'Highly-produced' DNC 'was an ABOMINATION of authoritarianism': Mark Levin
'Highly-produced' DNC 'was an ABOMINATION of authoritarianism': Mark Levin



@DahHar117 Says:
I just watched it again and I'm appalled at "she'll show a little ankle" !!!!
@kenkobbevik7025 Says:
What a joke end of times revalions Bible read it's scary no one wins
@Astrid-jt8cd Says:
Right me. Levin
@The-knowing-unknownary Says:
One nation under god for which it stands. That is as it has been agreed upon since 1776. Not perfect, flawed but is functional for the whole country. Doesnโ€™t matter race or gender. Plot is evident when citizens only focus on race and gender, fairness or meany name calling
@daysrcdays Says:
Mark, your a constutitional lawyer, correct? Donald said to your face he had the right to interfere with the election. YOU DIDN'T SAY A WORD?????????? Did you go deaf? Did you fall asleep? Did a coma set in? Did Donald so blow your mind that you fell silent?
@ItsMr.G Says:
I ๐Ÿ’œ you 2 beautiful hero friend ๐Ÿ’– โ€ฆ.> Love you ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐ŸŒช๏ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธYES!!!!
@Isga123 Says:
PUBLIC LAW 107โ€“347โ€”DEC. 17 2002
@joannkeen7145 Says:
Thank you for your diligence in keeping us aware of what is going and what is happening to America!๐Ÿ‡ฑ๐Ÿ‡ท
@davidmichaels4285 Says:
What happened to same day voting paper ballots only what happened to that why do you change that and why we want prosperity back we want Trump
@davidmichaels4285 Says:
As a former lifelong Democrat the DNC was horrible all they spewed was hating lies and propaganda it was nothing truthful .it was Trump bad Trump bad let's manipulate the masses and it just seemed more like power and control and putting the American people first it was absolutely appalling
@judycarter538 Says:
The Lord Jesus Christ our only hope
@CarrieMcComas-yw4cq Says:
Mr. Levin, abomination is one of my most descriptive words ever since the installation of Barack Obama! I began using it as, Obamanation!
@RobertBithorn-ul4fm Says:
Mark Just remember that we have about 62 million veterans. Who took an oath to the constitution against all Foreign and domestic enemies. Thank you from Ex Army Veteran.
@AnthonyCrier-ck9qj Says:
Our Texas governor Greg Abbott of the great ๐Ÿ‘ Red โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ Republican state ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿค  of Texas is the greatest governor that Texas ever had in the history of time thanks ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘ governor your the best ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ˜Š America vote Red โ™ฅ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ for ๐Ÿ‘‘ King president Donald j Trump to maga ๐Ÿ˜Š
@sunrise1776 Says:
The right nerds to stop surrendering to the left. Have the courage of Donald J Trump take no prisoners from the liberal communist left.
@rachelwolff8923 Says:
Thanks for sharing and all you do๐Ÿ˜˜
@deborahcady4100 Says:
It will take an act of God to save our country.
@royhancock1817 Says:
The Bible says that in the days just before the return of Jesus that they(evil people) shall take the truth and and turn it into lies, and a lie into truth. They shall call a good man evil such as the way that they(evil people) are doing Trump and they shall call an evil man good such as Biden, Harris, Clintons, and Obama. Evil shall abound and wax worse and worse. God will have to cut the time short to save even the very elect; according to his Holy word. We are sureky living in those days. His return is very near..
@royhancock1817 Says:
Stay strong and truthful. It really bothers me that so many are so deceived. We need to really pray and not just pray but to truely live for God, Jehovah and FAST IN PRAYER.
@Richard-or5yg Says:
You stated "how did our country get to this poor state we are in". The answer is"you must discover and squash the corruption quickly so it cannot grow and spread its teticles. Although the "Clinton's "were scandal after scandal the rot started with O'bama. When he finally came up with "fake birth certificate #1" we should have acted on that and stayed with it. Only Donald Trump spoke up but got no support and we just did not pursue . Thats where it started.
