Ukraine's Bold Move: Official EU Accession Talks Begin!
Ukraine's Bold Move: Official EU Accession Talks Begin!



@Xenomorphine Says:
A straitjacket for democratic accountability. Ukraine will regret going into it when matters of soverignty show up.
@goenzoy712 Says:
She is dreaming It's impossible that coutries can join before 2030 And in case of a big country like Ukraine even 2035 is very optimistic .If Ukraine goes with the same speed like Poland it will be 2038
@chaosopher23 Says:
On agriculture? Ukraine? Europe should be in line with Ukraine. Properly done, Ukraine could out-farm Europe. Just an observation. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 Слава Україні!!! Героям слава!!! 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
@4rmDEC2FRE Says:
No. We’re far to corrupt and not a true democracy. 💙💛
@antonstoeckl3689 Says:
Ich habe die Ukraine fuer 20 Jahre in alle Himmelsrichtungen mit humanitaerer Hile durchfahren, von der Weissussischen Grenze nach Alustha an der Suedspitze der Krim wo ich in einer Sommerresidenz der Zaren Urlaub machte. Wovon ich ueberzeugt bin ist das wenn die Ukraine EU Mitglied ist wird sie wie alle anderen EU Aufnahmelaender eine Anschubfinanzierung wie Polen etwa13 Milliarden im Jahr benoetigen. Der Unterschied wird sein das sich die Ukraine schneller wie jedes andere ehemalige Ostblockland von einem Nettoempfaengerland in ein Nettozahlerland entwickeln wird.
@louisecorchevolle9241 Says:
as soon Ukraine withdraws 60 monuments streets of the Ukrainian nazi Stefan Bandera, Ukraine is welcome in EU
@mho... Says:
*NO THEY ARE NOT READY!* first they need peace on their lands!
@Dude-zz9om Says:
Je bent welkom, maar niet tijdens een conflict. En dus moet het conflict eerst eindigen. Realistisch gezien vind ik het toetreden bij de Nato eigenlijk de enige manier om verder geweld in de toekomst een halt toe te roepen. MAAR, juist daarom (omdat dit nodig zal zijn) vind ik het ook verstandig als Oekraine het bezette gebied zou opgeven aan hen.
@painkillergames1030 Says:
Lol that's why war started. Ukraine will never enter nato. If somehow ukraine or what's left of ukraine to be precise enter nato the whole organisation will collapse.
@sharondavid-melly1498 Says:
👍🇺🇦 Slava Ukraini 😍
@sabishili4614 Says:
I hope the EU is going to speed up the Ukrainian acceptance, they a fighting for their FREEDOM like no other country!!!
@VictorBonello Says:
Ukraine is not ready but once the EU has bent back on so many things to please Ukeaine as instructed by the USA I imagine the EU is rushing to secure it can exploit Ukraine and kick start the dead EU economy
@eddastrohmayer251 Says:
Nice question! Lots of work ahead to become fit for EU. Balkan countries (small and without war) want to join EU have been negotiating for up to 10 years now.
@ukrainevictory-j4u Says:
surrender russians "you want to live"
@ignaciourena5692 Says:
First the conflict with russia MUST be finish, but is a great news!
@martinvidenovic5767 Says:
Ukraine has been rejected so many times and told that it will not be admitted to the EU that even the sparrows on the branch have learned it. Only Ukrainians, that is, your channel, continues to promote it as if if you repeat a lie 100 times, it will become the truth. I think the problem is not in the sparrows but in you.
@oldowleye3161 Says:
For once the EU acts in an inteligent way!…
@Navigator2166 Says:
This is definitely a positive step forward. Slava Ukraine!🇺🇦⚖️ 🇪🇺
@meso8848 Says:
When Ukraine wasn’t that interested to join EU (needed some extra time to evaluate EU offer versus Russian) then US held and illegal coup.. that was back in 2014…. Now with a US puppet gov…. Nothing is important…
@Thunderstorms-s2i Says:
Yes long ago
@nicktechnubyte1184 Says:
Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
@angelikalindenau943 Says:
I travelled through Luxembourg the day after - and it was exactly as I had seen it 2 weeks before. No earth quake! ❤

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