Haberman shares new reporting on Trump's Arlington National Cemetery controversy
Haberman shares new reporting on Trump's Arlington National Cemetery controversy



@City0017 Says:
What BS...watch the video of ten of the parents of fallen, comments about August 24 tragedy. Get the real story, don't buy into their narrative.
@windifitzgerald8252 Says:
Maggie Haberman lied. The officials gave permissio. To Trump team to film. CNN is completely lying. This never happened.
@musicoyque Says:
He’s garbage and he’s always been garbage and his objective is to bring this country down so he can not only avoid prosecution for crimes he committed, but be free to commit all manner of crimes and let his sadistic cruelty loose on anyone he pleases.
@scottpartlow8912 Says:
@Ilingoceros Says:
Trump has sort of an excuse: he's stupid, he has severe mental issues and he's suffering from rapidly accelerating senile dementia. Trump's supporters have no excuse, none.
@bricklifter1749 Says:
Tump at Arlington ....... Trump in front of a church with an upside down bible heald high....... Everything is a cynical photo op to a narcissistic nihilist psychopath. Vote him into the dustbin of historical obscurity and let's start healing
@cherylmahaffey6184 Says:
He looks like he wants a bite of possum about right Now! Lmao what’s his name again? 🥳
@cherylmahaffey6184 Says:
Got to Split from this Nitwick! Trump tastes as Bad as All the Good stuff I admire! Bye ya, Trumpletoo!🥰
@svgs650r Says:
What a shame Haberman didn’t know about trumps latest transgression prior to the event that way she could have written a book about it and published it after the fact
@kristendavis7870 Says:
Just stop! You both know there's no video. Just say the truth!
@georgecostanzasbastardson1601 Says:
Maggie has a face for radio
@pjpredhomme7699 Says:
Sociopath doing sociopath things - shocking
@jamesmoore4003 Says:
I’d like to know WHY CNN is not saying anything about the fact that the bomber who killed those 13 soldiers was one of the 5000 Taliban prisoners that Trump negotiated to have released? And then that mthrfkr is standing on the grave of one of those 13 killed with a shit-eating grin on his face while giving a thumbs up.
@kathrynbalter8114 Says:
Laws mean nothing to trump. He's not fit to govern this country.
@jackbourgeois4153 Says:
Haberman is a hack,,she withheld info on tRump, till her book came out, she plays both sides
@liannelamonte5017 Says:
Don't you know the laws don't apply to King Trump.
@williamreid6715 Says:
Trump created the nightmare in the exiting of Afganistan.
@williamreid6715 Says:
Why is Trump breaking these rules? Someone needs to document how Trump destroyed the military in Afganistan.
@alaskamagpul6617 Says:
All i gotta say is when did kamala pay her respects to us soldiers period
@stephenbonaduce7852 Says:
If federal law prohibits campaign activities within army national cemeteries, and if an Arlington National Cemetery staffer was assaulted, WHY ISN'T TRUMP BEING ARRESTED AND CHARGED?!?
@kerrywebb2651 Says:
It's against the law, period!
@suzislaton1722 Says:
Why dont you people talk about the importance of her policys? That is what is important!
@SueQ-oh5he Says:
This is the man the republicans chose to be the presidential candidate, shameful.
@leamcconnell6302 Says:
Say it JD, some “woman”.
@hc1314 Says:
All of these things are bait for the news media to talk about him and make him relevant. Stop giving him free air time.
@RobertSmith-gx3mi Says:
How you could dishonor the memory of your service member by inviting an absolute coward and a draft dodger who turned his back on the United States military when it called on him, is beyond my comprehension.
@2012Cheetah Says:
Why can’t tRump be legally responsible to take down any & all images from section 60?
@PeggyPyle Says:
When. When. When is this insanity going to stop. This crazy felon. Rapist. Ah. Can’t do one thing right. Please God just make him go away.
@terrencebailey7567 Says:
Where was trump 2022 2023—not election year trump’s a phony. 45!died under trump where is their ceremony?the 13 are no more special than the 400000! Grieve on memorial or Veterans Day
@averagebear5889 Says:
It didn't take long for the Army to cover for Trump. "Case closed".
@kennethnakamura3936 Says:
True Lies
@kennethnakamura3936 Says:
How is the posting okay? He is despicable and his disdain for the sanctity and the rules of conduct is disrespectful. If guilty of a crime do not forget that it is also a violation of all gag orders in play as well. Jail this demagogue he is a toxic loose cannon
@kennethnakamura3936 Says:
Trump now blames the families for the Arlington incident
@michaelgabriel7919 Says:
What is so crazy about this whole thing... is that the Trump campaign is ignoring the fact... they weren't supposed to be there AT ALL. I've listened as the Trump campaign and pro-Trump media outlets... trying to put a positive spin on this story. BUT... they are ALL forgetting one simple and irrefutable fact... and that is IT IS STILL ILLEGAL to campaign in Arlington Cemetery.
