Analyst: Trump's team may find these Harris interview moments 'useful'
Analyst: Trump's team may find these Harris interview moments 'useful'



@curtis39wayne16 Says:
She is a flip flopper and never answer's the questions i want to know the details of her policies not listen to a story about her neighbors grass and b.s. just answer the damn questions
@curtis39wayne16 Says:
CNN has always been a joke
@DannyBravo86 Says:
Rich in some trouble rn.
@ThickBanana Says:
Good talk
@RorkesDriftVC Says:
Trump is the worst kind of fool. He doesn't read, doesn't listen, and thinks he is a genius.
@SirDrWesV-Esq-III Says:
How can you represent change when you’ve been in office for 4 years. And especially when your “change” is every thing that your competitor has BEEN RUNNING ON.
@TeddyTheTroll Says:
Trump's team may find almost all Harris interview moments helpful.....she is completely incompetent in almost every way possible.
@JeanC-y4s Says:
Harris did terrible job just like she did in last 3.5 years even after Dana tried to help her, CNN should be ashamed of themselves
@franciselonye8548 Says:
Has anyone ever asked trump in an interview about why he killed the border legislation.
@franciselonye8548 Says:
Get trump to define the word marxists or Marxism
@Willlisbson28473 Says:
Screw you Kara Swisher
@howardrager5165 Says:
The bias is obvious. If they cared what we thought, they would try to hide it
@eloka3291 Says:
She does not have a criminal record. She is an accomplished career woman who has achieved a lot for herself and the people of America on like her opponent.
@SilverManibo Says:
She had no fumbles in the televised interview because they were all edited! Fake news CNN!
@komzs232 Says:
These CNN guys are really delusional.
@amzys.o6482 Says:
All we ask of the media is a balanced reportage 😂 so that voters can use their head to vote 🗳
@rickcaldwell2862 Says:
Harris is incompetent.
@DAMillich-lg9mz Says:
Harris in hiding
@victoriavonlinsowe6494 Says:
Look I use to be a democrat and Kamala is not the one. I think someone should ask her what a women is.
@РомалФед Says:
Biden once again burst into a speech about unwavering support for Ukraine and promises to increase and speed up military aid. Not once. After numerous civilian casualties in Poltava, Sumy, Lviv, Kharkov from bombings by Russian missiles and bombs. Words, words, words, but where is the result of this so-called decisive support? Words will no longer help a 14-year-old Ukrainian girl whose head was torn off by shrapnel from a Russian bomb on a playground. Why is Ukraine still forced to beg the White House for permission to use American weapons at full force? Because Biden's advisers have a primal fear of Russians in their heads, this is a fear from the Cold War, but today's Russia is a pathetic imitation of the USSR, but they are still afraid. Apparently, the brave American soldiers who liberated Europe from the Nazis during World War II have only remained in films like The Expendables or Rambo played by Sly Stallone. All the brave spirit has gone down the drain. Ukraine is not asking to fight for it, but is asking for weapons to prevent Putin from breaking through to Europe. Sullivan's myth about the escalation of the war has already gone bad against the backdrop of the Ukrainian Armed Forces breaking through to Russia's Kursk region. And this is the first time in history that a non-nuclear power has seized the territory of a nuclear power. So what? Nothing happens, no escalation, the war is going on in the same vein as before. And it is no longer at all clear what Sullivan and Biden are afraid of. Or maybe Russia's defeat is not in their mercantile interests?
@JADO1065 Says:
@markantrobus8782 Says:
Misogyny - racism - grift - projection - xenophobia - isolationism - eugenics - machismo - low-information - bigotry - negativity - being full-on reactionary - the list goes on of qualities that attract followers to a demagogue like Donald or Adolf. 💙🏃‍♂😵
@jimmiephillips1603 Says:
Harris is an embarrassment to the country. She cant even do an interview. She has no values. She has said nothing about policies. Shae hasnt got a clue. Flip Flopper Harris.
@jimmiephillips1603 Says:
Kamalla hasnt got what it takes to run the country.
