Cousin of Israeli hostage killed by Hamas says he blames Netanyahu for delaying a deal
Cousin of Israeli hostage killed by Hamas says he blames Netanyahu for delaying a deal



@h.1135 Says:
Hamas, the mainstream media and Israeli protesters have been pushing the narrative that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the primary obstacle to a Gaza hostage release deal. But it’s simply not true, senior foreign officials involved in the negotiations said on Monday at the MEAD conference on US relations with the Middle East held in Washington, DC. “We have never been in a position where Hamas said ‘yes’ and we needed to convince Israel,” the officials stressed in remarks carried by the Israeli press. “There were times when perhaps Israel could have done a little more, but the pressure is on Hamas, and it needs to remain on them.” In fact, the officials said that the Netanyahu government had agreed to compromises demanded by Hamas. But there are certain conditions that the Americans and other foreign mediators understand are non-starters, such as leaving Hamas in power in the Gaza Strip. Nor is the Philadelphi Corridor (the Gaza-Egypt border) the main sticking point, as it’s made out to be in the media. Rather, Hamas continues to make last minute changes and demands that it knows are unacceptable. “We agreed on the wording and Hamas changed the terms,” said the officials in relation to negotiation efforts over the past two weeks. They added that everyone knows who sits on the other side of the table, and no one really trusts or expects much of the Islamist terrorists. Ryon Jones, Israel Today
@Icanonlyimagn7891 Says:
If Trump was still in office there would be no dead hostages, no senseless wars, no open border. The swamp get rich off wars so they hate Trump. He’s the only president in my lifetime with 0 new wars during his term. And CNN gets paid by the swamp to lie about Trump.
@SerbijaSupreme Says:
Damn, the isrealis almost look human
@hattmarvey1989 Says:
Typical CNN (Crap News Network). Blame it on everyone except those who did it, HAMAS.
@judyjean4647 Says:
Please give this lady an Oscar poor thing she is sooo sorry dor him😂😂😂
@joeblackjoeblack9228 Says:
Can I ask you guys. Who created hms? Sorry I'm not follow this issue.
@joeblackjoeblack9228 Says:
Yeah... blame that governments...blame ntyahu.. usa also..... cause they act all this happened.... The family of hstages give hopes too bring all hstages back home safely but the governments don't want the hstages. All they just want just the money from usa.
@vubot1 Says:
Yes, the Israeli gov't may be willing to sacrifice the lives of the hostages (the very few that may be alive) for the hundreds or thousands of lives that will be killed if Hamas weapon channels remain open. Hostage families want their relatives back. Understandable. But they obviously don't care about putting future lives in mortal danger.
@NaturalBlossom Says:
I’m sorry but blaming the prime minister is a cop out. It was Hamas and their supporters responsible period!!!!
@TareqAli-f1p Says:
American reportedly killed in West Bank by Israeli forces
@blabberwulf7650 Says:
It was the terrorists organization Hamas that killed the Hostages, And Biden gave them the legitimacy to barter for human lives.
@PMMac-l2n Says:
This poor young man gave a TV interview tonight and said he didn't do enough to try and free his cousin. Well, he did do enough - he did more than enough and I'm sure Carmel would have been very proud of his efforts. The fault lies entirely with Netanyahu.
@seiferkhan3871 Says:
All netanyahus fault! He needs to be bought to justice he is a war criminal he never cared about the hostages! All he does is genocide!
@rajeevmoothedath8392 Says:
It is very sad that politicians play with the lives of innocent people to fan their egos and vested interests! Deep condolences to the families of all who lost their lives in this misadventure.
@okechukwuegonu627 Says:
... Western Secular Civilization so you thought that Hamas was your friend?...with or without Israel in the picture you are nothing but infidels to them...they're just using the ficklemindedness of your woke children against you...their vision is simple...a high testosterone world of continuous warfare and women slaves....hypocrites by another name
@arlene3775 Says:
Netanyahu chose the lives of the whole Israel,if there’s a ceasefire that would let Hamas takeover the rafah area again then you’re all was a tough decision and tougher for relatives of hostages,unfortunately.
