Ukraine to Receive First F-16 Fighter Jets
Ukraine to Receive First F-16 Fighter Jets



@jaxrcexplorer Says:
Interesting... it sounds like Blinkin is taking credit for something he's (the Biden gang) have had little to do with... typical ... as usual blowing smoke... 🙄
@jacobschnberg5382 Says:
WHEN !!!! --- The fact is that thos old F16s was promished 1 year ago , --- and the summer is soon over ! When will Ukraine get those F16s with weapons
@unsalbulent Says:
do not lie to people there is no F16 in Ukraine.
@oscargrainger2962 Says:
The jets are already there, the pilots are going through particular environmental training.
@BSL335 Says:
Slava Ukraine 🇩🇰🇺🇦
@heathercrowe307 Says:
At last. 2 years too late.
@aresivrc1800 Says:
@509brown Says:
Stay tuned!
@RatTerminator Says:
Theyve been on their way for 2 yrs!! 🤬😤
@2gointruth Says:
Here is the way to peace and everlasting happiness: “Always treat others as you would like them to treat you.” And “Love your neighbour as yourself.” That is the Law and the Prophets of God our true Father. So never worship and pray in the way of the many false prophets who lead all religions. “But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, and shut the door. Pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you openly. In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard. Do not imitate them. Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him. This is how you should pray: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven, Give us today our daily bread, Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us. And do not bring us to the test, but save us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever. Amen. For if you forgive others the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, then the wrongs you have done will not be forgiven by your Father.” – (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 6: 6-15) – “Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” – (at Matthew 7: 1-2) – “Truly I tell you, if anyone obeys my teaching he shall never know what it is to die.” – (at John 8: 51) – “Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets. Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” – (Matthew 7: 12-14) – “I am the gate; anyone who comes into the fold through me shall be safe. He shall go in and out and shall find pasturage. The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.” – (John 10: 9-10) – “Beware of false prophets, men who come to you dressed up as sheep while underneath they are savage wolves. You will recognize them by the fruits they bear.” – (Matthew 7: 15-16) – “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – (Matthew 7: 21) – “I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he dies, he shall come to life; and no one who is alive and has faith shall ever die.” – (John 11: 25-26) – “I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world” – (John 12: 47) – “Whoever then will acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven; and whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” – (Matthew 10: 32-34) – “I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you knew me you would know my Father too.” – (John 14: 6-7) – “An expert in the law, [a leading religious Pharisee] tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. That is the greatest commandment. It comes first. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. Everything in the Law and the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.’” – (Matthew 22: 35-40) – “There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” – (John 15: 13) – “Do not call any man on earth ‘father’ ; for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called ‘teacher’ ; you have one Teacher, the Messiah.’” – (Matthew 23: 9-10) – “Take care that no one misleads you: For many will come claiming my name…” – (Matthew 24: 4) – “Many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many; and as lawlessness spreads, men’s love for one another will grow cold. But the man who holds out to the end will be saved. ” – (Matthew 24: 11-13) – “Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be assured, I am with you always, to the end of time.” – (Matthew 28: 20) – Yours, in true Spirit and in our one given prayer, 2gointruth, on Sunday the 14th of July 2024: – (Please read Matthew 5: 14-16) – Where every minute (of both day and night) can be a new beginning for any one of us. Let it always be you. Pray to God often, as prescribed above, before it is too late.
@1drummer172 Says:
@RudolphoAqui Says:
Dear President Biden,Jake Sullivan, please allow Ukraine to defend their children
@hwfranjr Says:
@margaretlamb2432 Says:
When? They said they were in Ukraine already a few days ago. Get it happening for Ukraine's sake @🙏💙💛💕❤️
@rudyb2755 Says:
Let's see where we are in a month.
@elchicano187 Says:
@louisgiokas2206 Says:
Did the channel need some filler? We know the F-16s are coming. They have been for a long time. Tell us when they actually get there and, more importantly, when they do something. Otherwise, this is not news.
@AstroGremlinAmerican Says:
Whoa, hold on! Isn't this a bit hasty and reckless? There could be escalation. Is Jake Sullivan OK with this? He seems kind of scared.
