Territorians elected a government which will deal with 'law-and-order crisis': Lia Finocchiaro
Territorians elected a government which will deal with 'law-and-order crisis': Lia Finocchiaro



@ohasis8331 Says:
About time.
@jonhunter8737 Says:
Bring back Mike Gunner!! Hang on,.no. no. He was an absolute psychopath!!
@PaulJames-v4c Says:
Its funny how the Labor fed government released at that money yesterday, why did it take a lib government to ask where it is. Bloody federal Labor has been sitting on it, WHY,,,,,,,,
@jonathoncalabrese2035 Says:
Time will tell.
@WalkiTalki Says:
Well even though everyone that failed were Labor, it doesn't mean that everyone else will be great. Hopefully this next group can obey the voters and if they can't the voters will selectivly remove the failed politicians and not just make a sweeping change again. These large scale purges are the fault of the ruling party but also the fault of the voters that tolerated them for years. If each MP actually represented their people to the best of their ability Alba would have been out by now. Federal government is best when democratically controlled locally.
@creditelectric Says:
CLP will need to deliver.
@MatthewSwift-xc8sn Says:
NT dont be bullied by the woke elite Aboriginals the majority want your tough decisions that bring prosperity. Children are the result of their parents focus on the psrents of these young people and brong change listen to Jacinta please work eith her
@Fire.4Effect Says:
Who is committing all this crime and why were they allowed to get away with it? Please, talk specifics
@Fire.4Effect Says:
Cue Tody Keith song.... Something about beer and horses
@michaelmorgan3421 Says:
Means well I am sure , but 4years from now will still have the same problems same answers
@NoWindNoSunNoPower Says:
How come so much crime there?
@feloniousfloyd2203 Says:
Be careful, Central governments don’t respect state/territorial rights. If you think the US Civil War was about slavery, you’re sadly mistaken.
@di_ibzy Says:
Oh well after 4 years there will be no crime .

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