The wisdom in Chinese characters
The wisdom in Chinese characters



@Jaredbuncher Says:
This man is enlightened
@EldersTree Says:
Respect From Pakistan
@PalmuserSavage Says:
Awesome! Thank you so much.
@nancymarshall6014 Says:
Confufusiam, Taoism and Buddisum..are the basics..and keeping it charters..Is less confusing. Its very interesting .
@NoelleChanHin Says:
If you know this fundamental idea of collaboration and trust you understand the modern China.
@洪志忠-e8g Says:
Thanks for interesting in Chinese culture ! You may enjoy others by traveling deep into rural areas .
@wynetsang Says:
"The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image" by Leonard Shlain 1999. Alphabet languages have a built in strategic ambiguity, English. It is great for abstract and idealistic concept but difficult to represent reality.
@onexoxtoo Says:
that is decapitated in simplified chinese
@leewn2319 Says:
Yes, Peace 和 & Trust 信are 2 fundamental Chinese principles. But to have these human beings need to practice 2 key truths :(1) Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind soul & stregth (2) Love your neighbor as yourself. It’s this pure love of well being of others that there can be peace & trust. May God bless everyone with agape love.
@azq9766 Says:
@李南榮 Says:
@holgersimonsen3789 Says:
Oh my dear! Confutse is not confuse, and his philosophy is not confusionism. Correct it!
@nealprentice7874 Says:
I believe there is quite a juxtaposition between the old zen wisdom, the traditional chinese philosophy and the industrial factory driven era that they are going through much like the industrial era in the US were productivity and growth was more important than the health and well being of workers. I hope they can create a system that brings some balance to their work lives. The chinese workforce has earned the right to have some work/life balance. I am sure this is a very diverse issue across china depending where you are and what you do. A great video and would love to see a deep dive into more on this beautiful practical artform.
@kindface Says:
Wished I was 25 now. The lifetime ahead of me would be very exciting. Capitalism as we have witnessed or experienced since WW2 and spearheaded by America, while very successful at its peak, is now drawing close to its end. It may not end tomorrow but we can clearly see signs of its atrophy. But we should be clear that capitalism was never meant to benefit all of humanity in its success; it was meant to benefit only the capitalist class and their enablers. Socialism/communism, with an avowed aim to bring collective benefit to the people, now appears to present a more promising path than ever before to the goal of universal betterment of the people, especially viewed from the perspective of what China has been able to achieve so far. I know that I will not get to see the most exciting part of the coming century but I'm happy for the younger generation and I greatly encourage them, especially those from the west, to give themselves the opportunity to experience China with open minds and, if they like what they see, to actively participate and be a part of this new, more sustainable, model for universal human betterment. The world can't begin to aspire to collective progress and, most importantly, universal peace until everybody - not just a privileged class - gets the chance to live a peaceful, dignified, happy and fulfilling life.
@John汪 Says:
@ribeirojorge5064 Says:
The Universe is Not a Hierarchical Pyramid of Mathematic Quantities The Universe is a Holarchic Sphere of Spheres of Consciousness Qualities Thaaannnk Yooouuu China 🇨🇳 ❤️💚💜
@erictsai1140 Says:
民為貴 社稷次之 君為輕
@richardong6640 Says:
Every single written Chinese character is an art form itself.
@parttimethinker7611 Says:
No trust, there’s no togetherness or cooperation possible…just war.
@beginninginnewyork3459 Says:
tomb above
@cam35mm Says:
I believe that the Chinese language's difficult nature has helped develop an overall smarter society. It combines language and art. Do not try to simplify it anymore, or it will negatively affect future generations. Learning the language of any child is always their first classroom. The question is whether you want your language to be simple arithmetic or algebra.
@ecc1417 Says:
@guytruth5598 Says:
Thank you very much for promoting Chinese culture traditional heritage
@rafiq4920 Says:
由一個外籍漢學家來講述中華文化與文字,除了幫助英語世界的觀眾建立對中國的初步理解外,對國人的意義在於讓我們重新看見自己固有而值得珍惜的傳承,也稍微了解一些外人視察中國的角度、如何運用他們自己的學習心得來提升思维、强化論述。説到孔子對 “信”這個概念最强有力的一句話,那是 “自古皆有死,民無信不立”。世上一些没文化的衣冠蠻夷,還在 “兵” 與 “食” 上用力,談 “信” 恐怕早了千年。
@johnlay3040 Says:
Many tacos are coming into the market, but I'm still waiting to see hamburgers coming to compete.
