'SENSELESS': The Democrats' policy reality is 'ugly'
'SENSELESS': The Democrats' policy reality is 'ugly'



@realnowheregirl Says:
Still talking about mask mandates? This man is so out of touch.
@David-s7g7r Says:
Wexwikmekko.B YREF SEF. DXAZSFOUGGN F D FG T8 VIGGT UU 0:58 0:58 😅
@marygarrison2126 Says:
That funds the Democratic party! Our education today, is all Propaganda.... Their policies are awful... Dumbing down our children..
@noneofyourbusiness-u6i Says:
I notice how some people support Harris by saying that she has a personality, is funny, and enjoys her life. Yeah, these are the lambs in our society who can't think for themselves because their perception of reality is completely being controlled and manipulated. This is no different than living in an "equal and free" society--communism=totalitarian regime=the Matrix. I would just say that hope they will enjoy living in poverty and famine in a few years when everybody else money is running out, just like how CA is turning out to be! These people should be banned from moving into red states!
@4touchdownsinonegame178 Says:
Do you know what's funny? Donald Trump claims that he could have won California in 2020 😀😃😄😁
@larrydraper1620 Says:
All Fox news and CNN and maybe like good luck with your own business Joe and employees and emergency services and Donald Harris go home to Pentagon and UFO and 51 and federal employees NASA to see if they can take care about it to me to see 💯 Lawer DV
@midwestron8576 Says:
At least when Joe was running the country, someone smarter than Joe was really running the country. With Kamala, she is stupider than Joe, and she will actually try to run the country. Her policies are some kind of fairy tale.
@darlenegoodall7797 Says:
Democrats are too expensive.their policy is tax and spend
@darlenegoodall7797 Says:
Taxpayers fund svhools you idiots
@grandaddyoe1434 Says:
Kamala won’t disclose her plans for the next four years or she’d be arrested, not elected . . .
@ChristineMaentz Says:
How can she be so concerned about “our children” when she supports abortion up to the day of birth? Satan in high heals and ill fitting suit!
@markbn2883 Says:
Stop the evil vote for Trump 🇺🇸
@hellohello-cu1ug Says:
*saw this too* - If we J*UST leave it to* individuals and organizations looking to maximize their economic interests, we get *grotesque* concentration of wealth, barriers to entry, &destructive negative externalities, and theExploitation of the public commons by those with wealth and power....
@hellohello-cu1ug Says:
*continued* - .....'The economy driven by *theHypothetical self-interested and perfectly rational players only works* with robust antitrust enforcement; allowing those offering labor into the economy to collectively bargain; laws preventing environmental degradation, harsh labor conditions, stock manipulation, etc.; and public control of public resources
@hellohello-cu1ug Says:
*continued* - .....And there are *legitimate arguments to be made that certain goods and services* -- clean water, clean air, safe workplaces, transportation services, food, shelter -- cannot be wholly distributed by "the economy" because we as a nation have decided that no one should be priced out of accessing these items.
@i_am_nature22 Says:
Trump Cult BRAIN WORMS have infected the entire GOP
@chamay9078 Says:
Kameleon Harris speech at DNC was senseless bS talk she is in the VP position for the last 3.5 years. Why is nothing done ?
@i_am_nature22 Says:
GOP hate American workers, but love giving giant $$$ Tax Cuts to Billionaires and CEOs $$$. For decades the GOP have been giving welfare to the rich at the expense of the poor. Reagan/GOP was one of the first to steal from the poor and middle class through his policy of 'p*ss down' economics and contribute to wealth inequality in the USA. Enough is enough. Vote blue!!!
@YvetteJirsaraie-c4u Says:
This is Spiritual warfare so watch and pray as God reveals the deception and lies behind this woke narrative.
@YvetteJirsaraie-c4u Says:
It is written in the Bible what God will do to anyone harming his children. 🔥
@justsaying3753 Says:
Don't put your knee pads in storage Harris
@DinkinFlicka11 Says:
All you have to do is ask a lib whos going to pay for their candyland policies? Their answer? The rich, because they have dont have econ 101 education. Libs are the dumbest among us
@DinkinFlicka11 Says:
Kids read at the lowest rate in decades, why does this dude have a job? Oh right, because libs dont care about your kids unless its showing them deranged drg shows and transing them. Libs are disgusting clowns
@bosse641 Says:
THEY are ugly. ...and I'm not speaking of outward appearance.
@billferris5292 Says:
I can't stand this incompetant dingbat.
@johngoodlim7393 Says:
Karma Harris is not qualified for the President of US! American! Are you serious? Do you really think she is enough for the president of world number one country? Wake up US citizen!!! please~
@shtran8 Says:
Horrible Harris this is not a laughing factor and she’s toying with the American people lives.
