Russian red lines are not so red
Russian red lines are not so red



@PlatonPlaton-xs4zi Says:
Let's talk about "red lines." If, in response to the terrorist attack on September 11, the President offered to negotiate with Osama bin Laden and cede him part of New York, how would you feel about that? If the chief of the city police negotiates with gangsters about "red lines," then that means that dogs are raising their hind legs against the chief of police of that city, and children are taking his pocket money! My condolences to the citizens of those countries whose governments are going to seriously discuss "red lines" with the terrorist Putin. I'm sorry, gentlemen, but you have no government!
@philsharp6120 Says:
For peace Ukraine removed nuclear weapons, long range bombers and had a small military. russia US UK others signed Budapest Memorandum but russia then attacked Ukraine after last nuke was decomissioned, just like hitler attacking starlin - russia, untrustworthy!
@philsharp6120 Says:
The US is disposing of older weapons to Ukraine but the money budget passed by congress is to replace these weapons with new. So all these millions they say for Ukraine is in fact to replace US weapons... misleading
@walterbenja7052 Says:
Putin's dictatorship is collapsing live
@FuriousImp Says:
More of Julia please! Very eloquent and highly intelligent.
@NoOne-tg9tk Says:
Putin uses Fear as a tool.. Be fearless like Kursk and pull him into Negotiation table ...
@golokavrndavana Says:
Yes, Ukraine has been kinda saying that for a long time.. There are capabilities in NATO competency, that were not really tapped into.. Eventho prepared previously, they were not really used.. So many things didn't work out the way, it was expected.
@golokavrndavana Says:
W Polsce jest więcej miłych ludzi, którzy potrafią nagrywać filmy i pomagać.
@golokavrndavana Says:
Yes, the western leaders should know by now, that helping Ukraine is justified.. Its a common sense. There are enough historical books and treatises..
@golokavrndavana Says:
Хороший розвиток. Це дійсно кудись йде. добре..
@rembrandtshadows Says:
Red is relative . . . .in this case red lines are more a light pink or possibly a floral pattern.
@RatTerminator Says:
Putler has more violated Red lines than Husein Obama!!😂😂😂
@sballantine8127 Says:
There is only one informed and intelligent person on this panel, one insanely clueless person, and the third is somewher inbetween. You are wasting our time with a broadcast like this.
@DS-zr8pw Says:
Watching these charming young people discuss the war situation is so envigorating and such a contrast to watching those old, hateful Russian propagandists and battle babushkas.
@marisabenson1222 Says:
Hi two issues keep being mentioned by Western allies: 1) why didn't Ukraine build more defensive lines? And 2) why is the conscription age 25 when most countries have a much lower age? I empathise with the reality of recruitment difficulties and I think I understand why the age is 25. In my opinion Ukraine should not be fighting this war alone but the political situation has been made difficult by Russian propaganda. If you could address these two issues above it might help with support.
@rursus8354 Says:
19:40: By Jove don't get personal! The debate is necessary, but explaining what e.g. US thought, is not defending what US thought. It is about understanding why US behaved as it did. And: it appears that it isn't that dangerous to pass Russia's red lines.
@fuzzyspackage Says:
So many valid points and profound understanding that many are lacking of current affairs, great watch Thankyou🫡💪
@futuregenerationz Says:
Has Ukraine sent graphic footage of the results of Putin's missile strikes to Biden? I hope so. THEN you need to tell the American people you've done it. The American people want to send Russia packing from Ukrainian territory. Odd that when there is something so galvanizing to the public, it's not government policy. If someone puts it in their platform, they'll win. Yet it's still not an option. Russia has a small group of billionaire oligarchs acting as theocratic kings, and the USA isn't far from that condition.