@JohnCSmith-lp1qr Says:
1:28 The President of Ukraine.... Vladimir Putin 😂
@JouhouchenHou Says:
writing more ## The Secrets Behind the Nordic Economic Powerhouse: A Deeper Dive The Nordic countries, comprising Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, have long been admired for their strong economic performance and generous social welfare systems. Despite their high tax rates, these nations consistently rank among the most competitive and productive economies in the world. What are the key factors that enable them to strike this delicate balance? ### Efficient and Equitable Tax Systems One of the primary reasons the Nordic model works is the efficiency and equity of their tax systems. These countries have developed robust mechanisms for third-party information reporting and tax compliance, which minimizes tax evasion and avoidance. Their tax bases are also broad, with fewer loopholes and deductions, leading to lower elasticity of taxable income. This ensures that the tax burden is distributed more evenly across the population, with a focus on progressive taxation. ### Complementary Public Goods and Subsidies The Nordic countries heavily invest in public goods and services that complement labor supply, such as childcare, education, and transportation. These subsidies and public provisions offset some of the distortionary effects of high taxes by increasing the effective after-tax wage and encouraging labor force participation. This, in turn, boosts productivity and economic growth, as workers are able to more easily balance work and family responsibilities. ### Productive and Innovative Economies The Nordic model combines regulated capitalism with strong social safety nets and high investment in education and infrastructure. This creates a business-friendly environment that encourages productivity, innovation, and risk-taking. The economies are diversified and technologically advanced, excelling in sectors like telecommunications, renewable energy, and high-tech manufacturing. This allows them to maintain a competitive edge in the global marketplace. ### Effective Use of Natural Resources Countries like Norway and Iceland have been able to leverage their natural resource wealth, such as oil, gas, and geothermal energy, to fund their generous welfare states without overly burdening the private sector. These resources have provided a stable source of revenue and investment, smoothing out economic fluctuations and enabling long-term planning and investment in the country's future. ### Societal Attitudes and Institutions The Nordic countries have a strong culture of trust in government and a belief in the social contract. Citizens generally accept the high tax burden as an "investment" that pays off through improved quality of life and economic stability. The countries also have strong institutions, low corruption, and efficient use of resources, which contribute to their economic strength and resilience. ### Flexibility and Adaptability The Nordic model is not static; it has evolved over time to adapt to changing economic conditions and challenges. For example, the "flexicurity" system in Denmark balances flexibility for businesses with strong social support for workers, allowing the economy to respond quickly to global competition and technological disruption. This flexibility and willingness to experiment with new approaches has been a key factor in the Nordic countries' continued success. In conclusion, the success of the Nordic economic model lies in its ability to combine efficient and equitable tax systems, complementary public goods and subsidies, productive and innovative economies, effective use of natural resources, strong societal attitudes and institutions, and flexibility and adaptability. This unique blend of factors allows these countries to maintain high living standards and social welfare while also remaining globally competitive and resilient in the face of economic challenges.
@JouhouchenHou Says:
writing more ## The Secrets Behind the Nordic Economic Powerhouse The Nordic countries, comprising Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, have long been admired for their strong economic performance and generous social welfare systems. Despite their high tax rates, these nations consistently rank among the most competitive and productive economies in the world. What are the key factors that enable them to strike this delicate balance? ### Efficient and Equitable Tax Systems One of the primary reasons the Nordic model works is the efficiency and equity of their tax systems. These countries have developed robust mechanisms for third-party information reporting and tax compliance, which minimizes tax evasion and avoidance. Their tax bases are also broad, with fewer loopholes and deductions, leading to lower elasticity of taxable income. This ensures that the tax burden is distributed more evenly across the population. ### Complementary Public Goods and Subsidies The Nordic countries heavily invest in public goods and services that complement labor supply, such as childcare, education, and transportation. These subsidies and public provisions offset some of the distortionary effects of high taxes by increasing the effective after-tax wage and encouraging labor force participation. This, in turn, boosts productivity and economic growth. ### Productive and Innovative Economies The Nordic model combines regulated capitalism with strong social safety nets and high investment in education and infrastructure. This creates a business-friendly environment that encourages productivity, innovation, and risk-taking. The economies are diversified and technologically advanced, excelling in sectors like telecommunications, renewable energy, and high-tech manufacturing. ### Effective Use of Natural Resources Countries like Norway and Iceland have been able to leverage their natural resource wealth, such as oil, gas, and geothermal energy, to fund their generous welfare states without overly burdening the private sector. These resources have provided a stable source of revenue and investment, smoothing out economic fluctuations and enabling long-term planning. ### Societal Attitudes and Institutions The Nordic countries have a strong culture of trust in government and a belief in the social contract. Citizens generally accept the high tax burden as an "investment" that pays off through improved quality of life and economic stability. The countries also have strong institutions, low corruption, and efficient use of resources, which contribute to their economic strength and resilience. ### Flexibility and Adaptability The Nordic model is not static; it has evolved over time to adapt to changing economic conditions and challenges. For example, the "flexicurity" system in Denmark balances flexibility for businesses with strong social support for workers, allowing the economy to respond quickly to global competition and technological disruption. In conclusion, the success of the Nordic economic model lies in its ability to combine efficient and equitable tax systems, complementary public goods and subsidies, productive and innovative economies, effective use of natural resources, strong societal attitudes and institutions, and flexibility and adaptability. This unique blend of factors allows these countries to maintain high living standards and social welfare while also remaining globally competitive and resilient.