@davidrapsang6247 Says:
With due respect to the family who are grieving but how can one be so sure that if the Netanyahu Govt agrees with the terms and conditions of the Hamas that these hostages be set free?! Have everyone forgotten how many hostages also that have been rescued?! What if the deal is signed and the Hamas still don't release the hostages and now even the idf can not reach them anymore to rescue..
@Maria-ue2qd Says:
@Gotlev6 Says:
Israelis and the Jews blaming both sides when Hamas and the majority of Palestinians want every Jew dead or as they say “free from the river to the sea” How naive!
@ralemc1960 Says:
Israel met deal after deal. The U.S. had done nothing but offer Hamas a two state solution. The charter is clear. There can be no two state solution when on side doesn’t want the other to exist.
@GERALD9912 Says:
Bibi gets a standing ovation by your blood money Zionists, while there is carnage on the streets of israel, wanting him out. Is this antisemitic?
@vanavanas842 Says:
I thought that demands of Hamas made it impossible to negociate a deal
@Eyestosee-utu Says:
Is there a possibility that Netanyahu has genetic trait from Hitler. He just wants to continue wars.
@veronkem6964 Says:
Rest in peace to the dead. And condolences to the family. But if the PM agrees to seize fire that will endanger the existence of Israel it will not be to the better interest of the people too
@mouit50 Says:
Stop the war give the Palestinians their land back and stop the oppression of Palestinians otherwise you will never have peace. Where is the Palestinian voice the so many dead starving children heartbreaking not to describe what a horror!!😢
@NinaSan23571 Says:
Never mind the 40,000 right?
@071785alice Says:
@saadii8128 Says:
carmel and alex what a nice middle eastern name
@joysamuel2899 Says:
You are a fool who are you working for how can you betrayed your country
@AnthonyOveIpai Says:
CNN should conderm Hamas and talk the the relatives of dead hostages. Hama is the main Culprit, the Government of Israel is protecting her people and Nation.
@jennifermarkens1882 Says:
Netanyahu has terrible judgement. There were clear signs that he had the troops parked elsewhere when the terrorists attacked the camp. He has also encouraged incursions into Palestinian communities on the West Bank and does not hold people accountable for crimes committed against Palestinians in that region. He has consistently fought a two state solutions. And he communicates with Jared Kushner who has stated that Gaza "would make lucrative beachfront property". It boggles my mind that the head of State in Israel engages with Naziis in the U.S. WTF?
@umhim1775 Says:
It’s mind blowing how certain CNN that these hostages weren’t killed by IDF
@umhim1775 Says:
Except these hostages were bombed by the IDF
@13696311 Says:
Some of the opinionated and so-called CNN journalists are complete crap:
@deepthinker3939 Says:
Over 40000 murdered by IDF mostly women and children. They have names and families as well. Palestinian life has no worth according to CNN and he doesn't mention once the 40000 by Israel. Israel has stolen Palestinians land and murdered Palestinians for over 75 years
@deepthinker3939 Says:
Over 40000 murdered by IDF mostly women and children. They have names and families as well. Palestinian life has no worth according to CNN and he doesn't mention once the 40000 by Israel. Israel has stolen Palestinians land and murdered Palestinians for over 75 years
@inquiryinfo-zt4jw Says:
One thing must be clear that, Hamas took israeli hostage to release palestinian hostages in Israel jails coz there is no other way to free palestinian hostages among them children and women.