@AbdullahiOlownunow Says:
Snubbed by US poland and finland ,ukraine has resorted to intensifying fake news and disinformation You lied about Vetnam war You lied about Afghanistan war You lied about Iraq war You lied about Libya war and you are lying about Ukraine -Russia war and Israel- -Palestine war .... You have a history of lying for more than 400 years as western media outlets for spreading lies deception and manipulation to achieve your imperialist agenda for global dominance You lied about Vetnam war You lied about Afghanistan war You lied about Iraq war You lied about Libya war and you are lying about Ukraine -Russia war and Israel- -Palestine war .... You have a history of lying for more than 400 years as western media outlets for spreading lies deception and manipulation to achieve your imperialist agenda for global dominance
@fuzzyspackage Says:
lol this looks like it’ll be fun , girlie was schooling the previous two guys with her English control , funny heh, hope these can keep up with her.🤣🫡🫶😈🇬🇧
@detlevgradert9328 Says:
I think Putin is colour blind and none of his minions dare describe the colour red but risk ending up in Siberia....
@telebubba5527 Says:
Red Lines are like a mental disease in our own head and Putin just likes to push the buttons because it makes us jump for him. Some of us are really stupid and give the control button to him. We should stop concentrating on imaginary lines and fully support Ukraine to the final victory. Also we in Western Europe are NOT afraid of a nuclear war and many of our leaders are pushing towards more support for Ukraine. Only a lonely dullard in the shape of Victor Orbán fits that description.
@tituspullo9210 Says:
That woman is annoying. She makes the whole video feel unprofessional.
@Bub0- Says:
Paper bear is is more humorous to say than tiger😊
@vonries Says:
I apologize for my government. I hate to tell you but they are not going to do anything until at least November. Incumbent presidents do not like surprises (uncertainties) before elections. I'm sorry. Hasn't there been 37 red lines crossed already? Over 120,000 Russian war crimes have gone unpunished. Thanks for your efforts to make the information available. They can't say they didn't know. For me it's all about the children. Never forget all of the Russians who abused children and their families in Ukraine. From the mass graves (in Izium) to the stolen children. Now if Ukrainian parents don't become Russian citizens and go to fight against their brothers and cousins Russia will take their newborn children at birth. How many children are now sex slaves? They cannot be allowed to win. Speaking of Izium. What did those 414 people see? The Russians thought it was better to murder them and bury them all in a mass grave instead of letting them testify. Whatever they saw must have been truly horrific. At minimum I'm guessing rape and torture. With an average of 150 war crimes per day who knows what they did. If Russia wants to sign a treaty they must first prove they will stand by one. If Russia or Putin wants to negotiate, start with your original written agreement. Putin on January 28, 2003 signed the border agreement. He's signed several agreements he doesn't honor. Pull back all of their troops back behind their original border and then you can start negotiations. If they don't show they will honor the original agreement how can you expect them to honor any further agreements. It's our war to lose. Russia canNOT win. Unless we choose to not support Ukraine of course. It is on us in the global West to pick the world we want to live in. Choose wisely. Thanks. Glory to Ukraine. God Bless Ukraine and her people. 🇺🇦🇺🇸
@carriebryan1211 Says:
The man in the yellow shirt is either naive or deceptive about the USA "sending money" to Ukraine. The USA sends near-obsolete armaments to Ukraine, and sends the money to American arms manufacturers to build modern armaments for the US Armed Forces.
@guy.l8147 Says:
Who said sanctions don't work ?? The shortage of red ink has stopped russia drawing red lines that are clear enough to the west and Ukraine!! 😂😂. Putin isn't suicidal so carry on with the un defended russian border buffer zone
@judd442009 Says:
Putin and his henchmen like Lavrov constantly threaten the West -- just like Krushchev threatened that "We will bury you." What happened to the USSR? It was buried by the West. The USSR collapsed.
@CyberBeep_kenshi Says:
It's so rediculous, WE should be setting the redlines. russia is the aggressor.... and those redlines have all been crossed 🇳🇱❤🇺🇦
@tituspullo9210 Says:

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