'He's in trouble, he knows it': Scaramucci reacts to Trump's waffling on abortion
'He's in trouble, he knows it': Scaramucci reacts to Trump's waffling on abortion



@harryayre9050 Says:
If Trump started telling the truth now people would expect it all the time and Donald doesn't want to start something he cant finish
@miavos3610 Says:
Why do you give this lunatic so much airtime? No one who hates Trump or Harris should get airtime. But CNN loves giving Trump haters airtime. Where are the Harris haters?
@dariog36th Says:
He has a great point. Harris should not get comfortable. Hillary made the mistake when she had trump on the ropes with the Access Hollywood tape and she never went for the kill. All she kept doing at the debate was saying "go to my website to see all the things I will do"
@SegundoYaipenyj Says:
The final of a criminal.
@WilliamEmerson-qy3kq Says:
BE REAL : Trump is Winning in the Swing States ! The only WAY for VP Harris and Walz to win is to Announce a Centrist Policy Contract with the American People, signed by VP Harris and Walz, on Reducing Inflation, reducing illegal immigration, Securing the Border, Reschedule and Legalize marijuana / Cannabis, Provide Tax cut and tax relief for working class, etc,....
@cherylcohen-zx2od Says:
Anthony do you think he thinks he is in trouble.He should have gotten rid of Jd Vance after the Convention.JD Vance is pulling him down more than his own lies.
@flubbyhog Says:
He's a true politician now; flip flops on where he needs votes and thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. He hasn't changed one bit even after several bankruptcies and being found guilty of multiple crimes.
@courtneybrubaker9738 Says:
these people say you had the power, wouldn't you want to?" Trump asked. "I wouldn't want any one person to have that authority," Pence said. "But wouldn't it almost be cool to have that power?" Trump asked. "No," Pence said.
@courtneybrubaker9738 Says:
🍊needs to be in prison and out of American society. He is not qualified. He has no integrity for democracy, the Constitution or rule of law. We won’t go back.
@richardwright5741 Says:
Trump isn’t lying…..Harris/Walz are picking up where Joe left off with lies about the economy and now the pandering for votes…disgusting
@barryerdman2678 Says:
If anybody ever wondered what mental illness looks like watch Trump he looks just like it
@PatriciaLane-x2p Says:
Trumps joke of the world 😂 he’s done he and sons thick as 💩
@grantp3911 Says:
Kennedy, Rivek, and Tulsi Gabbard, etc, all endorsing Trump, way to go! Tulsi Gabbard, what an amazing, incredible women, so professional, so much class while dealing with that disgusting CNN host Dana Bash. Your CNN host got educated on how to be a real women after interviewing Tulsi Gabbard. Dana Bash is just like all the other CNN host's who continue to prop up the criminal elitist class who run the US government and the rest of the world. The people of the world need to all stand together and rid the world of these elistists and their puppets like Joe Biden, Karmala Harris and all the alphabet news outlets (the elitists' instruments of manipulation) like CNN, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, etc, etc, which are run and controlled by these criminal elitists. Laws created by the people need to be setup to prevent elitists from ever using their power and influence to buy off government officials and politicians, who change and skirt laws to benefit the elitists, while the rest of humanity are just slaves and cannon fodder to them while they get richer off of our hard work. Time for change is now ✌🏻 no more campaign donations from corporations like microsoft, google, amazon, banks, lockheed martin, boeing, and the list goes on and on, should ever be allowed to donate, or setup charities (philanthropic or otherwise) to bypass the people's laws. Governments should be completely off limits to "ALL", only our taxes should be used by governments (and oversight should be extremely strict, every cent should be accounted for) to improve the peoples lives. Let Donald Trump appoint Elon Musk and his team under him to provide the accounting and oversight needed to prevent the elitists from manipulating the government that should be serving the people, not the other way around 👍🏻
@erikahentschke5208 Says:
O dear... the demise of democracy, and decency, don't let the sun go down on fair and responsible government... vote BLUE... save your international integrity... vote BLUE.
@peterlafayette5595 Says:
The guys a bum
@LindenAstle Says:
Trump just overwhelmes the media and his opponents with lies and so disarms them where they don't know where to begin to challenge them ! Just Don't vote for someone who is such an obvious Patent Chronic Liar !
@wadesaleeby2172 Says:
Tramp is more confused than a hurricane and lost his pea brain years ago. Vote Blue 💙 America!
@perrieargent9997 Says:
Who believes Trump? Who? WHO? As the guy breathes, he lies and lies and lies and LIES ❗️
@MaureenVanTrease Says:
Trump is never held to the same standard as anyone else. He can lie his a&^ off and change his views like he changes his underwear and no one will hold him accountable.
@thomasbullen5239 Says:
I would feel like such a Moron to be siting behind the buffoon!
