Tons of rotting fish clog tourist port
Tons of rotting fish clog tourist port



@elisekrentzel27 Says:
So sad man’s doing
@sirloin869 Says:
yea,but how get to lambo?
@mopthermopther Says:
Something ain’t right
@robertogandara6784 Says:
@myronsmith2114 Says:
You would think by now fish would have the ability to survive in fresh or salt water
@dm-31024 Says:
That is so sad. For the fish. And the food chain. There must be an impact to this. What will the ripple affect be in the food chain?
@christopherjames6452 Says:
Didn’t know fresh water fish couldn’t survive in salt water
@LBright4444 Says:
😱 I am so sorry this happened. I pray they recover
@Penny526 Says:
Use for gardening 🌷🌼🥕🫑🌶️🍏🥬
@sonyasluss9724 Says:
Lots of fertilizer
@Alan-wn7lo Says:
Biblical amounts of dead fish, this one we got to see, i was never religious but ive got religion now, don't go to church, don't need to its not a criteria for having a belief in a creature Begin ☘️💚
@jacobsg Says:
Let Chinese come
@Typaradox_FPV Says:
Would that be good fertilizer for the Ecco system?
@Novilicious Says:
I feel bad because all that fish could’ve fed thousands of people but now they’re just riding and going to waste. 😢
@jieli3313 Says:
We don’t know why the Chinese government defines media monopoly as Internet civilization! Inequality and lack of freedom are not Internet civilization! It is the dictatorship of the Chinese government!
@lauraharms8876 Says:
Mediterranean imbalance. Over fishing by commercial industries.
@johnr5252 Says:
Pretty nasty. I’ve always wondered why fish smell like *ussy?
@giuseppeperrotta-x4i Says:
That is when fish nets are usefully
@johnallenbailey1103 Says:
Compost that
@bresy3793 Says:
It happened to Egypt. And the Egyptian empire collapsed. Chemicals.....
@charmedlife7758 Says:
Wasn’t this in the seven signs? Yikes
@susanlamptey7601 Says:
I can smell this video…
@hp5310 Says:
It's been said kim kardashian smells just like that 🤮
@aliceramirez2636 Says:
Remind me of a scripture in the Bible that says the fishes of the sea be taken away that so sad 😢😮🤔
@DonnaTownsend-j7p Says:
Why did the fish die. Not good at all
@browns1014 Says:
Global warming ain't happening right. Now you see how it is affecting the world. Especially in parts of the world that it would not happen.
@jamiebrotherston2241 Says:
This could explain one of the Jesus myths.
@davedixon5765 Says:
Stormy Daniels has caused some shit over here too. 🤷🏾‍♂️
@mizzmy929 Says:
@leafyveins4985 Says:
Climate change is causing more intense and frequent strorms and inclement, unpredictable weather. We can fix this but we all need to stop letting greedy corporations destroy this planet.
@thatoneguy_9633 Says:
I like how money came first on the list
@bohditony Says:
Tons of dead fish is a sign of climate disaster
@ThePauprinceaz09 Says:
If salt water killed these fish then that noah ark thing has a problem 😂😂😂 Fresh water fish dies in salt water then is it safe to say Salt water fish dies in freshwater.🤔🤔
@fahid3342 Says:
Bunch of wasted food
@StockTurboN20 Says:
They saw democracy and couldn’t take it anymore so they checked out early
@matthewsutphin7508 Says:
Bad omen
@jamesgowdy4988 Says:
That's JESUS CHRIST, That's what you get when you DON'T tithe. Good luck.
@brianmartinez7530 Says:
Thanks biden
@rasjahson6261 Says:
I bet that area has a horrendous smell. Nature cleansing itself.
@enckidoofalling2883 Says:
Good fertilizer
@loyaltyovathabag21 Says:
The book of revelation said this would happen 😳

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