@JouhouchenHou Says:
writing more ## The Secrets of the Nordic Economic Model The Nordic countries, comprising Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, have long been admired for their strong economic performance and generous social welfare systems. Despite their high tax rates, these nations have consistently ranked among the most competitive and productive economies in the world. What are the key factors that allow them to strike this delicate balance? ### Efficient Tax Systems One of the primary reasons the Nordic model works is the efficiency of their tax systems. These countries have developed robust mechanisms for third-party information reporting and tax compliance, which minimizes tax evasion and avoidance. Their tax bases are also broad, with fewer loopholes and deductions, leading to lower elasticity of taxable income. ### Complementary Public Goods and Subsidies The Nordic countries heavily invest in public goods and services that complement labor supply, such as childcare, education, and transportation. These subsidies and public provisions offset some of the distortionary effects of high taxes by increasing the effective after-tax wage and encouraging labor force participation. ### Productive and Innovative Economies The Nordic model combines regulated capitalism with strong social safety nets and high investment in education and infrastructure. This creates a business-friendly environment that encourages productivity, innovation, and risk-taking. The economies are diversified and technologically advanced, excelling in sectors like telecommunications, renewable energy, and high-tech manufacturing. ### Effective Use of Natural Resources Countries like Norway and Iceland have been able to leverage their natural resource wealth, such as oil, gas, and geothermal energy, to fund their generous welfare states without overly burdening the private sector. These resources have provided a stable source of revenue and investment, smoothing out economic fluctuations. ### Societal Attitudes and Institutions The Nordic countries have a strong culture of trust in government and a belief in the social contract. Citizens generally accept the high tax burden as an "investment" that pays off through improved quality of life and economic stability. The countries also have strong institutions, low corruption, and efficient use of resources, which contribute to their economic strength. ### Flexibility and Adaptability The Nordic model is not static; it has evolved over time to adapt to changing economic conditions and challenges. For example, the "flexicurity" system in Denmark balances flexibility for businesses with strong social support for workers, allowing the economy to respond quickly to global competition. In conclusion, the success of the Nordic economic model lies in its ability to combine efficient tax systems, complementary public goods and subsidies, productive and innovative economies, effective use of natural resources, strong societal attitudes and institutions, and flexibility and adaptability. This unique blend of factors allows these countries to maintain high living standards and social welfare while also remaining globally competitive.
@JouhouchenHou Says:
writing more ## The Nordic Model: Balancing High Taxes and Economic Growth The Nordic countries, including Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, are known for their generous social welfare systems, which are funded by high tax rates. However, these nations have also consistently ranked among the most competitive and productive economies in the world. How do they manage to strike this balance between high taxes and strong economic growth? ### Efficient Tax Systems One key factor is the efficiency of the Nordic tax systems. These countries have developed robust systems of third-party information reporting and tax compliance, which minimize tax evasion and avoidance. The tax bases are broad, with fewer loopholes and deductions, leading to lower elasticity of taxable income. ### Subsidies and Public Goods The Nordic countries heavily subsidize or provide public goods that complement labor supply, such as childcare, education, and transportation. This offsets some of the distortionary effects of high taxes by increasing the effective after-tax wage and encouraging labor force participation. ### Productive and Innovative Economies The Nordic model combines regulated capitalism with strong social safety nets and high investment in education and infrastructure. This creates a business-friendly environment that encourages productivity, innovation, and risk-taking. The economies are diversified and technologically advanced, excelling in sectors like telecommunications, renewable energy, and high-tech manufacturing. ### Effective Use of Natural Resources Countries like Norway and Iceland have leveraged their natural resource wealth, such as oil, gas, and geothermal energy, to fund their generous welfare states without overly burdening the private sector. These resources have provided a stable source of revenue and investment, smoothing out economic fluctuations. ### Societal Attitudes and Institutions The Nordic countries have a strong culture of trust in government and a belief in the social contract. Citizens generally accept the high tax burden as an "investment" that pays off through improved quality of life and economic stability. The countries also have strong institutions, low corruption, and efficient use of resources, which contribute to their economic strength. ### Flexibility and Adaptability The Nordic model is not static; it has evolved over time to adapt to changing economic conditions and challenges. For example, the "flexicurity" system in Denmark balances flexibility for businesses with strong social support for workers, allowing the economy to respond quickly to global competition. In conclusion, the Nordic countries have been able to maintain strong economic performance despite high tax burdens by focusing on efficient tax systems, subsidies and public goods, productive and innovative economies, effective use of natural resources, societal attitudes and institutions, and flexibility and adaptability. This unique blend of factors allows them to balance redistribution and social welfare with economic competitiveness.