@Richard-or5yg Says:
By far the majority of the citizens in the US like Donald Trump more than Harris. But these polls,like the Democratic party,are so crooked . Dont allow yourself to be blackpilled. Get out and vote Trump/Vance 2024โคโค and closely monitor the election.
@Cappy291 Says:
With all of the commentary and insights. I have 2 questions. 1 How did we allow our country to get to this point? 2. Going fwd. After President Trump returns, how or what is to be done, that it never be allowed to happen again? A new " checks and balances system"
@sonliving Says:
@dennishungerford4146 Says:
D Union election farce! Except this is our country! POTUS ! House, Senate ! Marxist democracy? They want!
@jessiewilson2306 Says:
Mark thank you for your voice ! They are led directly by satan!
@SteveHornberger Says:
Out of the 260 million eligible Voters, half are in the two Parties. A few in the other Parties. The rest just plain do nothing about Voting at all. They Surrendered.
@clydejones7041 Says:
DEMS don't threaten a bloodbath if they lose the election....you sorry azzhole
@michaelzimmerman9221 Says:
Freedom isnโ€™t free as many of us are about to find out very soon! The government has turned on its people and plans to eliminate the constitution and they will never allow another election, ever! They are going to try and disarm the people! Theyโ€™ve threatened it daily!
@michaelzimmerman9221 Says:
Never in my life, did I ever think I would see our government turn on us! Itโ€™s weaponized itself against us! It just tried to eliminate a rival presidential candidate! What the heck is wrong with us? If we donโ€™t do something to stop these tyrants our country will fall!
@DebraSimonton Says:
love Levitt
@cynthiarogers2904 Says:
. *"1984" a novel by George Orwell* . *STATE CONTROL OF MEDIA* Much like our modern society, โ€˜1984โ€™ shows how media outlets and journalism are overtaken by the ruling class in order to have *CONTROL OVER THE SPREAD OF INFORMATION THROUGH THE MEDIA* - WIKI . It is also a movie: "1984" released in 1984. Starring: John Hurt and Richard Burton.
@williambeatty5779 Says:
EPIPHANY! Kamela is NOT a Communist although she is talking like one! She is not smart or interested enough to espouse any particular philosophy of government. She is AN ACTRESS, mouthing whatever BS the DNC feeds her.
@JacqulynStOnge Says:
Mark Levin is so very smart! Thank you Mark for highlighting these frightening facts about the Harris/Walz excuse for a legitimate candidacy!
@aliciabrewer9444 Says:
IF ONLY SOMEONE COULD FIND A VIDEO OF KAMALA CURSING THE "F" WORD TOWARDS HER STAFF BEFORE THEY WALKED OUT ON HER AND QUIT..... That would be gold. To have a video like that to share with ALL the people of America. Showing Kamala Harris' true self, that would be a game changer.....๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜€
@kenrowland6106 Says:
Get the word out everyone should see this!
@user-ep2bm5no6u Says:
Trump Vance 2024
@user-ep2bm5no6u Says:
Rush is watching so proud of you amazing job Patriot so smart Iโ€™ve been educated on every issue thank God for you keep it up your a gift to we the people God Bless
@BoarderJumpersKissmyassgoogle Says:
Obama is the real Daddy RAT. Its SATANIC.
@RobertMiner-cn6mb Says:
We are Not A Democracy Levin
@robertburwell707 Says:
Kamala couldn't overthrow an egg !
@christominded4726 Says:
๐Ÿ”Ž๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธIt sure sounds like the THE 45 COMMUNIST GOALS AS READ INTO THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, 1963 See โ€œCongressional Recordโ€“Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 Current Communist GoalsEXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. A. S. HERLONG, JR. OF FLORIDAIN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVE January 10 1963โ€œ These totalitarians have one mission, to coerce, terrify and stay in control forever. Power, control and fear. ๐Ÿ˜ข
@JeanNovacco Says:
It's not the first coup. That was GERALD FORD -- AND NELSON ROCKEFELLER. To take down of Nixon by Woodward & Bernstein was NOT intrepid Journalism But the Wa Po hammering & hammering a trivial event at the Water gate. Woodward was Naval Intelligence who was parachuted into the Washington Post after some basic training in a no name suburban Viginia paper. What's different now is that this is end game..
