🔴 WATCH NOW: The Rundown
🔴 WATCH NOW: The Rundown



@ralphedmonton Says:
hamas is playing games. they have no honest intensions. they aree barbarians.
@shanincoffer6455 Says:
Allah had written he is the greatest deceiver. Not my God. JEHOVAH never claimed to be a deceiver ❤
@rinachaniago-hw2zo Says:
Iran & Russia Is A Two Danger State-Enemy For The Israel - Ukraine Democracy Country Then I Hope For America + Nato Ally To Providing A Military Assistance Aid's Including The New Ultimate Secret Weapon Arsenal Like HIMARS ROCKETS For Them 🖥⌨️🖲💻🕹🚀 When The UN Assembly & ICC To Also Condemnt About A Racist Violence Activity In The Moeslim Population Country Like A Bangladesh Largest Riots Event When The Hindu Minority Group Who Killed By A Local Islamist-Radical Gangster ☠️👆 If A Iran Proxy Government To Want Making The Total Scale-Regional War's Then Possibly This A Teheran Dictator Regime To Having The Big Trouble Crisis Like A Iraq Tragic Case By The Saddam Hussein Ruler In 1991 When The Iraqi National Guard Army To Invading A Quwait Neighbor Country To Result The Iraq Damage Destruction Inside On A Gulf Wars Conflict By The Dessert Storm Opperation of A Largest Coalition Strike! 🤖🌍🔫 ISMAEL-HANIYEH Is Death By A Time Bomb Detonation From The Iran Military-Building Complex In A Their Secret Location Nearby The Islamic Revolutioner National Guard Base With A Intensive Plan's Design For Along Time On The Internal Behind Agenda From Them Selves Versions ✍️📓📐🧾 Stand & Pray For The IDF Soldiers Unit To Saving Then Protecting A Israel Nation People's With The Fighting Spirit Never Give-Up Forever On A Lion-Heart Warrior Anytime , Shalom Aleichem God Bless To All of You For The Peace-Harmony Every Where ! 🕊 The Origin of Anti-Semitsm Ideology By A Iraqi Moeslim Ruler ( IMAM ALI MUHFTI ) As The Brutality Nazi-Germany Leader { ADOLF HITLER } Partnership Alliance To Want Destroy A Western Democracy State Such As The British Empire & A France Government In The Middle-East Peninsula After A Turkey Ottoman Collapse On The World Wars 2 1911-18 ! 😈👺🕌 Mean While The Iran Syiah Regime To Want Helped By A Putin Dictator Tyrant To Will Destroy The Western Coalition Alliance Like America , European-NATO & Israel Government , Okay Go Head If A Teheran Islamist Chaliphate To Making The Global Scale Conflicts Tobe A World-Wars 3 And Then Ali-Khameini Leader To Probably Death Like Ossama Bin Laden or Mr. Sadam Hussein 😆👏 Penemuan Besar Science Technology Itu Sebagian Besar Adl Ilmuan2Non-Muslim Contoh Nyata *"Thomas Alpha-Edisson Junior Dgn Ciptaan nya Beliau Yg Terkenal Bohlam-Listrik Berikut Temuan Lainnya ( Sekering Arus Pendek , Gramopone Cikal Bekal Perekam Suara~Bunyian Utk Radio Atau Telpon DST ) Jika Dia Tdk PernahTerlahir Maka Seluruh-Dunia Akan Gelap~Gulita Kembali Ke Zaman-Batu Tinggal Didlm Gua Yg Lembab-Basah Dingin Penuh Kuman-Penyakit + Terkaman Binatang Buas Di Dlmnya , Buat Netizen Kadrunista Nggak Usah Bangga2in Ajaran Nabimu Blm Jelas Keberadaan Fakta-Nyata Sejarahnya Itu Udah Banyak Di Kaji Oleh Pakar Sejarah *'Ilmu Perbandingan Agama-Budaya Peradaban Manusia'* Di Universitas Di Eropa Barat Jangan Cuma Klaim Sepihak Berdasarkan *Dongeng Fantasi Masa-Lalu* Oleh Tokoh2Religis Zaman Bahula Saja ✍️👁👂 NB : Sejujurnya Berdasarkan Fakta-Nyata Sejarah Indonesia Ini