Gaza ceasefire deal: Philadelphi Corridor becomes sticking point for ceasefire talks | WION
Gaza ceasefire deal: Philadelphi Corridor becomes sticking point for ceasefire talks | WION



@ashimimostafa1617 Says:
why always the rockets fails in open areas? Since the war started?Which means nothing will reach ever is Israel?
@MiMiiViVi Says:
Egypt should take action against Israel and their encroachment and breaking of the agreement along the Philadelphia Corridor.
@suhaimiabubakarsidek4204 Says:
Not only hamas but the world wants a permanent ceasefire but satan yahoo keeps changing the demands..... so only a fool would accept this deal...
@psquare2260 Says:
No ceasefire.
@muhammedshafimurshedkar4457 Says:
Usa.and western are gambler las75 years doing blood game with innocent childern and population of palstinian for self7sh pol7cy
@goredawg777 Says:
Israel needs to step it up!
@velascolegasi69 Says:
Israel must not leave the philadelpia corridor, that's the way of terrorists to bring weapons
@willemgurirab2217 Says:
why are the same people who stood by assisted in the killing of innocent children and woman. En the occupation
@DavidGetling Says:
Hamas wants the opportunity to regroup and rearm. No prizes for guessing what they will then do.
@atabaraocor751 Says:
@avdullaujkani7704 Says:
Monkey , you support genecide.
@lesihomathe2690 Says:
They still want to bleed
@dissaid Says:
@dissaid Says:

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