Russian spies have no place in Ukraine, even under the guise of a church
Russian spies have no place in Ukraine, even under the guise of a church



@annehersey9895 Says:
It is evident to me that any time a Church is led by a known KGB agent, it is a liability to continue letting it operate in one’s country!
@eddastrohmayer251 Says:
No "freedom of religion" in Ukraine ?
@DesertRascal Says:
Jeezus doesn't get involved with "Spezial Military Operazions".
@aleksandariliev9709 Says:
Russian ocupators obviously want everywhere to make destabilisation
@UniversalAwareness101 Says:
Rightfully so. It is not a true church. It is run by mafia groups under Putin.
@vincentberg1069 Says:
The Ukrainian authorities have every reason to construe The Moscow Patriarchate as a hostile organisation and, as a consequence, outlaw its activities, and the activities of all of its subsidiaries, on the territory of Ukraine. The number and the character of Patriarch Kirill's public pronouncements and actions, of themselves, offer a sufficient basis for such a decision. The Moscow Patriarchate has gone far beyond passively acquiescing in Russia's aggression against Ukraine's sovereignty. It seeks to buttress, extend and radicalise the ideology of aggression through recourse to religious justification. It is precisely the religiously-anchored nationalism of The Moscow Patriarchate which forms the bedrock of the so-called 'Russian World' and 'Historically-canonical territories', as well as other key mantras of the Putinist regime. The Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew, has recently provided an unambiguous condemnation of the depth of distortion of the Christian message, by The Moscow Patriarchate. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, even though it has dropped the Russia-affiliated suffix to its name, has not in any way changed its pro-Russian orientation. From the standpoint of Orthodox canon law, it remains subordinate spiritually and administratively, to the Patriarch in Moscow, so long as it continues to pray for him during its liturgies. There are canonical pathways for the Ukrainian Church to leave Moscow's jurisdiction in every way, once and for all, but thus far, it has failed to avail itself of them. Until it does so, Ukrainian authorities have legitimate grounds to view its activities on Ukrainian soil as hostile. Sincerely yours, bishop Vincent Berg.
@denismorgan9742 Says:
Since the Ukrainian soldier was attacked by the FSB cleric I have been asking that the general public create a secret society to protect Ukraine churches from FSB. I would lay down a couple of ground rules 1 that they should be able to recite the most important parts of the Ukrainians constitution or have a shortened version to recite, 2 sign their own name to adhere to the constitution, I don't know about Ukraine but here if you sign your name this makes it a legal contract. There would be benefits to signing up for this, this should partially be from the church and from the government. I don't know if there is a secret society already, just putting my two pennies worth in.
@iuliandragomir1 Says:
We have also in Romania russian propagandists in clerical suits. One is in Constanta! A former comunist!
@Oendikla Says:
how it is not already banned
@ehawolczecki8759 Says:
And about time .
@Christophoros-it1qt Says:
Dear Men of Good Will, Who still exist in many "religions", but seeing the world, I doubt we are many! I know I am nobody, one who does'nt count in the eyes of the "Mighty"! But I have also talked to my God, The Incarnate God Jesus The Christ, The Man and Prince of Peace, and He tells me a whole different story, which all truly Christians should embrace - but almost all of you do not seem to. I have now been trying it in years. He says to me in my heart that in all violent conflicts, fights and wars between humans, there is only one winning-side: the Devil's, and he does not share his power with anyone, neither with Able nor with Cain, regardless the "Name' of their"religions"! Veritatis Missio
@Dude-zz9om Says:
De laatste keer dat ik Kiriil hoorde praten, sprak hij geen wijze woorden. Ik begrijp uw beslissing.
@mafi211 Says:
These are worst of all
@stever2583 Says:
About time!
@louisecorchevolle9241 Says:
this is religious persecution shame
@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
@chrismitchell4622 Says:
Great work Ukraine Russia's Church has been run by the KGB nothing has changed!
@allanvinluan3017 Says:
Hahahaha,now only….Russian Ordthodox is long time spy of Russian hahahahaha.time for washing machines…
@berndhofmann752 Says:
This is a very good movement in your society! ❤❤❤❤❤ I'm German catholic but I never would allow my government to intervene in my religious believes!
@soylentgreen6082 Says:
Espionage and deception IS the Russian religion.
@hg60justice Says:
should ban all religion. europe doesn't see the problem, but the colonized nations and those genocided to religion sure understand the problem with it. romans invented it in contstantines day.