Bisa Merdeka Krn Faktor Luar : Jepang Menyerah Dlm Perang-Dunia Ke-2 Oleh Sekutu Setelah Ke-2 Kotanya Di Bom-Atom ( Penemuan Ilmuwan Amerika-Yahudi *"Robert J Oppenheimer"* Dlm Proyek Manhattan Di Los-Alamos 1943-45 ) & Thn 1946-49 Kerajaan Belanda Invasi Indonesia Yg Baru Merdeka Krn Dianggap Tdk Syah Hanya Melalui Pihak Kekaisaran Jepang Sbg Pihak Yg Kalah Dlm Perang-Dunia Ke-2 Tsb 1937-45 Setelah Itu Barulah Benar2 Indonesia Lepas-Total Dari Kolonialisme Belanda Thn 1950 Akibat Tekanan Dari Amerika Serikat Melihat Jatuh-Korban Di Pihak Sipil Indonesia Sendiri Krn Kalah Dlm Jumlah Peralatan Tempur Lewat Perjanjian Di Kapal-Perang USS-Renville Thn 1947 Lampau Tsb , Jadi Klaim Indonesia Merdeka Krn Berkat Jasa Ulama Islam Atau Habib Dari Imigran Yaman Tsb Itu Semuanya Omong-Kosong Hanya Berdasarkan Pengakuan Sepihak Tdk Ada Datanya Bisa Di Pertanggung-Jawabkan 🕵✍️🌏 Ironisnya Makam Nabi Yussuf Atau Jossef Termasuk Nabi Yg Hrs Wajib Di Imani Bahkan Di Hargai Oleh Umat-Islam Tapi Malah Jama'ah Ibrani-/Yahudi Di Serang Dizolimi Oleh Extrimist Muslim-Palestina Itu Pertanda Kaum Radikal-Khilafah-Islam Ini Munafik Total Durhaka Dgn Ajaran Kitab-$ucinya Sendiri Yakinlah Agama Si Muhammed Tsb Bakal Sulit Bertahan Lama Jikalau Kaum nya Sendiri Mengingkari Keyakinan Kepercayaan Bentuk Iman-Aqidahnya , Jadi Kadrunista Mikir Pakai Jiwa-Hati Yg Bersih Suci-Murni Jauh Dari Segala-Macam Dogma Kebencian Yg Merupakan Warisan Budaya Leluhur Pagan Barbarian Padang-Pasir Gersang Arabia Kuno Tempo Dulu Kala 🎉😮 Sampai Kini Kadrunista Di Negeri Konoha Tetap Yakin Hamas Akan Menang Perang Krn Di Bela Tentara Allah Bersama 1000 Malaikat Jibril & Iran Akan Menjadikan Negara-Israel Menjadi Api-Neraka Dunia Itu Cuplikan Berita Di Viva. Com Dasar Bodoh Sekali Iran Jika Berani Perang Besar Akan Hancur-Lebur Spt Irak Ketika Menduduki Tetangganya Kuwait Dlm Perang-Teluk 1 Thn 1990-91 Lalu Hingga Pemimpin Mereka Saddam-Hussein Di Hukum Gantung Thn 2006 Lampau Padahal Irak Kala Kekuatan-Militernya No#4 Terbesar Di Dunia Setelah Amerika Serikat , Uni-Soviet ( Sekarang Russia ) , Republik Rakyat China / RRC-Tiongkok __ Mikir Dong Wartawan Kadrunista Indonistan-Raya Pake Analisa Yg Akurat Jangan Sekedar Tebak-Manggis Jika Semua Pengusaha-Yahudi Kaya-Raya Di Seluruh Dunia Kompak Indonesia Pendukung Hamas Bakal Di Hajar-Habis Spt Kasus-Krismon 1998-99 Hanya Krn Aksi Konon Katanya Oleh 1 Wiraswastawan Yahudi-Amerika Terkenal *"George Soros"* Yg Di Tuduh Oleh Mantan PM.Malaysia Sbg Biang-Keladi Krisis Finansial Global Di Kawasan Asia-Pasifik Itu Walaupun Tdk Ada Bukti Fakta-Nyata Utk Mendukung Argumentasi Tudingan Serius Tsb! 🤑👍 Berita Terbaru Krn Sekarang IDF Akan Lakukan Serangan Besar2an Ke Libanon-$elatan Utk Hancurkan Posisi Milisi Hezbollah & Sebentar Lagi Libanon Selatan Akan Menjadi Jalur-Gaza Ke Dua Mendingan Pasukan-Perdamaian PBB Termasuk TNI Garuda 1-2-3 Mundur Saja Nggak Usah Ikutan Konflik Dgn Israel Beresiko-Besar Siapa Mau Tanggung Bayar Biaya Asuransi Kematian Mereka Ini Krn Dana APBN Tambah Seret Habis Terpakai Utk Donasi 😢🎉 0:07
@margieenriquez1646 Says:
Just pray for your country in this hard time tounite not to acuse support your govt your enemy laugh at you when yuour in chaos...thats the trick of the devil
@Tom-kt8lu Says:
Bibi will drag the whole country down with him.
