSA.
@rachaelcourtnell7275 Says:
Pity it has taken so long, the public have known price gouging by supermarkets for decades, but have had no way to help producers. No, not more bureaucracy!!
@Kwesekara1672 Says:
I feel terrible primarily for the farmers who should be treated fairly. It’s good policy in the long run for everyone to always be honest & above board in business dealings with others.
@PeterA-r8x Says:
They are like the power companies and fuel companies, thanks to government policies and taxes. They keep ripping off their customers because they have no choice. Eventually, though the cost of living will be so high that our economy implodes. Enjoy the music while it lasts, suckers!
@sthcalguy3024 Says:
Whatever increases competition is good.
@jjsc4396 Says:
😆🤣 Bleating from the Australian government….again. They'll do nothing, as always. Even they know it, but are far too feckless, dithering and corrupt to admit it.
@sometingwongwai9679 Says:
Useless Nation get thrown a bait to protect their oversea resources companies, and they take it like a fish. Yes, keep talking about your supermarkets with single digit net profits.
@JS-mh9uu Says:
Never shop at Walmart they are a horrible company and their business model is exploitive and damaging to the entire society. Smaller groceries and farmers markets grow your community and benefit society by paying their workers a living wage.
@sometingwongwai9679 Says:
Stupid Aussies worry about supermarkets with single digit net profit, whilst their oversea mining companies like Rio Tinto, woodside and BHP rape all their resources
@alwaysright3718 Says:
Cost of living has nothing to do with supermarkets and everything to do with the governments energy policy...
@imantifeminism556 Says:
We've heard this kind of trashy talk about the consequences for the supermarkets decades ago, yeah okay
@tomjones5338 Says:
There coles and Woolworths the ripoff people overinflating prices on you they definitely are 6 months ago they had a 2kg washing powder for washing your clothes for 23 dollars went to a cheap shop who were selling the same brand washing powder for washing machine selling it for no more than 8 dollars coles and Woolworths are tripple dipping in prices
@wuper2270 Says:
Littleproud is one of the ones that let the duopoly get to where it is! 🤮 Hes pure scum.
@phishENchimps Says:
Supermarkets have some of the LOWEST profit costs compared to Overhead. When Greens push for Higher Petrol Costs... That means HIGHER FOOD COSTS. THIS IS THE PRICE FOR YOUR EMPATHY. Greens Did This. This is on them.
@dominicpelle7841 Says:
LNP backed by the Socialist Greens........... as usual. As they did stalling Housing Legislation. **This is called DIRTY politics, not interested in positive outcomes for political gain.**
@Danger_Mouse3619 Says:
They price gouging farmers, suppliers and shoppers. All through the field the pricks.🤬
@Genesis-007 Says:
Lol and now Dave is a part of this Dog n Pony show. The government gave to go ahead for the "entire retail sector" to push prices up inline with the demands of the WEF. Sky just takes a bit longer to catch on.
@SebastianYap-xj9ju Says:
Infinite one god the father uncut hands see there is no lie in him truth way life light jesus christ life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too holy spirit is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is superman spirit is word of Jesus christ is way of rightness is John baptist spirit is word of Jesus christ lives forever so whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ save superman flesh inside consuming fire 🔥 is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so superman flesh survive consuming fire 🔥 so which of the Gods can dwell in consuming fire 🔥 so pay attention to superman spirit is word of Jesus christ is word of God is rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows superman never forgive rebels so pay attention to angel of lord has name of God In superman flesh never forgive rebels blasphemy cheat superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so first death has no power over life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so too first death has no power over superman flesh live and never die physically is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ. They Muslims babies mouths spirits said prophet Muhammad spirit breathe life into Muslims clerics mouths breathe life into Muslims babies mouths wrote quran book testify Allah is revealer of mysteries to prophet Muhammad so God life and the resserection jesus christ flesh gives bad dreams to pontius pilates wife had dream so God speak to all the prophets in their sleeps on their dreams not so with Moses has special relationships with God revealer of vinedresser source of their destruction so victory assured the song of Moses even the enemy babies spirit confess that their babies spirit rock 🪨 their babies spirit God not same as rock from song of Moses so last sermon on Mount is enemy babies built house on sand and word of Jesus christ built house on rock the song of Moses so vinedresser source of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire so victory assured the song of Moses so superman shall hand their kings over to the people blot out the names of their kings under the heavens and superman shall hand their God over to the people shall blot out the names of their god under the heaven and superman shall hand their prophets over to the people shall blot out the names of their prophets under the