Joe Biden is acting as a 'dictator' to forgive student loans: Expert
Joe Biden is acting as a 'dictator' to forgive student loans: Expert



@ronaldreagan-ik6hz Says:
Perfect Segment title why didnt trump bring this up at the debate. use democrat terminology against themselves.
@proven6270 Says:
Well, CMON 🫤 Let's promise them something..... Including letting ANYONE through the border..... They need VOTES AMP (Any Means Possible) 🫨😡😠🤦🫨😵‍💫
@scottyboggs7504 Says:
Presidents do not have the power to do this!
@Belphegor123 Says:
The older generations or the dead no longer have rights to the land of the world. They cannot establish this by debts. - Thomas Jefferson
@rhondaclogston4622 Says:
God bless you and your family, we love y’all and are praying for y’all
If that’s the case Just like countries needs to pay for their own wars or whatever it is instead of relying on the US to come to your safety and aid all I see is America printing out money and using taxpayers money, to give to everybody else but they’re own people. I’m voting for Donald Trump because he put America first and then we can help out other nations … not looking for a handout, just Speaking on what I see
If that’s the case Just like countries needs to pay for their own wars or whatever it is instead of relying on the US to come to your safety and aid all I see is America printing out money and using taxpayers money, to give to everybody else but they’re own people. I’m voting for Donald Trump because he put America first and then we can help out other nations … not looking for a handout, just Speaking on what I see
@bradyhack2428 Says:
FOX news is all about Trump … so they bash Biden …. BS !
@suzannefolse2482 Says:
He's the worse thing that ever happened to the USA. He's going to meet his Karma, soon I hope.
@suzannefolse2482 Says:
Joe Biden is not one of us. He refuses to believe his economics has helped ruin our country. He's a multimillionaire, so he's fine. Some people can barely feed their families. Shame on this man. He's very arrogant. "Little people" don't matter to him.
@thisaldilmith6055 Says:
How in the World this what a dictator would do????
@postmortem7472 Says:
Which is just one more example of why Democratic-voter-suppressing Amurdercaca is an ignorant, incompetent, threat to all life on the planet; just like it's Ignoramus is Chief FDJT.
@postmortem7472 Says:
The United Turds of Amurdercaca is the only country that relies on property taxes to fund public education.
@postmortem7472 Says:
Until the Donnorrhea's efforts to prevent mail-in voting are reversed. Until P!G 2nd degree murd*r of minorities and PIG-brutality are stopped. And the mail sped up even more. To insure everyone receives a mail-in ballot;
@postmortem7472 Says:
and their ballot is returned before deadlines. Amen.
@seekanddestroy7343 Says:
Those c*ck smoking kids will Never get a cent from me. Ever. I don't care who's monitoring me. Put it in writing B*tches
@lmwlmw4468 Says:
´´Acting as a dictator'' ...... That's exactly what woke Marxists do as this is NOTHING BUT A TRANSFER of THAT DEBT to all the taxpayers........!!!! Socialism disappears when other peoples money comes to an end. That's why all those that go woke, will go broke...!!!
@nixel5695 Says:
Forgive student loans: communism Forgive taxes on billionaires: capitalism
@markbn2883 Says:
All I can say is everyone needs to keep a close eye on this next election America can’t take 4 more years of this BS .
@postmortem7472 Says:
Everything around its obese hideously
@postmortem7472 Says:
@postmortem7472 Says:
Everything around its obese hideously WASP-skinned
@postmortem7472 Says:
500 years of inbreeding-depression lead, pesticides, and estrogen-poisoned body.
@elainepalumbo9837 Says:
My son has student loans and he thinks forgiveness is a bad idea
@postmortem7472 Says:
Proves that both Sir Issac Newton and Nostradamus are correct in predicting its extinction by the year 2060; Klanhole.
@Ray-g8p Says:
He is not acting he is a dictator
@joshuapaul349 Says:
No joe-k he started nato and shot down Putin as well as beat medicare, c'mon man!
@JaneScott-jf2uu Says:
You are confused. President Biden is immune. Trump is the private citizen.
