Faulty software update disrupts flights, banks, businesses worldwide
Faulty software update disrupts flights, banks, businesses worldwide



@Byebye-p2k Says:
Why update? Was it intentional? WINDOWS Google Apple are all designed to steal personal information and desrupt global users whenever and wherever they want 😎
@bungkusi2432 Says:
Window is the 737 of computing
@privacyhelp Says:
Mainland should investigate HK, why their airport still use microsoft and crowdstrike.
@gogosegaga Says:
Lazy regulation and no corporate responsibility leads to such outcomes.
@JWscandi Says:
I hope China OS would quickly becomes the alternative to the LOUSY + IRRESPONSIBLE Microsoft who always screw up ur pc with each update, and turn complete deaf thereof, despite numerous feedbacks and complaints.
@Wiznuke Says:
lmao how is this even allowed to happen? no quality control, testing etc.. who sign off on the update? sooo many questions unanswered... failure at soo many levels internal and external processes..... it shows the level of competency that all companies affected by this, allowing crowdstrike to literally update whenever it wants without any restrictions or protection... grabage in grabage out....
@ayuh8911 Says:
Reaching a level of freedom that shouldn't be possible.
@andreastano7920 Says:
Inviting China to develop OS like Microsoft Windows hehehe
@MD4564 Says:
The software is called CrowdStrike which runs on Microsoft Operating Systems - get your facts straight @CGTN
@jurgengreule5223 Says:
Das war vorher zu sehen hab ich schon lange darauf gewartet das es geschieht.....das jeder merkt wie Abhängig die Welt von "great Amerika"ist!!!!!!!!!sollte mal zum Nachdenken anregen!!!!!!!!
@mhchong784 Says:
That's how dangerous this has developed
@northernstar3960 Says:
HarmonyOS is the best !
@Joanne111 Says:
Well when you give one company monopoly over the world what do you expect this is just the start
@kiyoshitakeda452 Says:
Very sad !!!

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