@Trenl7 Says:
This was a very decent segment it just should habe been more in depth instead of superficial
@denniswright-kw9bm Says:
Israel needs to give back what doesn't belong to them,and stop treating Palestinians like animals,only the will there be peace.
@denniswright-kw9bm Says:
Netanyahu never wanted a deal no matter what,hence haniye, and adding more demands,insisting on IDF on the Philadelphia corridor despite them telling him there is no need ,the world can see Israel's true intentions, Biden needs to stop Israel, he's the only one who can save the hostages.
@Trenl7 Says:
Why can't you microphone the people correctly I have to listen to their heavy breathing this is ridiculous
@eldeesantos1167 Says:
Egypt is always Israelis enemy..Philadelpia tunnel is the proof..please be aware !!!
@SnoopyDoofie Says:
These two old men talking about using tech to protect the Philidalphea corridor is just dumb. That's what Israel did along the entire border of Gaza and look what that got them. Some people just never learn. To hell with Egypt. Israel needs to do what is right and boots on the border is the only solution.
@mirijayjay1963 Says:
There won’t be peace with these terrorists no matter what they will attack again
@angelesespinosasoria7250 Says:
México 🇲🇽♥️ Loves Israelí 🕎🇮🇱 Blessing 🇮🇱
@julieespinoza9682 Says:
@RichardJones-xg2ve Says:
Do not let the UN dictate war policy israel, they do not have your best interest in mind. They are why this war started in the first place.
@Amelia.B-12 Says:
IDF, get your ppl the abductees, not via a “deal” but the Abraham way….just go get them
@larachelarache6024 Says:
Hamas doit payer la facture hizb lah et Iron les démocrates pensent au élections
@juliejohnson6559 Says:
Shalom irael :praying for you all :praying for the two witnesses to come: to sort this out :god bless isael and god bless yewsalum and. god be with you all always Amen England 🙏
@jp4567x Says:
Creator... Lord of Abraham/Jesus Christ controls history. USGovernment/DOJ murdered my South American ✡️✝️🇬🇧🇺🇸 Mother and destroyed all of her property via fraud.... 1800s, ✡️Ancestors were kicked out of Haifa for "insurrection activities against the Arabs." That beautiful limestone home by the Mediterranean, owned by some beautiful Jews🇮🇱💃
@sandyheller5438 Says:
The hostages are not the first priority it is protecting the rest of Israel and winning the war. Sad. 💕💕💕
@ronnied8179 Says:
George Soros funded uprisings all U.N foreign students should be demanded to leave the country 13:29
@emmanuelliutongco6091 Says:
In my psychic reading Sinwar is in Egypt together with 18 hostages. They are all male hostages. My psychic reading in hostages in Gaza is not good.
@josevega4698 Says:
the Biden administration haven't deal or support Israel the way its should be. Lebanon continue firing missile and rockets from the south of Lebanon displacing thousands of people from the north of Israel I can imaginet
@John-me7tx Says:
@JosifSuclea-ue6kz Says:
USA doesn’t care About Israel Biden/Obama Administration wants Pm BiBi out
@JosifSuclea-ue6kz Says:
I ❤❤❤Israel Always Shalom Sabbath and GBY IDF Angels
@cathyontong5324 Says:
Thank you Israel for fighting for a world free of terrorists. WE SALUTE YOU ! and down with every anti-semite government, they deserve what they are getting ! ! If they don't fight anti-semitism, they are strengthening islamism so, ........they don't deserve pity while they insist on being SOFT ON ISLAMISM ! !