@monicaribera1904 Says:
Kamala OUT OUT😅😅😅😅😅
@benitosalazar3749 Says:
Alright, when is there going to be a real interview by a real journalist? Didn't you media propagandists learn anything from the Joe Biden fiasco. You cannot keep lying and covering up for these incompetent people indefinitely. The truth will always get out. Hopefully it get out before Americans go to the polls in November.
@geoc1 Says:
I used to be a lifelong Democrat. Their gaslighting with propaganda as if we are stupid is utterly infuriating. This is not the Democrat party of before. Voting Republican for the first time!
@rebelscum1825 Says:
How can anyone vote for this? Our country is full of idiots.
@jj-hk9ni Says:
@jj-hk9ni Says:
@carolynwilli213x Says:
Just lies lies and more lies aint shxt changed with her she for immigrants 🤬
@theburkett67 Says:
She is such a creepy woman. I pray the Lord saves America from this pending doom.
@PaulMacdonald-u1m Says:
When Harris bombed in the primaries, she called the democratic voters racist and misogynistic. Why is this fact never brought up?
@superfisher4379 Says:
Chris Wallace sucks balls.
@liammapson5118 Says:
CNN, the Cabal News Network. Owned by Warner Discovery which is controlled by BlacRock and Vanguard, the investment vehicle of the Cabal.
@lindasvalesen5237 Says:
Voting for Harris will be misandry and racist. Only reason many vote for her is because she's a colored person and a woman, Only to keep a man from winning.
@LOwens-xf8yo Says:
In flips this week, Trump flopped on a 6-week abortion ban, and admitted he LOST & committed election interference in 2020! He also claims he tried to stop the Lock Her Up chants in 2016. He called Kamala a liar for accusing him of trying to eliminate the ACA. He recently promised universal coverage for IVF, and he will definitely be retracting it soon. Before he ran for office Trump was a life-long Democrat & pro-life supporter, famously living a playboy lifestyle. He donated to Democrats, including Hilary & Kamala. But to be president, he pretended to TURN into a pro-life, religious, family man. And I could go on & on. The only policy he has been consistent on is his bigotry & sexism, which hasn’t changed since the ‘70s! How dare he accuse Kamala of being inconsistent, that is his thing!
@johnconnelly3337 Says:
Mass media, Trump haters no matter how hard you try you can't stop Trump. Trump had been chosen by higher power.I AM
@harrybthompsoniv7037 Says:
terrible election choice between these two, but Kamala Harris is the most unqualified candidate ever fielded by the Dems
@austinyates7132 Says:
She never changed her views !!! Pelosi pretty much told her that her policies are trash and people won’t vote for her . She will do as pelosi and chuck tells her to believe
@MyronHines-hh5ew Says:
Cnn mad at Harris cause she made their network look like a fool
@cdpyouth Says:
The biggest compliment was "she had no fumbles" 😂😂
@JeffNyberg-ic6fd Says:
Cnn is an enemy of the state
@andyc.4387 Says:
Are you FOX News now? Why do this? Do you WANT autocracy?
@michaeldarby2242 Says:
@JimLong-gh4vx Says:
she demands to be able to have NOTES and BE SEATED durring the debate. SHE leads the woKe well but NOT OUR COUNTRY. other world leaders see how dumb she is. TRUMP 24
@weaverto Says:
Rich Lowery? Soltis-Anderson?, and whoever that useless NYT podcaster was? This panel discussion is exactly why I lose my mind when some rightwing vectoring automaton says, "You probably get your news from CNN." CNN almost single handedly ended the campaign of Howard Dean, did the heavy lifting for WMD, and elevated the campaign of Donald Trump in 2016 among mainstream viewers. Their current lazy self-importance has them parsing particulars of a Harris interview in a way that they would not be able with Trump because he is such a tottering mess. So, they're in the business of elevating themselves as serious people asking serious questions, simply because a Harris campaign permits it. Pathetic. They've lost perspective.
@adeabraham126 Says:
Terrible CNN as usual
@readbetweenthelines6333 Says:
A panel of disingenuous hacks sitting around talking about how to best pander…
@anthonybruce3049 Says:
Voters don't like Biden's record because of the bs peddled by the msm. Biden has made enormous achievements for the US

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