@dewz440 Says:
The obvious problem with right-wing conservatives is the selfish belief that they have complete dominion over everything and everyone. Conservatives look upon nothing nor anyone as being their equal, it doesn't matter if it's a handicapped individual, a woman, a religion other their own, or those of a different color. Even the planet earth is looked upon as being there to serve them and them alone. These people have no empathy and no concern for future generations, they seek only immediate self-gratification and personal profit. They deny facts, science, Covid-19, global warming, election results, the plight of those less fortunate, and the disastrous results of their own self-serving actions.
@felixmadison5736 Says:
After the incident at Arlington National Cemetary, as a disabled Army combat veteran of the Vietnam War, I have to say Traitor Trump disgusts me. He is a disgrace to our great country and all we stand for that is good in America.
@DonnaMayStanish Says:
Even if Harris does win, also consider The Heritage Foundation has been around since 1980's. It ain't going away. Remember this.
@jeffrp8388 Says:
This, CNN, is why you are a joke of a News Network. CNN labeled Anthony Scaramucci a liar, a player, a man who could never be trusted. Until, that is, he began talking bad about Trump.
@junanougues Says:
The damn spell is, maybe, broken. We need to push full steam ahead and voters give the coup de grace. It's still disturbing. The country is going to need therapy for years. I want to throw up. Half of this country took this dangerous lunatic seriously. And still do!
@drphilgee6430 Says:
Donnie is a CRIMINAL, a Bankrupt and a Liar... ...WAKE UP AMERICA
@ikecurato4555 Says:
Cnn is simply anti-Trump. You cannot trust their polls…
@Chukichev.Scientificmyths Says:
It's bad when so many people vote for a narcissistic scoundrel. It's not about Trump, it's about a consumer society where such a commodity as morality and conscience are not in demand.
@donaldrothenstein749 Says:
C'mon. Trump is an evil, disgusting human being - and that is being VERY kind. He is good at only two things - Controlling the feeble-minded and attracting the evil-minded. Oh, and being a best-in-class (?) narcissist. Quite the calling card. As for being a great choice for leading America - How obvious does this have to get for everyone to realize how horrible this would be for EVERYONE?
@donaldrothenstein749 Says:
To the anti-abortion crowd - Don't complain about the crime and the need for social program demands that your policies create. You create the problems you complain about.
@thomasoleary970 Says:
@kellybrown8638 Says:
Scaramucci.... are you KIDDING?😂
@buca512boxer Says:
The orange meatball and the magamites are gonna lose.
@dougprobert5378 Says:
Trump will work hard for his billionaire freinds........
@dougprobert5378 Says:
A vote for Trump is a vote for dictator Putin and billionaires and nothing more.....,
@jackyee1291 Says:
If Trump told more than 30,000 lies during his disastrous joke of a one term failed 45th Presidency, then it is safe to assume Trump is a habitual liar.
@DicterAbud-W Says:
Kamala Will win only by fraud by medias lies and fake polls who control the faking polls who???????
@DicterAbud-W Says:
I vote for my country i vote Trump
@DicterAbud-W Says:
She is running to give a us More inflatión More wars and more Open border we vote Trump
@DicterAbud-W Says:
Kamala is a puppet of military complex and it's puppets biden adm and democratic party all warmongers Stop www3 we are voting for trump
@cheehee808_ Says:
This dude is salty he got fired after 10 days 😂
@semiretiredtrucker6037 Says:
@arlethapappas3325 Says:
I believe she’s the one being under polled. Lichman has her winning the presidency.
@skipkapur1 Says:
in addition to being venal, Trump is a flip flopper. He took credit for overturning Roe vs Wade, then when he found out that women were outraged, he's trying to reverse course. no one can trust him on anything. Kamala is the ONLY choice in this election. Yesterday Goldman Sachs, those pinko commies, stated that her economic polices are better for the economy than Trump, the supposed businessman.
@larryprimeau5885 Says:
I dont understand the time Tony is always given. his commrntary is as suspect as his decernment. what sort of person would even consider being "communication director" for a pathological liar and criminal?. Tony, that's who.
@canadiangirl826 Says:
It drives me crazy when they say he has good political instincts... WTF? The man is a weasel, he will say whatever he has to in order to get elected. That is the reason he keeps flip flopping on various topics. Anyone who thinks that that demonstrates good political instincts is crazy.
@mickcindysal6264 Says:
@CNN, do your damn job. Ask Trump the hard questions. Blow up Trump's lies. Hammer the real truth. Trump is unfit economically, temperamentally, and cognitively to be president. Put Trump under the same microscope as you do Harris. Why should Harris be penalized because she is a professional woman and not unbalanced like trump. You don't report one third of Trump's shameful and disgusting behavior Your reporters are so weak, to the point you even promote myths and propaganda. I used to respect you, now I just shake my head.
@joking6052 Says:
I will never vote Republican ever again, now that I am aware of the type of voters that support a traitor, a felon, a bragging groper and a fraud.
@ChiangMaiSenators Says:
Any news on on the democrats that were on Epstein's Pedo Island? Guess those women's rights don't matter. Quite the club you guys are in lol
@CUkie2023 Says:
Remember CNN attacked Scaramucci for being a sack of shit? He's still a sack of shit who was hired by an equal individual. Why is CNN interested in him now?

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