@LesterBarrett-y9g Says:
It seems that those who are insisting on a deal now, and have been all along are showing a complete disregard for the hostages that will be taken in the future, which could easily be in the thousands. If Hamas prisoners are released, it could be possible that another few Sinwars will be released too. I say the best bet is to trust the Government and the IDF. If Bibi had given in to a deal six months ago, as he was pressured to do, Hamas would already have reconstituted by now. There is now telling how much damage they could have done in that time, as they promised to do. The pressure to restart a war against them would also have met with much more resistance than the first time.
@cathyontong5324 Says:
IS BENYAMEN NETANYAHU an anti-semite ! DID BENYAMEN NETANYAHU expel the hostages to GAZA ? IS BENYAMEN NETANYAHU responsible for 75 years of conflict ? DID BENYAMEN NETANYAHU just flood the RED SEA with oil ? ISRAELIS, is your way of thinking cock-eyed or what ? While there is division between the ISRAELI government and the ISRAELI people, the hands OF THE ALMIGHTY are tied. THE ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY needs to be crushed otherwise there will be MANY MORE ISRAELI deaths and hostages in the future , than 105 in captivity NOW !
@cathyontong5324 Says:
Shame on the ISRAELI people for not standing in unity with NETANYAHU . Shame on the ISRAELI people for being ONE TRACK MINDED in cohorts with the MURDERERS of IRAN AND ITS IDEOLOGICAL ALLIES !
@cathyontong5324 Says:
@cathyontong5324 Says:
Do the people of ISRAEL not realise that a ""ceasefire deal"" and means that the people of the north will not be able to return to their homes because after such a deal ALL ISRAEL will still be under future threat of fire from GAZA and LEBANON indefinitely !
@MrMoriGee Says:
Is this nothing but a Netanyahu hate channel ??? There seems to be more condemnation against Bibi than of Biden and his Hamass brigade !
@PaulOPC-rc9wn Says:
You don't know anything. You want him to sign a deal that will tie the whole lsra3l down? You want them to rearm and repeat Oct 7th again? You want him to give up after all the sacrifices?
@MrMoriGee Says:
Biden is "allowing" Israel to defend itself much the way a boxer would be allowed to block his opponent's punches BUT not allowed to hit back !!
@MrMoriGee Says:
In the near and distant future what will the parents and loved ones killed by Arabs say when they discover the the murderers of their loved ones had been released from Israeli prisoners in return for hostages ?? Does the name Yahya Sinwar recall a memory ????
@williamglaser6577 Says:
It is wrong and very sad that you are attacking your government for the plight of the Hostages, when Hamas is to blame, put you anger against them where it belongs.
@lilliandozier9604 Says:
Thank you Israel for fighting for a world free of terrorist. Sorry for all the nice soldiers that lost their lives in combat.May they rest in peace. 🕯️🥇🏆🥺🙏🏼
@SD-ww3hy Says:
So you want to electronically monitor the Philadelphia corridor when everyone has said rhe reason for the invasion on October 7th was because of relying on technology instead of having soldiers. I sure don't get it
@martingross9588 Says:
I would also have to think that though Egypt is Israel's as in a peace treaty with Israel I have to think there are probably still people within the framework of their society that can't stand Israel regardless of 40 years of peace between us and I say us I'm an American Jew I'm not really in Israel but I've experienced anti-Semitism right here in the country I was born into America I fully understand I'm not really a practicing Jew oh yeah I got permits with yes I went to Hebrew school I'm out of practicing Jew but be that as of May I've been singled out in my society from the time I was a kid on as a Jew so I fully understand the hatred against my people disgusted with it I seen that hatred from so-called Christians I see that hatred within the Muslims we're all Semitic people when it comes down to it when you're talking about the Jews I have known that you know they are Chinese Jews and I really do mean not door synagogue they are around 900 AD never thought they're into married now with over a thousand years of living in China on the Chinese people of course they into married but literally you're with Chinese too since they are African Jews The Jews to me have no real ethnicity they stem from a comment ancestry but it's mainly people who live a life based 613 laws mitzvahs directives due to the diaspora over the several thousand years people who followed the Jewish faith what dispersed throughout the world and therefore intermarried with the peoples that they lived amongst if they carried