John Bolton explains why he doesn't think Trump is a threat to Constitution
John Bolton explains why he doesn't think Trump is a threat to Constitution



@gregarundale6106 Says:
What bull. He said the opposite of what the title suggests. But while I agree with his point that he should wright in a vote if he strongly disagrees with both main candidates, the real threat is the big government, high tax candidate. We need the anti-establishment candidate who is bringing in people from all sides.
@treysharpe904 Says:
The influencers information and content was not influenced by those 2 Russians and that is all that matters.
@Zod741 Says:
Meanwhile Chinese spies have infiltrated the democrat party
@maggiew3314 Says:
It's the democrat party that is a threat to America!!
@tyson0929 Says:
John Bolton is drinking and spitting at the same time,he’s not to be trusted,bashed Trump on so many occasions,now what,John bye,your advice is not needed ok.
@vicic1 Says:
@brianmatthewsj5851 Says:
The two good things about Harris being president is. Neither Trump or Bolton can ever bring us to war. Bolton is just as dangerous as trump. We are wise to keep him out of any situations where he can influence our Military decisions.
@thomasbest8599 Says:
Obviously, the constitution has been deteriorating. Civil Asset Forfeiture and private equity laws what do we call it when the state takes your house because of tax delinquency? The state assumes you've abandoned your home when you don't pay taxes much more . The President is king for 4 years has to stop also
@Juan-m2r Says:
Bolton wants to leave weapons of destruction in Afghanistan and wants to spend on weapons I. UKRAINE against Russia? Who is the idiots...
@standismore5328 Says:
Come on CNN this narrative is just soooooo out of date. Try something new
@k9m42 Says:
I really feel sorry for the last few Democrats that are so brain weak to believe the nonsense on CNN.
@Dilbert0123 Says:
Hey, why are CNN asking the people Trump fired for incompetence like Bolton wether they think he was a great boss?!?
@behramcooper3691 Says:
If he writes in Dick Cheney, how is he tipping the scate against Trump? Coward.
@msbutler144 Says:
Bolton is a Never Trumper. Trump loves the Constitution.
@JustinMcFadin Says:
I'm done with John Bolton!
@thomasshoff6512 Says:
John knows Trump! His opinion is not noteworthy, however. Nice try!
@rwood87 Says:
Has the US ever interfered in elections?
@georgeyeung8374 Says:
Why doesn't he run for the Presidency on a Republican ticket?
@user-rg2yt6yz4o Says:
Boltons a Neocon
@danstearn7697 Says:
Looks like Bolton hurt the little babies feelings. You love him when he blasts Trump, but now?
@jameselliano1203 Says:
I believe this. I think they own CNN, ABC, and MSNBC. (LOL, ok this a joke...., although it's believable. Then you have Joe Biden and his family making money from Russia, Ukraine, China, and no threat. Sure. the left are such hypocrites. IMO..., all BS. The problem is the Democrats and their collusion with the press to hide any truth. IMO !!!!
@samuelod2659 Says:
Those who think Trump is a threat to America democracy or will be a dictator don't understand how our system of government works. With checks and balances existing amongst the Legislature (Congress), the Execitive, and the Judiciary, it's impossible for the President to be a dictator or authoritarian. Even if one party is controlling the Congress (Senate & the House), it's still impossible. You may not like the bills which are passed and signed into laws by the President, bit it doesn't make him or her a dictator. If your party has both the Congress and the Presidency, do you call your President a dictator? People are too emotional these days. Emotions must not cover our reasoning.
@user-pz3iy6hw4b Says:
Kaitlan Collins is a left wing radical advocating for Harris. We can all see through her phonyness.
@user-pz3iy6hw4b Says:
Fake news, CNN should be indicted for treason
@mattpardue1250 Says:
CNN is the full of shit channel, I apologize I forgot I was talking about Democrat's
@rosecali3597 Says:
John Bolton, you all are a threat to American people and our Consititution.