@tanjamonican Says:
@tanjamonican Says:
@dirtyenergywar7029 Says:
Hamas and Netenyahu are both guilty because BOTH ARE IN ON IT: In response to Oct7 Netenyahu said "No one saw this coming"... Considering that Gaza is THE MOST HIGHLY MONITORED PLACE ON THE PLANET I would say that this is quite simply IMPOSSIBLE!!! Knowing this, reporters asked how Hamas was able to pull this off, and he replied: "A very good question... I will launch an investigation AFTER THE WAR"... WHAT THE HELL DOES HE MEAN AFTER THE WAR?!!! THIS INFORMATION WOULD BE OF TOP PRIORITY IF IT WERE TRULY A SURPRISE ATTACK!!! Meaning it was NOT A SURPRISE TO NETENYAHU: NETENYAHU AND HAMAS ARE IN CAHOOTS... THEY PLANNED THE ATTACK TOGETHER!!! (He killed one of them? So what? He served his purpose and things will never be the same in Gaza again... no need for the relationship anymore! And the man lived in Qatar... Why did they wait for him to visit IRAN before taking him out?!) And WHY?! LOOK AT HIS SITUATION LEADING UP TO THE ATTACK!!! HE'S SAVING HIS OWN SKIN!!! And he will extend this "war" until he has ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY!!! He implies that he represents ALL Jews... but DOESN'T EVEN REPRESENT THE MAJORITY OF ISRAELIS!🤯 My condolences to the families of the hostages.😞
@KirenKK-te7pb Says:
CNN please stop abetting pro terrorist narratives elicited from bereaved relatives.
@Spookyghost16 Says:
Hamas is to blame for the deaths why would they take the innocent hostages to Gaza and Netanyahu should’ve agreed to the ceasefire deal 2 days after Oct 7 they were willing to release all the hostages in exchange for not entering Gaza but the prime minister chose to enter Gaza instead of accepting the deal Israel is mostly responsible for the deaths of the hostages cause of all the bombings and air strikes that’s been happening in Gaza
@cynthiap4541 Says:
When you elect people under indictments it never works out well
@shakeelsafdar9617 Says:
Till the Presence of Israel most Incompetent, Failed, Criminal, Corrupt, War Monger, Extremist & Foolish PM Netanyahu, peace or solid durable ceasefire never possible. Its not just the propaganda, there are clear proved facts which now whole world, even majority of Israel own people understand, that whatever he say, or give any cheap lame excuses, No doubt as he was on the post of PM from such long period & fully main responsible for Oct 7 worst failure & loss to Israel, bcz from past some years, he doing dirty cheap Politics, divide & rule, clash with Israel Institutions like Supreme Court for his lifetime rule as PM at any cost & by using all options. Can any Israeli denied this that the Special female Border security officials group clearly warned & alarm Netanyahu Govt. about such huge no. of suspicious activities on border, but he & his far extremist regime completely ignored such important information & lost this real vital time to prevent Oct 7? Secondly despite on 11th month of war now, he Failed again & not achieved his so called full & final win mission & to protect hostages, bcz he not serious for this, he know if war end or hostages back, then he will also must answer for all his Huge failures/blunders & face Impeachment, which surely be the end of his rule, he also now increasing war scale & fronts to create more anger, resistance, backlash, fear of Revenge against Israel & its people. In past he & his far right Gang own involved in the Murder of former Peace Loving PM Robin, then why not he Will be trailed & Executed, anyway feel free to Continue, its 100% predicted that this Worst Failed PM Netanyahu days are now already numbered, by the hands of enemy, or by the hands of Israel own majority based people, so who cares?
@JrajackOrlando Says:
@lettherebelight620 Says:
netanyahu is correct. the hostages were dead the day they were kidnapped. 1000 people were dying everyday during covid. 40000 people are dead in gaza. 100 hostages are insignificant compared to the future of a border and its impact on the overall region and peace
@Rhdlm-yo1tv Says:
Sorry empathy tends to die at 7000 kids killed….
@divyaa155 Says:
Can't believe you do not blame a terrorist organization but blame Israel, the only democratic and law-abiding country in the middle-east. Are you people sick???
@James-hm9on Says:
The IDF killed three young men who were hostages , they were shirtless yelling in Hebrew we are Jewish . Does anyone believe these people were not killed by the IDF ?

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