forth the religion through the centuries they are Jews regardless of the intermingling with other people's from other parts of the world so the most ironic thing I can find is that the Jewish faith became a codified religion 3500 years ago with a group of people who eventually were called Israelites and then Jews they lived in a land in the Middle East had a kingdom several times got invaded and destroyed several times and got kicked out of their original homeland yet when you say they were kicked out of their original homeland there were plenty of Jews that live there for those 3,000 years Believe that not every Jew left The area that's how you ended up with originally Jews throughout the Middle East they weren't all European Jews they were Moroccan Jews they were Turkish Jews there are Armenian Jews story I mean I can go on and on and on you want to talk about ethnic cleansing these Jews were told since 1948 to get the f*** out of those respective countries either leave or die so they left came to Israel the newly formed state so you have Yemen yemeni Jews from Yemen on Lebanon Jews Iraqi Jews American Jews of European descent hey according to the religion I'm going to I am one of descended from Aaron Moses brother wow that's far back some might think that's just the story that I might dad told me but his father told him that and the father before his father told him that all the way down the line so though I am an American Jew of Hungarian descent I'm supposed to somewhere in the distant past be related to Aaron Moses brother the priests of the holy Temple have some I think that be a fable have my parents told me but I know this going back to my great great great great grandfather that was known by my father and his father they were all Jews so that could be going back at least a thousand years and probably a lot more that this has been passed on from generation to generation as to what tribe you're from That is why every Jew in the world considers Israel their second home since 1948 I know at 71 years old I do even though I haven't claimed citizenship would like to go to Israel sometime in the future before I leave this earth I'm going to leave this comments off now I'm going to sign off with this prayer long live Israel long live The Hope of a real homeland that every Jew yearns for
@lizbethglickman2725 Says:
Natasha, it is so critical to get on top of PTSD. I experienced zero help the past decade in Boston, Massachusetts. They don't know what they do. I spent years helping combat soldiers in NC. Boston is a disaster. I expect Israel to do a far better job. Without help, one has no life .
@imisstoronto3121 Says:
Stop the flow of $$$$ to Hezbollah. Stop the salaries of these “soldiers”
@ManuelRamiterre-yl9yf Says:
Hamas demands hostages deal and ceasefire is mockery !!
@margasa8548 Says:
When the left pressured for the release of Gilad Shalt, they created the 7th of October. Now, they want to give back Philadelphia Pass. It's not Bibi doing politics, it's the security of the people of Israel.
@martingross9588 Says:
I have a question for anyone there are sensors are there not sensors like electronic sensors sonar something to that effect that sense when movement is happening on the ground in other words for you to put a tunnel somewhere across the border they have to dig underneath I don't care if it's 30 40 50 100 ft underneath we have sensors from what I understand that sends earthquakes so how the hell can they not take electronics sink in the sensors deep into the ground the whole length of the border I don't care if it's 20 mi or a hundred miles put these sensors in the ground they have to dig tunnels The digging of the tunnels create noise that sonar ground understanding sonar should be able to sense thus locating that source you can literally pinpoint bombs to blow it up or take it out some way they have to dig those tunnels that creates noise even if it's deep underground That's to my understanding and I'm just a layman
@blr759 Says:
Trusting Arabs....HOW has that worked...SO FAR????????????????????????
@blr759 Says:
"Monitoring without Presence"....HOW did THAT Work Out on October 7????????????????????????
@jasminevanwyk1906 Says:
Shalom Israel 🇮🇱 trust in the Lord for Victory against these evil monsters. IDF stay strong and brave. We Christians of South Africa stand and praying for Israel . 🙏❤️
@birgittanachmann2775 Says:
Good job IDF. I believe you are doing everything you can to protect our people ! Thank you our Heros! ❤❤❤
@denniswright-kw9bm Says:
Hasn't Netanyahu worked out that the US won't allow Israel to move Palestinians into the Sinai or jordan no matter what, the hardest days for Israel have yet to dawn.

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