heavens and superman shall hand their rebels over to the people shall blot of the names of the rebels under the heavens so all tongues praise my name is word of Jesus christ so all Knees bend to my will Is word of God so Me Sebastian yap spirit proves superman Rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows Muslims clerics mouths asked do they obey words since man cannot survive on bread alone but every word from mouth of living God so Muslims clerics mouths asked do they obey prophesies like dreams and visions so Muslims clerics mouths asked do they obey the law so the law is whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death so superman rider of white horse named faithful and true has many crowns but a name only jesus christ knows superman shall hand the disobedience people over to the people shall blot out the names of disobedience people children under the heavens so all tongues shall praise my name is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so why did they not believe John baptist spirit is greatest in kingdom of God is way of rightness is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16,? He way of rightness is word of Jesus christ was with God from the beginning in garden of Eden marriage supper of lamb bridegroom jesus christ city of God descend from heaven adored as bride for bridegroom has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 so why didn't they believe superman spirit is word of Jesus christ was with God from the beginning so in the beginning the word was with God the life and resserection jesus christ flesh live forever so why didn't they believe superman spirit is word of Jesus christ is way of rightness is John baptist spirit is way of rightness is John baptist spirit is word of Jesus christ is proof bible book John verse 3-16 shall never taste physical death is way of rightness is John baptist spirit is superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical so why did they not believe superman flesh shall never die physically death is proof bible book John verse 3-16? Testing whomever keeps prophet Muhammad spirit shall never taste physical death versus whomever keeps Abraham children spirt shall never taste physical death versus whomever keeps word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16. Debate over. Tested whomever keeps word of prophet Muhammad spirit shall never taste physical death fighting whomever keeps word of Abraham children spirt shall never taste physical death fighting whomever keeps superman spirit is word of Jesus christ is John baptist spirit is way of rightness is superman spirit is helper spirit of truth is holy spirit is superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death is proof bible book John verse 3-16. Facts results 💯. People lie but results do not lie 💯 so facts 💯. The 3 spirits fighting are Muslims ☪️ spirit shall never taste physical death fighting Abraham children jew ✡️ spirit shall never taste physical death fighting word of Jesus christ is holy spirit is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is superman spirit is John baptist spirit is word of Jesus christ is way of rightness is proof bible book John verse 3-16 so why didn't they believe superman spirit is word of Jesus christ so superman flesh live and never die physically in day of Judgement so victory assured the song of Moses and song of lamb Jesus christ . Romance of 3 superstates kingdoms..Muslims babies spirit word of Allah shall never taste physical death fighting Abraham children jew ✡️ spirit is word of Abraham shall never taste physical death fighting word of Jesus christ is holy spirit is helper spirit of truth is advocate is comforter is John baptist spirit is way of rightness is word of Jesus christ is superman spirit shall never taste physical death so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 so victory assured the song of Moses and song of lamb Jesus christ son of man is true vine gives vinedresser source of of their destruction and source of superman nourishment and strength so superman has legs like bronze refined in fiery furnace and eyes like fire 🔥 is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ shall never taste physical death in consuming fire 🔥 is proof superman spirit is word of Jesus christ is proof bible book John verse 3-16 Science students testing the spirits so John baptist said testing the spirits so scientists Quantum computer hardware architecture metaverse testing the spirits versus popular delusions and the madness of crowds the 100th monkey syndrome the Stockholm syndrome the woodgate syndrome the Watergate syndrome the 1000th monkey syndrome in elevator has fire 🔥 so when critical mass is 100th monkey syndrome is reached so all monkeys 🐒 trade stocks strategically is stock exchange and forex trading international currencies worldwide forex trading
@positivepawpaw7564 Says:
''GET THOSE NAUGHTY SUPERMARKETS'' <-- says every grifter d!ckhead politician who wants to look like they're "doing something" . $upermarkets control these corrupt grifters.
@aussiebornandbred Says:
Poor old cockies have been screwed over by Coles and Woolies for decades
Supermarket price gauging has been rampant in Australia for decades. When one compares the prices paid to farmers and primary producers for their products, the profit margins are astronomical.
@jackojacko3545 Says:
Don't agree with green's at all but this is a no brainer keep up the pressure. 👍👍👍

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