@gracehopewell Says:
Project 2025 Trump. He is a false prophet full of hatred and vengeance. Choose decency and democracy. Stand with evil and fall with evil
@katflowerStar Says:
People who don’t pay it back don’t have a fancy job like you do. I’m sure if everyone who’s in debt had the income to pay their loans, they would pay it back. I thought that being in debt would compensate me to pay it back, but life is so expensive that I have to rethink what to buy and what not to buy. Most of the rich people at the top of the pyramid have family members who help pay for their education. Lower-income individuals don’t have that privilege. My advice to anyone is don’t get into debt if you want to be free with your own money. Find a job that can pay for your education.
@Stephanie-lm7sp Says:
Ok guy's..... So, you'll all be happy to payoff my truck and mortgage right?? COOL! 🤣
@garyt-of6yb Says:
@postmortem7472 Says:
Does it understand that anti-abortion is a televangelist's KKKon-job to pick its blood and TrumPEE-stained, TexASS-chainsaw-massacre, overall's pockets; because the word abortion still does not appear in the NLT of its seditonist _KKKoran!_
@icantbreathe3420 Says:
Take its sleepy Joe and shove it up your trump; trumphole! Runaway-Global-Warming does not care it is infected and cursed to wear the WASP-Skin-Disease [WSD]; anti-truth, anti-facts, anti-reality, anti-democracy, there was no election fr@ud; Qsshole!
@icantbreathe3420 Says:
I of II And Greta and the environmentalists? Does it hate our Mother the Earth? What do QrumpliKKlans do when it gains power; nothing. Why does it oppose investing in America with infrastructure projects? Is it because those infected and cursed to wear the WASP-Skin-Disease [WSD] no longer have human-DNA?
@saintmichaelthearchangel6182 Says:
So you know nothing about climate??? *I am the wrong person to be talking smack to about climate; **_Qeliverance._* Never lean into a left hook. Have you never seen Mike Tyson fight? *I know a few things.* *The real question is if it is a **-yellow-** orange-bellied, cadet-bone-spurs coward.* That will not answer My 31 *creating-climate-refugees-at-the-southern-border-questions.* _Because it refuses to meet the first obligation placed upon you by God at birth;_ *to protect your family and our Mother the Earth.*
@lieutenantcolonelalexander6042 Says:
Anyone that is not insane and suicidal like, legally elected president Joe Biden, that accepts the science and evidence of global-warming, is fine; no matter how old they are.
@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 Says:
1 of 9 Prove that it is an insane, anti-abortion [ the word abortion is *NOT* in its phucKKKing, racist, Qu Qlux Qlan, Fascist, sadistic, seditious _KKKible_ ]
@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 Says:
2 of 9 member of an anti-science, anti-vaccines,
@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 Says:
1 of 9 Prove that it is an insane, anti-abortion [ the word abortion is *NOT* in its phucKKKing, racist, Qu Qlux Qlan, Fascist, sadistic, seditious _KKKible_ ] 2 of 9 member of an anti-science, anti-vaccines,
@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 Says:
3 of 9 suicide-de@th-KKKult.
@rearrangingyourprejudicesi4065 Says:
4 of 9 By _not_ providing the correct answers to these 31 questions; 5 of 9 that prove it is an arsenic-Kool-Aid-global-warming-denying-Rapture-de@th-KKKult member; and threat to all life on Earth!
@scottmadoff7444 Says:
IF they want to cancel cows then start by cancelling the view
@glaefke17 Says:
Money going back in the economy is waaaay better than money going in predatory lenders pockets.
@ukrainianambassadormarieyo2592 Says:
5 Corcoran falsely declared, "We made sure she was terminated." In truth, Donofrio still had her job but was "assigned to paid, non-teaching duties," according to the school district's official statement. Before the summer was over, however, the school board filled Corcoran's wish, firing Donofrio and settling her lawsuit out of court. Still that was not the end of her woes. Within days of her firing, the state opened another investigation, this time into whether Donofrio's teacher's license should be revoked entirely. Donofrio feels she was targeted in order to create "an environment of fear" for teachers across Florida. DeSantis was soon promoting a series of policies, such as the "don't say g@y" law and the "stop woke" act aimed at prohibiting discussions of racism and sexual diversity that Republicans claimed was inappropriate for public school students. Critics of these bills pointed out that the language about what is and isn't allowed was vague, which Donofrio argues was on purpose.
