Trump picks JD Vance as his VP
Trump picks JD Vance as his VP



@thehpn1097 Says:
I’m just here to say that this pick has absolutely killed all of trump’s momentum
@VictorChan-fe7ch Says:
@mindynickels57 Says:
vance proved to be the best trump ass kisser😆
@MargotSpielvogel Says:
@AndrewChavez-x7c Says:
Too be honest i think chump pickec vance so if he were to win vance would be made an example of and unalive him to unvail his dictatorship chump need to rot in a sand trap
@pollyannaprinciple5860 Says:
Trump picked a lemon. Of all people, not sure why he picked this guy. Oh well, this will help the democrats win.
@Cmrsvrd Says:
JD Vance has stated "Trump is just a bad man. A morally reprehensible human"
@Cmrsvrd Says:
In October 2016, Vance tweeted, "What percentage of the American population has @realDonaldTrump sexually assaulted?"
@Cmrsvrd Says:
"I'm a never Trump guy, I never liked him"- JD Vance 2016
@kshepard52 Says:
Too bad Linda Lovelace wasn't available.
@sirloin869 Says:
@JamesSowell-n1p Says:
Thanks trump you will loose now because all the women in America will vote for Harris because of Vance.
@qhl-ij6ou Says:
One dumb idiot pick another idiot for VP, so predictable! 😂
@Celisar1 Says:
1:07 He didn’t fight. Vance had a desk job in the PR section of the Marines.
@nubianubia8990 Says:
I was voting for Trump, however, I’ve changed my mind because of JD Vance. My intuition tells me that Vance was the wrong VP pick. Just my opinion.
@kw4433 Says:
Well i guess she hasnt bad mouthed her future boss (president) in the past, and for this to now go global.
@Charles-z1l Says:
Trump and corporate media have absolutely no moral or ethical backbone.
@mineolahome5243 Says:
And so CNN's smear campaign begins!! All lies, all the time!!
@VigilanteVegan Says:
This goes to show you what an ingenious businessman Trump is. Ohio is a crucial swing state in presidential elections. Whoever wins Ohio is usually, but not always, the winner. Trump picks Vance who is from Ohio; this solidifies Ohio for him. Pennsylvania is another prominent swing state. Trump gets almost assassinated in Pennsylvania. This solidifies Pennsylvania in favour of Trump. On paper, Trump couldn’t have asked for a better state to experience an assassination attempt. If it happened in Texas or Ohio, a state Trump would likely win anyway, it’s a waste of PR; but it happened in an election-deciding state. Ohio is guaranteed with running mate Vance; now, Pennsylvania is guaranteed. This is the epitome of killing two birds with one stone. Biden mathematically has no chance at this point. It’s already over.
@TheAnarchitek Says:
JD Vance is the Geraldine Ferraro of 2024.
@TomWingo-d3r Says:
Hitler survived 42 assassination attempts. God must have loved him a lot.
@sam78882 Says:
If TRUMP IS GOING TO THREAT THE PALESTINIANS THAT THEY WILL PAY A HIGH PRICE IF THE HOSTAGES WILL NOT BE RETURNED BEFORE HE TAKE OVER ! I WILL HAVE TO TELL HIM THAT ME MY FAMILY AND MANY OTHER ARABS FRIEND M ALL OVER THE USA WILL NOT VOTE FROM HIM !!!!!!! IF YOU TAKE SIDES AND DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO BE WITH ISRAEL AND THE HELL WITH PALESTINIANS I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOW YOU EILL LOSE THE ELECTIONS AND MOST OF US ARABS LEBANESE , PALESTINIANS AND OTHER ARAB NATIONALITIES WILL VOTE FOR BIDEN OR WHO EVER REPLACES HIM . A GAME N PALESTINIANS ARE HUMANS AND IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO YREAT THEN LIKE ANIMALS SO TO ALL ARABS DONT VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS . إلى الإخوه والأخوات في الولايات المتحده ! اليوم دونالد ترمب هدد الفلسطينيين إذا لم يعودو الرهاين من غزه إلى اسراءيل فسوف يدفعون الفلسطينيين ثمن باهظ واقول لكم ان ترمب سوف يفعل كل شيء لإرضاء اليهود لكي يفوز في الانتخابات وسوف يزيلوها نحن العرب فلا تنتخبوه لأنه سوف يكون ضد العرب والمسلمين والمسيحين عرب بل أجمع انتخبو الرءيس جو بايدن أنا ارى ان ترمب لا يحب العرب مع ان ابنته تجوزت من لبناني الأصل . مراً أخرى إذا لم يعتذر ترمب في وجه العرب في الولايات المتحده فلا تنتخبوه باين من الآن انه سوف يشد مع اليهود وسوف لا تكون دوله فلسطينيه في ال ٤ سنوات إذا انتوخيبا لرءيس وباين إذا العرب لم يصوتو له فسيخسر الانتيخابات . أنا ناطر لأسمع اعتذار ومش تهديد كما هدد اي هو مش داري أكم طفل وأمراء ورجال قولتلو اكثر من خمسين ألف إنسان يعني هودي حيوانات واليهود بني ادمين لا تنتخبو ترمب DO NOT VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP THIS IS FOR ALL ARABS SINCE HE IS THREATENING THE ARABS THAT IF THE HOSTAGES WONT BE BACK BEFORE HE TAKES OVER THE WHITE HOUSE THEY WILL PAY A HIGH PRICE . NO MR TRUMP YOU WILL NOT GET ELECTED MOST OF THE ARABS WILL VOTE FOR THE DEMOCRATS ! YOU HAVE TO APOLOGIZE TO US ARAB AMERICANS OTHER WISE WE ARE VOTING FOR JOE BIDEN OR ANYONE REPLACES HOME AMEN 🙏
@dennyroling Says:
Imagine still being a democrat supporter without laughing😂😂😂
@Icanonlyimagn7891 Says:
Hilarious, Van wanted Trump to pick war loving Nikki Hailey.🤦🏼‍♀️ You’re right Van, war makes loads of money for the elites… but Trump hates war, hates death, so he picked a VP that hates war too. Zero wars under Trump… 2 wars under Biden. Most people hate war, well except the establishment elites that make a crap ton of money from it! I’m starting to think Van gets a kickback from war as well?🤷‍♀️
@TheBosti Says:
JD Vance sold his soul to the devil.