@santiwd5006 Says:
That's why China became poor during the last Manchu kings of Qing dinasty, because the principle of people's welfare didn't exist in the foreign Manchu tribe brains , they only wanted to get rich by conquering the vast 😢China land
@bertanelson8062 Says:
Such basic formative precepts upon which to create a culture. Cooperation & trust between, with & for we, the people! Thank you, China!
@JihouGijutsu Says:
something i always find interesting is how humans grew to be convenient. they stopped gathering in interest of hunting and continue to find ways to make things convenient. at the expense of others. its much harder to farm plants than animals. thats why feed crops are so prevalent. corn and soy.
@WendyBost Says:
Thank you for this interesting video. I would like to learn to speak and write Chinese language. - Does anyone know of reliable sources online? - without breaking my bank account... :) I understand that google is the go-to... but I would like to have advice from someone with personal experience of learning the language please. Thank you.
@soongyongseng6961 Says:
「和」=禾(grains)+口(mouth) Literally means when one is fed, he tends to calm down and rest. Hence, comes the phrases, like 和平peaceful, 和气no quarrel & etc. It reflects in the central philosophy of Confusionalism. Nevertheless, the Western minds of "Peace" is "Pea" (food) + "ce" (Conquer and Engulf), meaning that once the Westerners is fed, they will greedily conquer & collonise other countries and Engulf the wealth of these nations.
@georgdeden9918 Says:
Please People who watched this video: STUDY ZHOU ENLAI THOUGHT (as well as the very multiple beneficial deeds this political and humanistic giant has realized during his time). BELOVED PEMIER ZHOU ENLAI is the REAL founder of modern China! (from a Western friend of China who was their guest in their country from 1984 to 2014)
@gritnltw Says:
Learning Chinese and in order to learn Chinese characters I was asking my Chinese teachers to tell me the story behind every character to really understand them. Unfortunately none really knew and were telling me to just memorize them. But then you loose 99% of the richness of the language and the “reason” of everything. There is always a reason.
@pravdaseed64 Says:
MAGNIFICENT MERITOCRACY Of CHINA 💯%. i wish 🧞 i was Chinese 💯%. 💚🐉🇨🇳🐉💚 💜☸️☯️🕉️💜
@jimmylee1776 Says:
Thank you for this video. You know more about Chinese writing than me (a Chinese). God bless you.
@世界和 Says:
@chaikianyu999 Says:
@existentialbaby Says:
@mingto7753 Says:
Thank you, Mr Baldursson for the nice lecture. I learned the basics of the Chinese language over 60 years ago in HK and can still remember most of it, but I share the joy of rediscovery when I see someone not a native Chinese speaker, obviously appreciating the language. The wisdom of the Chinese language goes much deeper than what was discussed here. I made a recent comment on Confucius' contribution to the interpretation of the Gua's in the I-Ching Bagua, (Weinstein and Keating interview, Utube) in which comment I mentioned the use of 'tiling sentences' having a wide range of meanings (discussion using Dr Terry Tao's math lecture, also Utube) . These sentences can function as the 'wave function collapse' for different applications of tiling in space and time, dynamically, using quantum computer modeling, much similar to guided Qubits in Mathematical tiling space. The work involved in these new applications will provide careers to young and old quantum modelers for years to come.
@bleung52 Says:
Another problem of Simplified Chinese is that some characters were being over-simplified such that a single character replaces a few different traditional characters and cannot be properly translated back by computer software : 干 - (天)干, (能)幹, 乾(坤)...肖 - (相)肖, 俏(麗), 肖(姓), 蕭(姓)...Of course, a lot of people misread and thereby misunderstand them.
@bleung52 Says:
Learning Traditional Chinese is very important to read ancient manuscripts. Simplified Chinese has already served its historical purpose (權宜之計!) The wise authority should therefore consider to revive the learning of Traditional Chinese. I learned that nowadays most Koreans could not recognize the characters of the name-plates at the gate or entrance of their historic palace when they pay a visit to it.
@MyVoice-bn1vj Says:
Change the world China wisdom
@thetruthandnobs Says:
Very good. 👍
@ongsengfook Says:
Simplified Chinese was invented to quickly solve illiteracy among Chinese after Qing dynasty. It was estimated only 5% of Chinese could read or write then. It will be good to reintroduce Traditional Chinese where the characters are more meaningful.

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