@tonipaschal5365 Says:
Great show. Thank you for telling it, like it is
@JeanNovacco Says:
Google Cloward-Piven Strategy to understand that open borders is not just about BUYING VOTES and LOOSING CRIMINALS to create chaos. Open borders is ALSO about swamping and overwhelming the WELFARE BENEFIT system, to overthrow it -- and replace it with something They think will be better, Which they will be welcome considered for running in which constitutes another unproven experiment UPON US LAB RATS.
@aloysiusbelisarius9992 Says:
9:00 What Mark said about "That's not democracy; that's MOBocracy" is not entirely accurate. That is, in fact, very much democracy. "Mobocracy" *IS* democracy. Democracy is about rule of *MOB,* not "rule of law," which in fact is the fatal flaw to the whole ideology of democracy. Democracy is doomed to fail every time it is tried, because the MOB dictates what stands and what falls. When a majority (which in its most fundamental context is 50% + 1 of the population of a given democracy) agrees to a certain something to apply universally, no matter whether it's right or wrong, beneficial or self-/mass-destructive, that something is applied universally. Some will dissent, and those dissenters will be demonized and criminalized, forcing those dissenters to use force to protect themselves from the coming dictatorship, resulting in counter-force, anarchy, chaos...and eventually a small group that promises a "new order" to the survivors of the anarchy and chaos who are tired of fighting. This is what democracy is all about and what it always will become: A dictatorship or oligarchy. Rule of Law is a REPUBLIC ideology. A core law is established, and absolutely nobody is above or immune to itโ€”not the commoners, not elitists, not government, not *anybody.* But there are also flaws in the fundamental republic model: First, the law as the supreme authority cannot be changed, not even if certain elements of it become obsolete, thus stagnating the growth and progress of the republican society. Second, if the founders of said republic write up laws that shield only them and their posterity and nobody else, the whole concept of republic is killed from the onset. It then becomes what is colloquially termed as a "banana-republic," or more accurately an oligarchyโ€”the same end result of democracy, only with less bloodshed. Our Founders knew all of this. That was why they did *NOT* establish this country as a democracy. They saw the republic model as better but had to figure how to engineer out the flaws inherent in it. And they did, first by writing up the core laws to protect the common masses and restrict the government; and second by placing the best aspects of democracy into play, to allow for set law to be changed if change was necessary and proper...and in such a way to ensure such change *was* necessary and proper, and not merely on an emotional whim. The Democrats from the birth of this country sought to transform this country from a republic to a democracy and eventually into an oligarchy, slowly enough and steadily enough so that the common masses would not notice the changes their shenanigans wrought. After two centuries, the latest generation is getting a bit impatient and wants to expedite the transformation. They are actually no different from Democrats of 200 years ago, just more impatient. They seek to establish themselves instead of the core law (the Constitution) as the supreme authority. They seek to replace the serf class they lost 161 years ago, which is why they are letting in millions of invaders without a qualm...starting with specific ethnic groups but eventually expanding to absolutely everybody regardless of ethnicity (and then call it "fairness"). I could go on, but I think the gist is clear now. This is why I (and so far *ONLY I* ) have called for the Democrat party to be ABOLISHED. It's infuriating that I am the only one who sees this need, nevermind being the only one to publicly call for it...then to be criticized and ridiculed by those who claim to be on the same side in this political war! When the Convention of States establishment in Kansas accuses me of being "unconstitutional" by making such a call, that tells me this country is in far greater danger than anyone (even the Great One above) realizes. For the record, there is absolutely *NO* provision in the Constitution that guarantees the permanent existence of *ANY* political party. So how is abolishing the Democrat party "unconstitutional," Kansas CoS?! Explain it to me!! You never explained on Facebook, so explain it here!! Mark, you are a Constitutional lawyer; if I am wrong please cite the clause in the Constitution that proves me wrong. Any entity, be it an individual or a group, to include a political group, that seeks to alter and/or supersede the Constitution for *ANY* reason must be ABOLISHED. Mark, people of America, send the word: *ABOLISH THE DEMOCRAT PARTY!!!*
@KeithAvery-lu5kv Says:
Can,t we deport Harris? We can not support communism ! She is a commy! One of my sons made it back from the Marines the other one has no control of what he does! He got hit with A gernade!