@ukrainianambassadormarieyo2592 Says:
8 of 8 In June, the final hearing was held, and the DeSantis government lost again: Donofrio's teaching license remains intact. "I feel vindicated, but I also feel sad," Donofrio told Salon. Sad, she explained, because "a lot of teachers have been leaving Florida and quitting schools in Florida because of all of this." "I think our kids here are worth fighting for," she added, noting that ultimately, teachers alone cannot solve this problem. "We can't just encourage teachers to stand up and stand with our kids without giving them the resources to do it and survive." Donofrio isn't sure what's next for her. She hasn't gotten her job back at the now-Riverside High School. Still, she said, she's feeling "hopeful" after this legal victory. "I also want teachers to look at the case," she said, "and realize if you stand up for what's right, you can win too. It is possible."
@ukrainianambassadormarieyo2592 Says:
7 All of these machinations helped DeSantis raise his national profile as a right-wing culture warrior but did not help him win the Republican presidential nomination. Despite spending $160 million to defeat Donald Trump, the Florida governor only got 21% of the Iowa caucus votes, and quit the race shortly thereafter. His "war on woke" turned out to be so impractical that he ended up signing another bill in April limiting non-parents to one challenge per month. Donofrio, meanwhile, was still fighting to keep her teaching license. Finally, she got a hearing before an administration judge in February and a decision in April. The judge ruled for Donofrio on the issue of the Black Lives Matter flag. Donofrio's "intent to affirm and support her students was clear, and she had a successful history of promoting the physical and emotional well-being of her minority students," the judge wrote. Instead, the judge noted "the School environment became hostile after administration removed the flag," because the principal "had to work hard, meeting with students and making extra efforts to assure students that he supported them and that their lives did indeed matter to him."
@ukrainianambassadormarieyo2592 Says:
6 "If somebody high up doesn't like you or disagrees with, you watch out," she said. "The repercussions can stretch into a lot of different parts of your life." DeSantis, for his part, denied that the bills were meant to lead to widespread book banning, harassment of LGBTQ teachers or students, or the end of teaching about segregation or slavery in history classes. But that is exactly what happened in much of the state. Educational programs about the civil rights movement were canceled. Teachers were forced to lock up their entire classroom library. Books about slavery, the Holocaust, and even 9/!! were banned. Even the dictionary was banned in one school district. The bans and harassment spread to other states. A 2022 analysis from the Washington Post found that Donofrio was not alone: Over 160 teachers were driven out of their jobs by Republican-led attacks on public education.
@ukrainianambassadormarieyo2592 Says:
4 Pointing to a new policy barring teachers from trying "to influence students to support or oppose any candidate, party or issue," the administration ordered the flag removed. When she refused, they took it down for her and pulled her out of the classroom, while they investigated whether she had violated school rules. The situation quickly escalated. A petition in support of Donofrio circulated by students quickly amassed thousands of signatures and the Southern Poverty Law Center sued the district on her behalf. But the DeSantis administration was determined to make Donofrio the face of "woke" teachers their administration was stirring up fear and hatred towards. In May of 2021, Florida Department of Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran singled out Donofrio during a speech at Hillsdale College, which, as Kathryn Joyce has reported for Salon, is the epicenter of the Christian right's assault on public education. Complaining about "an entire classroom memorialized to Black Lives Matter,"
@ukrainianambassadormarieyo2592 Says:
3 She would soon be removed from her classroom, publicly targeted by the Republican state government under Gov. Ron DeSantis, eventually fired, and threatened with having her teaching license stripped entirely. But while Donofrio's life has been chaos in the years since the DeSantis administration made her a target in their "war on woke," she eventually prevailed. A Florida administrative judge just ruled in Donofrio's favor regarding the dispute that created the pretext to harass her: a Black Lives Matter flag she hung in her classroom. Donofrio had been hanging the flag for some time before the school board meeting. "Especially as a white woman," she told Salon, it was important to let students "know that they're cared about." The flag, she said, was a simple way to make them "feel safe" so they could "get an education." Administrators had been complaining to her about it but had no policy to point to in order to justify taking it down. However, after the school board meeting, the pressure on Donofrio intensified.

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