@JouhouchenHou Says:
How do the Nordic countries manage to balance high taxes with strong economic growth Based on the search results, there are a few key factors that allow the Nordic countries to balance high taxes with strong economic performance: 1. Extensive tax compliance and information reporting: - The Nordic countries have developed robust systems of third-party information reporting and tax compliance that minimize tax evasion, even with high tax rates. [1][3] 2. Broad tax bases and low tax avoidance: - The Nordic tax systems have wide coverage and fewer loopholes, leading to lower elasticity of taxable income and less tax avoidance behavior. [3] 3. Subsidies and public provision of labor complements: - The Nordic countries heavily subsidize or provide public goods like childcare, education, and transportation that complement labor supply. This offsets some of the distortionary effects of high taxes. [3] 4. Productive, innovative, and globally competitive economies: - The Nordic model combines regulated capitalism, strong social safety nets, and high investment in education and infrastructure, creating a business-friendly environment that encourages productivity and innovation. [1][2][3] 5. Effective use of natural resources: - Countries like Norway and Iceland have leveraged their natural resource wealth (e.g. oil, gas, geothermal energy) to fund their generous welfare states without overly burdening the private sector. [2][5] In summary, the Nordic countries have been able to maintain strong economic performance despite high tax burdens by focusing on tax compliance, broad tax bases, labor-complementing public goods, productive economies, and effective use of natural resources. This combination of factors allows them to balance redistribution and social welfare with economic competitiveness. Citations: [1] The economy in the Nordic Region [2] Public finance - Nordic Statistics database [3] How Can Scandinavians Tax So Much? - American Economic Association [4] Tax rates of Nordic countries, world Europe and OECD ... - ResearchGate [5] Why the U.S. Can't Be Nordic | City Journal
@pekarr1 Says:
Opsec busted
@soewin9784 Says:
Wise strategy, going step by step to protect Ukraine, Europe, EU, NATO, US, the civilised world. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@StreuB1 Says:
The F16's Ukraine are getting are true all-weather multirole / swing role combat aircraft. They are getting the equivalent of a swiss army knife; good at a lot of everything. I personally would like to see dual-role strike fighters like F15E's but that is a little much and would take a lot more training, though they are rather akin to the Sukhoi SU-27. Given that, the training might be able to be streamlined.
@rymoe6299 Says:
@Altruistic-Viking Says:
Chicken Americans not sending jet and blocking the use of himars in ruzzia
@carnaud Says:
I guess we will never know
@vincentvandenberg4532 Says:
US secretary of state Anthny Blinken announcing F-16's coming to Ukraine, while the US hasn't paid anything for them ... nor does the US provide a lot of special pilot training. I call it at least an underwhealming US performance, since the US has hundreds of F-16's and other older fighter planes in mothballs only catching dust ... Glory to the heroes of Ukraine!
@2l84t Says:
Xi will probably decide backing putin isn't worth the trouble as Russia has no tech worth stealing and a crashing economy is something you don't want close ties with especially when yours is on tofu dreg footings.
@evilfingers4302 Says:
The Summer of 2024 is half over, their arrival is more important than just talking about it.
@The_ZeroLine Says:
I recommend to stop talking about it until we actually see its first sortie and Russia knows it’s there first sure.
@AG-mz7vm Says:
Slava Ukraini! Heroyam Slava!
@Iknowonlywhatimtaught Says:
The war will not change much now. If Ukraine gets all the aircraft then it will be a game changer on the Frontline. Once Ukraine gets 75 fighter jets, things will start to change. If Ukraine gets more than 128 fighter jets, that will help greatly to gain air supremacy over Ukraine. But that will be about 2 years down the road at least. Could be sooner but that's a big IF.
@lw6001 Says:
I believe the ultimate goal of F-16's to be deployed to Ukraine is roughly about 300. For now, you'll see them in Wolf Packs. But, they are on their way to several areas of Ukraine.
@rubiconklbrutorowman7577 Says:
Absolutely wonderful indeed!
@juliew393 Says:
@damianlibby522 Says:
Get your popcorn, n Pepsi others wine, n breads. Many ads before show, thank you for your patience.
@thomasmills9492 Says:
WHEN - WHEN - WHEN ?????????????????????😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

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