There is no Internet and no truth in Russia
There is no Internet and no truth in Russia



@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
Slava Ukraine 💙 💛 ✌️ 💯 🤝 ✅️✅️
@jppalm3944 Says:
USA media is wholly funded by the Democrats
@DarkCriimes Says:
@owencallaghan8735 Says:
North Korea.
@americanpatriot4227 Says:
Well folks, you should know some American Companies are helping Russia and China with their surveillance and censorship of the internet. Here in the US - a Supreme Court Judge, Appointed by DEMOCRATS -said that the First Amendment - Freedom of speech, is a problem for Government efforts to censor here in the US. None of these actions should be tolerated here in the US. SO many of you say Trump is a threat to Democracy, yet who is working to stifle dissent? Who is working to censor and limit your rights? Ask yourself, why are Democrats acting like Russian and Chinese tyrants?
@KianFloppa Says:
Putler cut off the internet! Dont need modern stuff, stay to traditional vodka and propaganda and war! Hooray 🎉
@camdenmcandrews Says:
Average Ruski: Internet just tells me of Putin. Nothing can do about Putin; let Ukrainians deal with him. Keep Internet; don't want it. Want wokda! With enough wokda, don't have to think about Putin! Is common sense, comrade!
@chrismitchell4622 Says:
Same in China and Iran!
@soewin9784 Says:
Russia is empire of lies. Russia is notorious for it's professional liars well trained to deceive, cheat the people.
@41divad Says:
You go putie...
@shaneconnor86 Says:
what a surprise 🙂 Слава Україна 🇺🇦 з 🇦🇺
@korbell1089 Says:
I would like to say thank you to Russia and Putin...the lack of bots these past few days have been nice.🤣🤣 💙💛👍
@roberthewko6715 Says:
No YouTube in Russia now, only PutinTube: a collection of videos of Putin with his shirt off, trying to act manly.
@medusagorgo5146 Says:
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