A Taipei music teacher's destined performance on the Chinese mainland
A Taipei music teacher's destined performance on the Chinese mainland



@lawrencechin3400 Says:
After the civil war, the Nationalist armies escaped to Taiwan 🇹🇼. Many of them from mainland China. Just because they feared going back to China, many of them died in Taiwan and now it's time for their offsprings to find out their roots. There were few who visited China and managed to find out their relatives. Great that she found out her roots...Hope Taiwan will come back to motherland soonest
@krisjustin3884 Says:
She found where she belongs. A moving story.
@seangaun Says:
All Chinese roots are from China even you are overseas Chinese
@johnbaumann1089 Says:
Peace and love to China and Taiwan. ❤️
@storage4539 Says:
小編, 不要在单位翻墙翻看 王剑每日观察: 从野孩子到人民公社复归 经济危机三部曲之温情与狰狞
@squashdevicer Says:
Blood is thicker than water.
@martinbarba7689 Says:
I understand that after 1949 a lot of Komingtang members go to Taiwan, in the future, a lot of families will be reunited when Taiwan becomes part of the Popular Republic
@christianvaixco196 Says:
👋Chinese Civilization❤💕💕💕
@Novideos00 Says:
95% of the population of Taiwan are Han Chinese (Wikipedia )

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