@myname2339 Says:
Remember when Howard Dean yelled a little strangely and his political career was over? I don’t think there is anything that Trump could do to loose his slack jawed supporters. This stunt was beyond gross.
@evelyn7881 Says:
That piece of shit is trolling for votes on the dead bodies of soldiers!! Why couldn't he just go there, pay respects to the dead as the families wanted, and leave it there. WHY IS HE CAMPAIGNING ON IT??
@evelyn7881 Says:
They were breaking federal law.
@loislara6991 Says:
Trump is the one responsible for those 13 deaths. He set up the withdrawal and then refused to tell the incoming administration or the military anything about it. They found out after they took office! Biden administration had 3 months to pull it off! Its a miracle that more weren't killed because the taliban didn't follow the agreement that TRUMP SET UP! Then trump pulls this crap and Vance blames everyone else, normal cowardly behavior!
@markbradley8123 Says:
You don’t often see unedited film of Trump when he’s not posing for a camera, but the cemetery film shows Trumps age, he has such difficulty bending down to pose the reath. Where was his caddy when he needed one to bend down for him and get back up again without assistance?
@ronseliga9015 Says:
Trump also has evidence of 2020 election fraud, as does Mike "Lumpy Pillows" Lindell. But rather than prove their claims by showing these videos, they just perpetually promise to show them.... Yup, a story only MAGAts believe.
@marylaidlaw9883 Says:
The family who invited trump, who apparently new what they were doing, are complicit to trumps law breaking and should be held accountable. To hide behind a family death to break laws and possibly garner attention, should not be condoned.
@thomaschannel3960 Says:
jd Vance and trump are the stuff you step in at the dog park when you don't watch where you are walking
@dangerousshining5995 Says:
The families asked him to take pictures with them you idiots.
@rimrock53 Says:
Being there is fine. Filming and using it for campaign purposes is not.
@jackierostow9537 Says:
Very dramatic of JD Vance. He is a drama guy, probably grew up listing to Rush Limbaugh and the like. Lots of bombastic, crazy, incendiary speech based on current-moment emotions and anxiety. He really should get out of politics and find some thing else to do. This ain't it. He's swirling down the toilet bowl with Trump. As little children say, "Bye-bye, poo-poo!"
@greentara291 Says:
For a moment, let's be generous and say Trump and his entourage didn't know the rules at Arlington National Cemetary (though they are clearly posted on its website). Let's say the family/families that invited him there were also ignorant that a shared and sacred space like Arlington means one considers that grieving families might not want to be included in filming of a political figure or even to have the grave of their loved one included in such a spectacle. When a representative of Arlington informed them of the policies, that person was pushed, demeaned and ignored. As usual, the former President showed zero accountability or remorse for himself or the actions of his staff. Rules do not apply to him in his mind. His outrage at being held to account, his grievance (how sad and ironic is that, happening at the resting place of true heroes and patriots) at being forever misunderstood and misused is reliably immature and vindictive. It seems he considers accountability a weakness. That is not a healthy quality in anyone and particularly in someone applying for the job of our nation's leader.
@jimd6913 Says:
The bottom line is that Biden, Harris, and Trump were all invited. Biden was on the beach and Harris was at home FOUR MILES AWAY. Say what you want about Trump, but even if you accuse him of using this as propaganda, this was not a simple 2 minute photo op. This is a 78 year old man escorted each family down stairs, lay the wreath, then up the stairs. He also consoled each family and posed for pictures that THEY requested. Then, he flew to Detroit to speak at a rally. The man puts the time in for everything that he does. Biden and Harris have done nothing over the past four years; and when they need to step up, they never do.
@raynall3593 Says:
Sorry, i refused to watch this with that man, J D Vance, supposedly a veteran, but doesnt act like one, defending this and blaming other other than Trump for this happening, it was a campaign ploy and although he was invited, the cameras were not and not allowed. If I did that, i would have been in jail. why is the man or men responsible even if the staffer wont press charges, the law was broken by someone that knew better.
@MsRotorwings Says:
“It amazes me” that Vance would willingly sign up to be Trump’s patsy. Vance’s need for attention must outweigh his need to be dignified.
@xU7fr1cx Says:
wow cnn, lying to the american people again, there was no altercation, these are more "vile" words meant to stir the pot of hate that the dems can't stop pouring out. try harder, maybe it was russian collusion 🙄😑

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