Fine Point - A New Era of Bipartisanship - With Erin Houchin
Fine Point - A New Era of Bipartisanship - With Erin Houchin



@Shaft-Industries Says:
The parties are crooked and need to be dissolved. There is astronomical amounts of money being blown by both sides of the aisle on anything but We The People. Government is 75 percent oversize. Politicians and government can't fix things like people think. We The People have been LIED to about the history of this country and how everything runs in it. People have no clue as to how their political statuses have been compromised and changed due to the signing up for social security. The country has been bankrupt since 1933. We are under martial law. There is NO money. There are only debt instruments and negotiable instruments as well. This is in plain sight yet people have been distracted on purpose with electronic gizmos and entertainment. We are NOT a free country and sadly we have a democracy and not federal republican government. Laziness and apathy will nail the coffin shut on what could be a most beautiful country full of opportunity for everyone.
@Jesse-ey5xd Says:
@johnmeckel2319  he said it Friday night while praising Christians at an event in Palm Beach. You can easily Google search for it. It's where he said that we don't have to vote in 4 years.
@johnmeckel2319 Says:
The Blatant Hypocrisy of The Marxist Leftist Democrats is Absolutely Stunning, concidering They Stoked The Violent Rhetoric, and Also Allowed Unknown Millions of Possible Terrorist Organizations to Invade Our Country! Bipartisanship MY ASS!
@timkasten343 Says:
Nobody wants an angry old narcissist man that poops his pants for president! 🇺🇸TRUMP4PRISON🇺🇸
@Jesse-ey5xd Says:
Guess what? Trump admitted that he's not actually Christian... Makes sense though, right? ✌️😎🇺🇸
@AllegedlyElPresidente. Says:
@zimtak6418 Says:
I'm definitely subscribing to all channels that aren't afraid to tell it like it is. 👍
@arthurralstonwakeupblackpe5940 Says:
The only thing that I don't agree with Donald Trump is on Israel policies I hope that he goes back in with the two-state solution ...
@mullahbaksheesh9151 Says:
"Erin Suzanne Houchin is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for Indiana's 9th congressional district since 2023. A member of the Republican Party, she represented the 47th district in the Indiana Senate from 2014 to 2022."
@cheftekniqakabuletteborn8127 Says:
im better off now then under trump
@sherryarch7374 Says:
This Congress is pure show people. Being rude & mean is not what lawmakers should be. They are rude & un-cultured.😢
@notusedexer Says:
Where's the bipartisan ship about stopping these protesters from destroying statues and burning American flags. There is no bipartisan ship. This lady is crazy and I hope she doesn't get reelected. She seems to think everything is working well in DC. She's absolutely bonkers
@notusedexer Says:
Where's the bipartisan ship about stopping these protesters from destroying statues and burning American flags. There is no bipartisan ship. This lady is crazy and I hope she doesn't get reelected. She seems to think everything is working well in DC. She's absolutely bonkers
@notusedexer Says:
Bipartisanship is evil. Just listen to her about an online safety bill. You know they will find a way to use that to sensor normal people and not give a crap about the real evil. Especially if it's a bipartisan bill.
@robertwhite4388 Says:
Bipartisan my Hindend! Good can't cooperate evil , fresh and salt water doesn't flow from the same well. Democrats have all but destroyed America how do you work with that.
@davidwinokur2131 Says:
Trump met with Bebe N? Guess Jack Smith will now indict Trump for a violation of the Logan Act.
@davidwinokur2131 Says:
I would like to see two things. 1) Detailed accounting of government money spent to 'get Trump'. And 2) A list of government branches, departments and agencies that are not incompetent. The second one should be easy as you can probably count it on one hand.
@libbymorrish182 Says:
Accept Jesus as your savior!
@elbertpearsall1936 Says:
It's unbelievable someone would vote for a vp that's done nothing. Joe biden was a walking dead.
@sovran12 Says:
The downfall of the GOP is when they fall for bipartisanship, always proposed by Democrats when they are the underdogs. They (GOP) need to implement what they are elected for without compromise!
@JRJones333 Says:
Obama took Indiana his first term because of Indianapolis. It is rare Indiana votes blue for a Presidential candidate. Indiana did not vote for Obama in his second term. I do not believe Indiana will vote for Harris.
@pagegreer5081 Says:
@canyonmann1 Says:
At this point these kids know what they're protesting and they know what they're saying. They're just a bunch of ungrateful hateful children. They know who they're supporting and what they're supporting and you're just giving them an easy out by saying that they don't know what they're doing.
@gerardperras5006 Says:
So glad to dee you.
@lindaseikkula2296 Says:
Harris broke Protocol. She was required to be in the House when PM was giving his speech. She should be dealt with according to the Rules.
@mandu9520 Says:
The politicians can all agree that protecting politicians from the violence of this crumbling civilization is paramount.
@381andme Says:
There's no bipartisan in this it's just all of them are scared on both sides that it could happen to them😅

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