@edpeterson2293 Says:
❤ TRUMP2024 ❤
@K1110. Says:
Putins 🐓😛
@manonne9943 Says:
Why did you cover this sh....
@Jojo-jq7gg Says:
God bless Trump and JD
@1mom955 Says:
cNN fake news 😂😂😂you suck lol 😂 😂
@fred2018 Says:
I applaud CNN for the way you have been trying to be fair, during the whole RNC. Unfortunately yesterday evening journalist Rula Jebreal appeared on an Italian TV show on LA7 and presented herself as a "CNN journalIst" and talked in a very nasty way (to use an uderstatement! ) about both Trump and Vance. She also verbally attacked another guest on the show who was trying to say otherwise. What I found bizarre is that she presented herself as a CNN journalist, is she? I have never seen her on CNN. Moreover, CNN, after Trump assassination's attempt has consistently kept a very moderate tone, and has described the attempt on Trump as horrible multiple times, whereas Rula Jebreal on that Italian show did not say a word about the assassination attempt and she used very heated language, which is the opposite of what CNN has been doing all week, and this while claiming to be a CNN journalist.
@cobra5032 Says:
CNN, are you saying Trump has already won the election? He only picked Vance as his VP candidate…
@amandamarr460 Says:
How do you have 16 million subscribers. Can bots subscribe.
@rubymae3320 Says:
Another reason not to vote for trump
@AnthonyE-fi3ux Says:
@AnthonyE-fi3ux Says:
DOWN with main stream MEDIA!
@Lmkkkfammmm Says:
U could’ve sworn he was gonna pick Kanye west 😊
@seekingtruth3054 Says:
Kamala Harris made many unflattering criticisms of Joe Biden and then he selected her as VP.
@weirdo911aw Says:
This is a good pick. Vance is young and brings new ideas and can challenge Trump instead of being a braindead yes-man like Pence
@db-jk8dl Says:
jd vance is a snake.
@lizziea.6845 Says:
JD Vance fanboy of Alex Jones. Never Trumper turned Trump fanboy. Yeah, no
@strive4dprize Says:
For those of us who followed politics, study political science or even teach it to students in school, it baffles us that Trump would pick a person as his vice president who vehemently spoke out against him. Did he vet the people or did someone Rupert Murdock, John Jr. or someone else recommend Vance. Listening to her speech at the convention, why didn't he pick someone as Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, DeSantis, Chris Christie etc. Once again Trump is clueless and does have a clue as to what he is doing.
@robby_itlo_amer2248 Says:
😎. Debate YA‼️. JD Vance vs VP Kamala Harris. Word Salad 🥗 & Laughing 🍸
@robby_itlo_amer2248 Says:
⁉️ CNN. Be above MSNBC 🤡. You will win larger audience 👍
@bobcatnm Says:
JD Vance is his chosen name. His real name is James Donald Bowman. I don’t know why he’s hiding this from people, but we need to use his real name, not that fake one.
@SilasAram Says:
Wow. Elon Musk backed Trump’s Campaign with $45M, who also told Trump to pick Vance to be VP. So the last minute selection was influenced by Musk, because Vance is a Silicon Valley VC & they both have relations with Silicon Valley VC’s. So CNN says, Vance is going to run for POTUS in 2028. So the Silicon VCs want a Future POTUS post-trump that is Future-Techpreneur to Revolutionize America Industries!
@upstone8317 Says:
@upstone8317 Says:
VANCE is an Ass. WHAT a MISTAKE. TRUMP is a double loser with that puck.
@305Alligator Says:
I agree with Amber Rose‼️ Blacks for Trump 👊👊👊‼️‼️‼️
@wizzzer1337 Says:
He even has hooker maskara

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