@madhulikasaran6164 Says:
Not too soon. Slava Ukraini. !!!
@carsten9168-hs4gs Says:
Russia's Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill lives a long life of luxury in grand palaces, limousine, private jet, a team of servants and wearing expensive watches, etc. while still being a FSB spy ! Since Soviet times, all priests were forced to be KGB spies or faced arrest. Kirill's followers struggle to put bread on the table for decades while he and Putin gloat over the control of all Russian priests !
@kentalanlee Says:
Good. Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill calling the invasion of Ukraine a 'Holy War' seems to me to entitle Ukraine to ban the religion, and confiscate its properties. Very simple. Seeing Russian priests prinkling 'holy water' on tanks in their video releases, while at the same time, they were raping captives and kidnapping children, was a bit much for me. Time to shut that nasty hypocrisy down.
@camdenmcandrews Says:
100% agreement! A spy ring that calls itself a church is still a spy ring.
@EthicalTryMe Says:
Ban everything what begins with Rus....
@frankmcgowan3371 Says:
Since the church is calling for the destruction of their country I can see why.
@jafab5265 Says:
As a free Democratic Society and that is what Ukraine is, it has every legal right to ban any and all religion however, it is important to adopt, perhaps Christian religion, and the Jewish religion and Kwanzaa and Buddhist religion, wow whatever the Ukrainians feel is best for them they should see what religion the United States has and also see what religions the European Union has And see what religion the Ukrainian people want not so much the population because later on when this war is over and done with, and there is peace there could always be some sort of compromise. Many many years down the road in the US we even have the Muslim religion, we try and let people decide what religions they want to follow and there is always a separation between Church and state, but that could be worked out later on when Ukraine finally has its independence and his part of NATO and the European Union but in the meantime, I think it is with great regret Mind you that the orthodox Russian religion be put on hold and shelved for the time being who knows perhaps in the future this could change. Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 🇪🇺
@bobertjones2300 Says:
War chews up religions too. Sad, but Ukraine has to defend itself against spying.
@Grandadcm Says:
They should have jailed them
@AstroGremlinAmerican Says:
Stalin decided to keep the church in 1943 even though it goes against the teachings of Karl Marx and communism. Why? Confessions offered solid espionage, including info on the neighbors and the new guy in town. Old joke: "Forgive me father for I have sinned." "Go ahead." "I had sex with my wife six times yesterday." "My son, that's not a sin. "I know father but I just had to tell somebody!"
@RickAdamson-f5q Says:
Russia placed God in this war or should I say Mr. Putin brought that into play when Russia invaded the Country of Ukraine ! Russian Orthodox Priests became political spies for the little tzar ! Who would need something that is Russian in the Sovereign Country of Ukraine???? Go and steal from someone else ! Enough!
@42VS42 Says:
Next RU will say FSB is the Federal Spiritualism Bureau..
@ricdale7813 Says:
The ROC is nothing more than a propaganda and intelligence gathering organization pretending too be a church. They buy properties and set up shop very close too area's of interest too the Kremlin and set up as home base for their networked spying. Ban them All.
@marcalexanderraison2724 Says:
Good for Ukraine. The "church" will always be a tool for political gains and a cruel tool of people who will use it for personal gain, whether the "faithful" admits it or not. And the most accurate sign that religion has become a cult is when the "faithful" defends it fiercely. As if God needed "defenders."
@MartinLundström-l4v Says:
All I ever heard from several Russians is that Russian Orthodox church = FSB ( Sweden )
@JohnDoe-jd7oc Says:
Tks Henry. Always Straight Up. Cda.
@Tony_Lewis Says:
I am Orthodox! Under Bartholomew as my Patriarch!! I'm sure that His All Holy Ecumenical Patriarch will agree that the Moscovian Church is a real Danger to Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!!!!!!! 🇺🇲♥️🇺🇦🙏🙏🙏☦️☦️
@jpr1370 Says:
Your relationship with God and your relationship with the church are 2 different things. That is the whole point of Martin Luther and the Protestant reformation. God is Divine. The church is a human institution. Subject to all human failings. And apparently - there are plenty. Banning the russian Orthodox Church says nothing about Ukraine relationship with - the Divine.
@ryngrd1 Says:
Pootin is leader of Russia Orthodox Church. He told Carlson Tucker he doesn't believe in God. Meaning, he thinks he is God himself. Who else would bomb a children hospital?

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