@shtran8 Says:
Super crazy and stupidity laugh and what a failure for 3.5 years of VP role. Horrible Harris never win as a primary in the first place. Her name is invalid on a ticket on 2024 election. Horrible Harris laugh so loud and obnoxious. When Horrible Harris laugh every single question with an interviewer should the interviewer should feel insult and mock.
@shtran8 Says:
Horrible Harris only pretend to cares about public education then can she explain why many children still growing up with illiterate then end up with so much debits while attending college.
@shtran8 Says:
Horrible Harris only pretend to cares about public education then can she explain why many children still growing up with illiterate then end up with so much debits while attending college.
@JoelVorensky Says:
Oliva Troye the former Republican advisor to former Vice President Pence declared that Trump’s attitude toward his supporters is “BASEMENT DWELLERS” AND “DISGUSTING PEOPLE”. Trump KILLED, KILLED, KILLED THE BIPARTISAN IMMIGRATION AGREEMENT AND CAUSED INFLATION BY BALOONING DEBT BY 8 TRILLION! Trump lies, lies, lies when he opens his mouth (lies distancing himself from Project 2025! Remember Trump is a CON, NARCISSISTIC, DICTATORIAL, AUTHORITARIAN, AND CONVICTED FELON ON 34 COUNTS and ACCORDING TO TROYE LAYING THE GROUNDWORK TO UNDERMINE THE 2024 ELECTION! VOTE HARRIS/WALTZ!
@tranghoang2467 Says:
@tranghoang2467 Says:
@TB7-X Says:
Fox is still on air? I thought they’d have to shutter the doors after loosing that massive lawsuit to Dominion. Fox is in court as much as Trump. Peas in a pod🫛 🤣.
@kenmclemore523 Says:
Uhm, Kamala, the US Dept. of Ed. does NOT "fund" public schools; state and local taxes fund public schools' operations under state and local authority... the DOE administers supplemental monies funded by Congress for auxiliary programs but has trapped most local schools into federal mandates in order maintain that money... KDM
@internetfactcheck Says:
“Kamala is very vague in her policy”… proceeds to give very vague explanations about why her policies have been so bad and why schools have suffered because of all those darn black and brown people.
@tammy9823 Says:
Trump/Vance 2024🇺🇲
@shirleyandrews1152 Says:
In the Project 2025 Repubs want to eliminate the Dept of Education. Like tRump said “I like the ppl who r dumb”.
@lukeabrams9438 Says:
Did Hegseth miss Kamala`s lie that the Federal Dept of Education funds our schools when in fact most school funding is provided at the state and local level. Of course Hegseth missed it. He is mostly show and little substance.
@brianfraser4864 Says:
Remind me again, What’s the trump infrastructure policy. What’s the trump health care policy? What’s the trump immigration policy? Trump is a convicted rapist, felon, tax cheat, draft dodger. The only thing that matters is the vote totals. Trump is behind in all the polls. Check the actual numbers and don’t listen to the talking heads. Check out the new group endorsing Harris, HV4H. Haley Voters 4 Harris. Haley voters number 3-10 times the previous trump win margin in the key battleground states. Just that group has enough to swing the election to Harris. Add in the other Republican groups that are saying never again to trump and it’s easy to predict trump’s loss. Say what you want, the facts don’t care about your feelings. Trump is crashing.
@robertkedl3595 Says:
Harris you are absolutely crazy to think what ever comes out of mouth literally makes a dam bit of sense. I will greatly add this point, the people who are given you any information that Is to be your plans for your presidency. Are by far the most uninformed and unintelligent people ever. To those people, please do the American people a hugh favori either go get educated on what ever field of work you are in, are go back to school to get more education. Because you obviously do not know what in the hell you are doing. Please stop putting your sense into things if you can not use one very thing in life which common sense because know of have it. The time has come for you to stop making everyone’s life hard for your incompetence and hatred towards ever tax paying America.
@JoyceJones-l5g Says:
That’s stupid!What Cackling said! Made no sense! What a idiot she is! No wonder she got nothing accomplished at the Southern Border!!
@RocBoy317 Says:
Those are BAD things!!!!????? FOX NEWS IS A JOKE😂😂😂😂
@imCXS-zh2yt Says:
Why are the democrats funding illegal alien support services while citizens pay more for food and housing?
@bthompson1767 Says:
Democrats are for communist, diversity, gays, transvestites, and their donors
@oldmantex374 Says:
Not near as ugly as Trump with all of his lies, hate, vitriol and corruption......he spreads all of the worst traits of all..... a truly despicable human being on all counts.
@hunterhunt7204 Says:
Kamala needs to read the Bible. Jesus is to reform her not to lie everyday, everyone, everywhere, everytime and everywhere.
@LindaAddley Says:
Orange is a 9 year nightmare make him go away..and take his brain washed cult with you
@ticleve2 Says:
I would love to see Kamala interviewed by Jiminy Glick.

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