All three Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna cancelled over alleged planned terrorist attack
All three Taylor Swift concerts in Vienna cancelled over alleged planned terrorist attack



@DeborahPatrick-wd8zm Says:
Did, Did, Diddy!? Girl, you messed up big time!
@L0rdsWarr10r Says:
☪️ancer is spreading everywhere.
@Madmen604 Says:
Islamic militias are the result of oppressive theoracies in the Middle East. Huge economic disparities.
@AllNigher08 Says:
Just “Shake it off”😂
@Jointedvoyage79 Says:
Usual suspects. Wake the fuck up
@lorrieshearer3810 Says:
@Amelijap Says:
Im surprised they said the terorrist names
@IslamOutOfEuropeAndAmerica Says:
Religion of peace?
@Musa31344 Says:
Another attempt to ramp up Islamophobia. Terrorism is not Islam
@cinefile0075 Says:
Who wants Muslims in their country ?? 😅
@candlesandcobwebs Says:
Some people have taken out loans to see a concert. That should disqualify your right to vote. You’re obviously tarded.
@Sniper___ Says:
And it was again a albanian well well well to all anti Serbs out there if this happens to Serbia/Serbs in kosovo then its defance but if this happens to the west then its a terror attack ? 🤣 true Europeans/Christians supports Serbs they do this exactly where ever they can to attack the Serbs in Kosovo stop this Siptarian/Moslim terror attacks against Serbs ! ⊑ ☦︎ 🇷🇸 ꒌ ⊒ 🇦🇱⃠☪︎⃠
@latesoon100 Says:
I read an article on Actfiles how anti-cult organizations are planning to start a third WW. And this attack was supposed to become one of the links in the chain of events leading to this world conflict
@PaulAssmann Says:
Isn't taylor swift praising diversity and things who directly caused these problems we have today?
@buzzy33 Says:
Nobody learned since the Ariana bombing, do they 😢
@rancors1 Says:
Swifties have a bad habit that encourages this. They can't get tickets, so they hang around outside the concerts. And there is no security for them-impossible target not to hit. STAY HOME!
@nightstylescarclubshack9704 Says:
Taylor Swift is pro Palestine, these monsters were definitely hired by rivals.....
@joycampbell6157 Says:
I have a feeling they wld of been screaming free Palestine!!!
@joakimj4879 Says:
Lets not forget that its the swifties and women who votes to bring in wasabnullas into the west 😂😂😂
@heyjo3417 Says:
Music is Haram
@nehemiahpouncey3607 Says:
What do these guy's got against Music artists? Must be swifty haters. I know you don't like them but do You half to use violence to prove your Point?
@nehemiahpouncey3607 Says:
Ariana grande situation all over again.😑
@sommerashley8115 Says:
This is why you need to vote Trump2024
@agentelvis81 Says:
Lol. With what people have to pay to see her, it should be illegal to cancel shows. Any artist charging that much should have to play no matter what. Hail of gunfire, natural disaster, terminal cancer, who cares. They payed every fucking penny they had, so you stfu and play.
@zedsdead6969 Says:
So weird nobody is talking about the terror attack stopped in Toronto, Canada. Terror only matters if a celebrity is involved?
@Taylor_swiftworld Says:
Why do the concerts all need to be cancelled even tho the suspects are arrested
@LibertyMason-01001 Says:
Im only 9 years old and i had my first period yesterday. I thought about Taylor Swift she helped me get through it listening while blood came out while watching homcidal youtube not do a damn thing professional like a mad house of idots. Thanks im never paying tv any money. They get their money from tv subscriptions only.l like an angelnfrom another world but living on our forever. Anything else is illegal. I hate you dont do any news that matters. Like telling tech offenders aginst freedom to quit and never forgett 911. Microsoft is so stupid and has been taken over by voodoo terrorist that want americans to die
@Leipziger-Fanklub Says:
Austrian citizen means absolutely nothing these days (None of them was an natural austrian citizen as usuall) This happens when you let everybody in. I guess its their way to say "thank you" for the chance to live in a civilized country away from their original muslim hell hole,
@annawerner1 Says:
All this events are insane. After I watched the Impact I understand it was all planned ahead of time.
@Artemis_A-24 Says:
No mention of which religion the individuals were a part of. How odd 🧐
@LeonLeon-m4e Says:
excellent and this was reported in the documentary film the impact
@Allatratvcolombiaoficial Says:
@patriot-w2n Says:
the idea to organize assasination attempt at Taylor Swift concert wasn't some last-minute thing. it was planned out. the whole scoop's revealed on ActFiles and the documentary The IMPACT shows who's behind it
@scwps23 Says:
LOL, Apparently, not everybody adores Taylor Swifty.
@stefanor.1771 Says:
The concerts were cancelled but a massive gathering of fans in the street was allowed?
@EdgarHeiss Says:
People should get over the Cancellation and move on to do better things with their lives, Glad this was handled safely for the Sake of the Austrian people, no one should be risking their lives over an American tour, soon it'll wash away & forget she ever existed 20 years later 💄
@L96A1Grillo Says:
@simpleecasual7138 Says:
The religion of peace, once again attack but no one retaliates against them
@ryeguy7941 Says:
As long as the left continues to call the shots in politics, academia, and media, this will continue.
Taylors music is an attack on my ears
Oh the horror.. 😴😴😴
@NorthernPaladin5146 Says:
Yep remember. Just a small percentage are radicals. Even 1% is hmmmm 20 million, yeah and that's a low number? Wake up people. It's okay to look at numbers and actually admit thus is a problem...
@Schlotzinger Says:
Terror in Europe has a name: Islam Sorry to say that. It is a fact. It is unbelievable.
@GuitarPopCover Says:
Islamists or not?
@brianchang4978 Says:
Now that the usa has open borders, the threat will continue at venues in the usa.
@brianchang4978 Says:
They caught the guy and canceled 2 shows affecting hundreds of thousands of people, yet the treat against Trump was ongoing, and they chose to continue without delay.
@tiyashasaha1734 Says:
Not a Swiftie but what's actually wrong with this world? Already so many devastating things are happening and now this?!? Are people safe nowhere? How can humans carry such hatred within themselves?
@RedactEdYT Says:
man I sure wonder where the high security was for the trump rally

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