CNN asks Netanyahu, 'how much is too much?' Hear his response
CNN asks Netanyahu, 'how much is too much?' Hear his response



@brotherhorus4316 Says:
Israel has the right to do as it needs to do, to prevent a repeat. Civilian casualties are mostly as a result of Hamas placing civilians as human shields, placing terrorist cells in tunnels under schools and hospitals, all for the sake of winning the support from people with no clue, from around the world. Hamas are winning the propaganda war; Israel needs to ignore the West and finally do what it should have done before and not compromise.
@KingKhan-ez3gg Says:
do not lie to the world and say you supplied palestinian aid.
@pauljoseph562 Says:
Cnn 🤡 Cnn 🦧 Cnn , have you heard of WW2 ??? , WHO WON ? WHO DIED ? 🫏
@Oh_n0119 Says:
He full of shit , you have to watch the bibi files
@kittymuse4005 Says:
As a health professional, not even I would receive or take anything from Israel into my body. You have to trust your health provider, and no one wants anything from someone who treats them so inhumane, and monitors them like Watchers, a haunting scary Stephen King novel come to life. The state vaccinated Ethiopian Jews coming to refuge and in their homeland. Later these women found out they had been given contraceptive medication without their permission. How could you trust anyone like this man? This is what we (US) are trying to avoid, a maniacal dictator. He came to US and went to Trump's home. Post - speech to the US congress. Netanyahu didnt visit former presidents: Bill Clinton ; or Jimmy Carter who were active in peace talks with Israel and it's neighbors during their administration. It seems he is on a kamikaze mission to implode the Mideast, and a wider war will no longer be a fear, but a US citizen's nightmare.
@costealucia5357 Says: I hope he doesn't stop, he fights evil.
@Aee1260 Says:
Look at those assholes at the background how we are arrogant they are .…. They dont even want to hear about the suffering of the palestinians which shows that this is not just a fringe in israel society this is the norm !!!!
@jcsinca3387 Says:
Get that reporter a pager ASAP!
@Bibarime4945 Says:
He’s starving the Palestinians! He is a cold murderous liar!
@rahmancisse Says:
This Idiot is lying.
@oysterconnect4496 Says:
Biggest liar of all times
@SuzanaMantovaniCerqueira Says:
@kaymathers7471 Says:
😢😢😢😢😢😢 icant say how much i hate this man
@dianakidd4219 Says:
He was attacked. His citizens murdered in horrible ways. What did we do after 9/11.?
@savepalestine4929 Says:
What army? Israhell cowards army
@roshanali7668 Says:
Lying maniac
@missbegum7610 Says:
Tons of food provided? You murdered and murdered charities and WFC! Every charity organisation have witnessed genocide! There are no water food or medical aid! You are a liar… you are a murder!
@missbegum7610 Says:
Tons of food provided? You murdered and murdered charities and WFC! Every charity organisation have witnessed genocide! There are no water food or medical aid! You are a liar… you are a murder!
@idk-vb2bk Says:
أ تظن انك قد طمست هوتي و محوت تاريخي و معتقداتي عبثا تحاول، لا فناء لثائر انا كالقيامة ذات يوم آتي
@MorgansWorld760 Says:
Sounds a bit like Trump, aa the best st everything
@HashimkhurshidSofi Says:
Netanyahu is a dog and a war criminal?
@patricksowle5110 Says:
you live with terrorist then leave every one has a choice were the live
@tonyp1340 Says:
Umm. A question for CNN: How many civilian casualties when USA dropped atomic bombs on Japan? How many civilian casualties when America used napalm Vietnam? (remember the famous photo of the child that won awards?) . How many civilian casualties in Korea, Afghanistan, Iran? The righteous American media conveniently forget. Living in a glass house is hard.
@cwilliams4656 Says:
lol, fake news
@porktesinorn870 Says:
These hypocrites doesn't even bat an eye to what happened last October 7th, 2023. And they have the gall to accuse Israel of killing civilians.
@jtshergill2647 Says:
And that's how you lie to the planet with a straight face.
@marcuslikespie Says:
2000 ‘terrorists’ dead and “hardly any civilians”. What is this guy smoking
@declangallagher2832 Says:
I am from Ireland and I stand with Israel, the Israeli people and the brave IDF. God bless and protect you.
@AnSTruckRepair Says:
This man is disgusting. Using my tax dollars to wipe out a people. The audacity to lie to us. The only lies are the ones coming out of Israel and especially IDF, the devils army. Every single journalist or medical professional who has gone in and out of Gaza have told horrific stories. Which is the truth, what Israel is doing in Gaza is right out of hell
@josealmacedo1049 Says:
The lie he has to repeat a million times to believe it himself: the idf is the most humanitarian army in the world 😂😂😂😂😂😂
@sohailahmed37 Says:
Big lier and shame of this Israel propaganda machine cnn fake news
@YusufIsse-ok7cz Says:
This picture is sign of fear and when ever I see netenyahu, I see , and remember fear
@danghoangluong2942 Says:
I hate that they use the term 40,000 have died, as if none of them are Hamas. FYI, 17,000 Hamas fighters have been killed
@JoshuaJoshua-zs3vg Says:
Now report honestly I was Peter Pan officer
@Jellisonable Says:
I love how stupid people are to believe a ceasefire will end the war and return the hostages. People haven't heard the phrase "don't negotiate with terrorists".
@karolymuszka4704 Says:
God bless Israel, the IDF and Netanyahu for ever 🙏❤️🙏
@Huzuproductions Says:
What justifications did Hitler give to media during his time? Probably similar justifications.
@bushraakhatunchowdhury6204 Says:
Liar straight to jahannam
@aintfromrounhere8099 Says:
How much lying by cnn is too much?
@eatmyshorts7973 Says:
Zionism = 👹
@Jayce1712 Says:
Even 2 billion is not enough.
@KA-KJF Says:
a liar knows his lies the best!!!! God wont forgive killing of even 1 innocent child, what he wil do for killing thousands?? just imagine....
@DigvijayCr Says:
Paliwood journalist 😂
@carlosfasano800 Says:
How much was too much in concentration camps in poland in 1940
@ronaldshiffman9171 Says:
G-d bless Israel. A nation of heroic people fighting terrorism.
@BarryMillard Says:
The anti christ is now in charge of Jerusalem 🙏
@aqal5333 Says:
@FreePalestine_949 Says:
Water lines and infrastructure are destroyed he’s a bs lier

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