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
like a junkie used to be a bad thing dirty all.. but not now why ??
@enfredlindstrom6763 Says:
who is chinas man in teh usa ? TIM walts ?? remeber hes been there for years and loves the ccp mobsters all.?
@jjo5375 Says:
POWERFUL video, Mark! If only ALL could see this....DAILY!
@stevedenning6345 Says:
Iโ€™m just an uneducated country boy and what we call it evil against good whoever votes for Kamala Newsom MAYROKAS they all got the nickname the three stooges none of them will go to the border if people vote for them theyโ€™re voting for evil against good evil against good they will lose their freedom loser free speech their young daughters and young sons will never own a house very very few that have to be filthy rich to be able to on a house but I donโ€™t think the governments going to let them have a house because the rumor is they are going to buy all migrants houses and they donโ€™t have to pay for it not even a monthly payment and theyโ€™re going to put 25,000 down for them to get a house of your money America of your money anyway enough of that the main thing is back to the three stooges none of them will go to the border Newsom turned a golden state brown MAYROKAS I canโ€™t believe heโ€™s not impeached yet he canโ€™t even go to the border either and he wonโ€™t communicate with anybody at the White House on both sides other words his cash in the Americans peoples check and we get nothing for it 0-0 so whoever votes for Kamala border and the puppet masters and the other two stooges are voting for their voting for their voting for nothing but evil against good evil against good evil against good Iโ€™m voting for good against evil good against evil Iโ€™m voting for good against evil good against evil Iโ€™m voting for missed your freedom with Godโ€˜s hand Trump thatโ€™s not trumps word they donโ€™t like the truth put down Iโ€™m voting for Mr. freedom with Godโ€˜s hand Trump the doer he gives a little lip service but heโ€™s not like them he gets the job done and you keep your freedom keep your free-speech keep your parental control over your own kids so they donโ€™t get snipped and talked snipped and tucked at school when they donโ€™t want to really be some of them so thatโ€™s it if you want to lose your freedom lose your free-speech whoโ€™s your house your car your food and just eat crumbs off of your table vote for evil against good the Three Stooges cam on the border and Company or or or or vote for good against evil good against evil missed your freedom Mr. freedom with Godโ€˜s hand Trump he gives a little lip service but at least he gets the job done free speech freedom money in your pocket your sons and daughters will be able to buy a house thatโ€™s the rumor just a guess so hereโ€™s how it goes plain and simple if you vote good against evil you will get Kamala border and you will have no free-speech and no freedom plus plus plus cash in America vote for Mr. freedom with Godโ€˜s hand good against evil good against evil good against evil keep your free-speech keep your freedom keep food on the table is not breadcrumbs and money in your pocket or vote the other way evil against good and lose it all your choice America wake up or woke up your choice evil against good RRR are good against evil I talk text I do not erase all American people can see the words that they donโ€™t like put down and the ones that they change even if you spell the word they will not put it down unless they like your word is try again space if you vote evil against good real evil against good then you will be voting for Kamala border and Company lose your freedom lose your free speech or or or hope for good against evil good against evil missed your freedom Mr. freedom put the words down Mr. freedom good against evil with Godโ€˜s hand Trump we know his works keep our freedom keep our free-speech keep money in the pocket end of story God help us all

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