Jesse Watters: There will be a collision with democracy and Kamala Harris
Jesse Watters: There will be a collision with democracy and Kamala Harris



@alonsorios5097 Says:
How can human beings be so stupid and biased? Four years ago, she wiped the floor with the other guy. How much money JW is paid to pass as a humongous moron. If something is embarrassing, it is watching how presumably intelligent humans are paid to pass as extreme idiots.
@DianeLippingwell-c8w Says:
Jesse Watters is thinking about men having their way with him....projection.
@The-knowing-unknownary Says:
Dodging Kamala, refusing to talk to reporters other than the approved three letter networks. Sheโ€™s a good follower. Not such an independent thought talker
@JohnJones-f8e Says:
Why is the American people paying taxes and paying for her to fly around with our money and we don't like her and don't want her
@davidprice8501 Says:
Jessica just cant shut up with her idioc remarks shes definitely running a close second place to cameltoe STUPIDITY
@mogreen2023 Says:
Jesse is a clown.
@mauraboland6842 Says:
@josephkaleel6325 Says:
I like how they were holding hands I hope he donโ€™t stray again
@tubegersh Says:
this is an election the dens are trying to steal using a hollow, self-contradicting leftist luny from Frisco(appointed not elected)pretending she's a normal "centrist". A GIANT LIE!
@leebrowntorvalds9682 Says:
Republicans are trying to make this country a monarchy. A good news to Trump is that there is 2028 another election year and there is also 2032 when he keeps looking
@leebrowntorvalds9682 Says:
Sorry she's not the first female nominee, Hilary Clinton was there before some of you Republicans are full of yourselves and full of cowardice .
@leebrowntorvalds9682 Says:
JESSE Walter if Felons shouldn't vote why should a Felon run for the highest office in the United States. You wild wing Republicans should stop being hypocritical.
@jeremydevine7339 Says:
So Harris is a newbe and with the world on fire trust and someone who nobody voted for
@Webedunn Says:
Iโ€™m embarrassed that democrats keep running and winning with the DUMBEST PPL.๐Ÿ™„
@bradbackes4177 Says:
Harris will be as good as joe is at riding a bike.
@eldiabloblanco8787 Says:
We are not a f'ing democracy we are a Republic!!!
@lauriedorsey1462 Says:
Kamala doesn't have what it takes to be POTUS. She can't even do the VP job!!!
@94dink3 Says:
You can polish a turd but itโ€™s still a turd
@katharinecharles3566 Says:
Its not right. She represents women as empty headed
@kathleenslowik.iamsointere6645 Says:
All Kamalala can do is steal from Trump all his policies. She steals, lies hides. and pretends to be important.
@johnadams5489 Says:
Harris is trying to change the rules at the debate. She wants to bring notes
@emmiii-ir3qe Says:
Jesse waters you should be ashamed. Do you have a mother??
@eemmjay8728 Says:
Imagine thinking Jessica and not Jesse is the real human trash here. You "people", because most of you are bots, are really delusional.
@erickamekonapeper4007 Says:
Anyone 4:00 else smell chicken noodle soup and cat box when you see Jessica? ๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ––๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@bobbyveirs5689 Says:
Is that former wwe wrestler brodus clay lmaoo random asf
@calvinbridges3701 Says:
People not knowing Kamala Harris or understanding her by now something's very wrong with their ears and their eyes ! Can't help to wonder if Karen's are Democrats ?๐Ÿ˜ฎ
@endorphinstudios2023 Says:
I always change the channel as soon as Tyrus starts talking. If I wanted to get my news from a bully I would watch the Lawrence O'Donnell show. F*** you, Tyrus.
@johnadams5489 Says:
The Clapping Seals that were at the DNC Convention would vote for Bozo the Clown if he were the Democrat Candidate for POTUS. Some people never learn.
@JamesLocke-v5z Says:
Wait till they recieve their false Messiah... God has said I will send strong delousion into the world because most people would rather believe the lies and be sent to hell rather than believe the truth and be blessed
@janesnipes7797 Says:
I like your show...until Jessica speaks. Get rid of her.
@jackiemason6537 Says:
esse Watters can sit around a "Round Table" and throw insults at women while Jeanne and Dana sits there like two dumb blonds and laughs. What his wife doesn't realize is a man who flattens your tires and thinks its a legitimate "pick up" line is a man who forces his dominance over woman to render them helpless. His profile is a Misogynist and a potential future killer or rapist. These type of men not only claim dominance over women but demand it. IF it wasn't for his money and position, his wife, like all other women would steer clear of such a tactic. But he brags about it endearingly, planting the seed for other men to copy. He could have chosen better words for Kamala than "men having their way with her" but his brain "CHOSE" not to. Saying men who vote for women are women in themselves should have gotten him off the air a while ago. But FOX being FOX put women around the table to demonstrate these women like Jeanne and Dana know "THEIR PLACE". Women cannot be President. The IQ of his listeners to those with intelligence is astounding. Shameful
@fate6877 Says:
Jesse is the worst! What a clown ๐Ÿ˜‚
@fate6877 Says:
Jesse is the worst! What a clown ๐Ÿ˜‚
@fate6877 Says:
Jesse is the worst! What a clown ๐Ÿ˜‚
@dudeleb6365 Says:
And to the Jessica Tarlov pointโ€ฆ if I know that sheโ€™s on, Iโ€™m not watching. She really is insufferable.
@dudeleb6365 Says:
A 60 yo guy wearing white shoesโ€ฆ not important but still ridiculous.
@allenpullman-ki2pd Says:
Harris is a Marxist/Communist. Walz is a coward. If they are elected they will "hand over the keys to the country" to the Chinese Communists.
@ianbarber311 Says:
JT warning, 3:15 - 4:40.
@MichaelEdgington-l4p Says:
What is she going to do, when she does it?
@zsoltrolinek9554 Says:
Jessica is delusional!
@jennmcdavitt3782 Says:
Is pathetic that people would vote for her with no information.
@sandralester9706 Says:
Jesse Waters has mommy issues. She couldn't answer questions until she was fully nominated. You should stop spreading lies! Jesse, the mommas boy, is disguting! Fox news will be remembered as trumps boot lickers and america wont forget how Fox wants to bring back jim Crow. Fair warning jim Crow will look different in 2025. We wont go back!
@danheany5592 Says:
Jessica just told us how stupid their voter base is. They dont care about her talking, they just want her to win.
@johnleonard8651 Says:
Here we go again I told you every time sheโ€™s on the show. I will turn it off. I will not watch.
@sdsultenfuss3276 Says:
One more all True Americans...STOP WATCHING FOX NEWS! Not only will you get better quality news watching anyone else, but your IQ's will immediately increase!
@sdsultenfuss3276 Says: own all American women an apology for your horrible, sexist, misogynist comment about Kamala Harris as a leader among generals. She is smarter than you when she is asleep!! Also, get rid of the low rent car salesman hairdo. Perhaps then your brain can function better , although not likely!
@mozeltoff Says:
@mozeltoff Says:
๐Ÿšซ๐Ÿซla. BULL๐Ÿ’ฉ
@kevinpugh7619 Says:
She seems to do alright when she has bumper bar's in front of her like Biden, since 2021 & when she was in California, she had Willie Brown ( I presume on the name). Now she's supposed to be the leader of the Country & she is shitting herself because EVERYBODY will see who she really is!!!
@benny9882 Says:
jesse needs to go ... before the bosses get rid of him. It'll only cost the powers that be a few hundred million if jw keeps making sexist remarks

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