@RoseCarter-u9e Says:
Yes he is a big threat
@jaysonb.6669 Says:
Where's the investigation into how much money the DNC & Wall Street & Academia & Hollywood & Pro Sports has taken from the CCP?
@sueshaker4212 Says:
How that makes sense why the Russian didn’t do the invasion do Trump Time because they know they couldn’t do that. They fear him that sounds so stupid you guys such a bias media.
@JoeDevito-o2f Says:
Fake news cnn
@wolfgangkern5164 Says:
lol calling republican congress members useful idiots without adding they also exist on the other side is funny.
@RayPointerChannel Says:
Yes, PLEASE stop trotting out these washed-up Trump HAS BEENS. They are no longer relevant. Remember what Kamala said, "We're not going back." So don't!
@mauricioreyes3584 Says:
Preguntale a camala que an buelto a Russia grande de Nuevo es la cuarta potencia mundial gracias a las politicas de la hisquierda globalistas de Washington
@rosswatkins2277 Says:
The uni party has outdone themselves again with 2 of the most clownish nominees in history. I will not vote, Republican or Democrat. They have destroyed this country to last 40 years. It's right in your face, quit being tribal and go back and look at history, I can tell you what they started with. They started with gutting out the manufacturing base of this country. But now oh, it's your duty to vote. I'm going to vote republican.I'm going to vote democrat because it's my duty.Well you're voting for corruption
@rosswatkins2277 Says:
So hold on, why in America do I have to choose to be on Ukraine side or Russia aside? Do you know how childish that is? How about? I'm not on either side? How about I don't give a s*** about Ukraine? And I don't give a s*** about Russia. I care about my country. Oh, do you want Russia to win? Oh, do you want Ukraine to win? How about I don't give a s*** Why don't we end this war? I totally disagree with my government on foreign policy.Since the illegal invasion of iraq.
@pedrofernandez8729 Says:
But Putin has said that he prefers Biden to win, so what gives?
@rosswatkins2277 Says:
So hold on, why in America do I have to choose to be on Ukraine side or Russia aside? Do you know how childish that is? How about? I'm not on either side? How about I don't give a s*** about Ukraine? And I don't give a s*** about Russia. I care about my country. Oh, do you want Russia to win? Oh, do you want Ukraine to win? How about I don't give a s*** Why don't we end this war? I totally disagree with my government on foreign policy.Since the illegal invasion of iraq
@rosswatkins2277 Says:
CNN is corporate news. They sent for the powerful John Bolton has admitted to be in part of coups in other countries. He's a warmonger remember c. N. N pushed for the invasion of Iraq. It's a corporate media oligarch news company, just like Fox News and the rest of them, there's sound bite driven. They talk about a topic that you could talk about for hours. In debate, they talk about it for 3 minutes. If you think you're still getting the news, you're a clown
@rosswatkins2277 Says:
Because thete are checks and balances DUH
@jasonesposito1383 Says:
Bolton is now "delusional" because he won't say Trump is a threat. But yet everyone didn't think he was "delusional" when he slammed Trump. Give me a fucking a break folks!
@CSUnger Says:
Obama openly stated that his goal was to "fundamentally change the Constitution". Never forget that.
@patriciabenavente8147 Says:
The Russia card is pulled out at every turn. It's like the joke about the devil. Everybody is blaming him and he says: 'I've just got here.'
@i_am_nature11 Says:
*Greedy Repugnicons* have NEVER failed to steal $$$ from American working families to enrich themselves
@Yosef82-n5t Says:
John Bolton is a "Never Was". Who care what he thinks.
@williamthomson7820 Says:
I know understand why no one watches CNN anymore!
@davidvaughn7752 Says:
Bolton = Shilling for the establishment.
@user-tj6fx7ok6e Says:
Drama Queen John! Anything for the spot light!
@kataimaijan Says:
Real news station: NewsMax and Skynews. Others are propaganda machine for democrat and cannot be trust.
@brucehailey Says:
their still more homest than cnn
@alfredallender Says:
He is a war monger 🤬

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