Councils across Australia 'trying to duplicate' state and federal governments
Councils across Australia 'trying to duplicate' state and federal governments



@RumperTumskin Says:
And what percentage of Melbournians had used the left lane of Exhibition St or Queensbridge in the months before the bike lanes? Probably less than 10%... Most people are walking or taking trams/trains. 10% is a great result given how many people cycle. Hopefuly it'll catch on and we'll stop seeing so many cars gridlocking the CBD
@micphoenix8200 Says:
Councils are lame & gay
@GaryHuntington-m3p Says:
Both no good . 😡
@GaryHuntington-m3p Says:
Poor old Sally and Nicholas are both a bit different . No surprise here .🤔
@infidel202 Says:
Sack all left wing political counsels
@barryuppman9212 Says:
All Council parking tickets, fines of any description are UNLAWFUL RE 1988 Referendum .All Bluff And DECEPTION
@gracecollins8415 Says:
Roads, Rates, Rubbish, Recycling and Renovations.
@KathrynLyon Says:
A proper Government should be paying our Bills out of our Trust Funds, connected to your Birth Certificate . Our Bills are our receipts. They alread take payment out of our Trust Funds. Lets ask the Cabal what has happened to our Trust Fund??? .
@KathrynLyon Says:
It's alĺ about the 15 minutes Smart Cities coming to a City near you
@satiricgames2129 Says:
Palastian shit in our local govment is unacceptable period your not the fedral government you absolute tossers
@giocosoaustralia5286 Says:
Nick the Dick needs to GO!! Arrogant leftist champagne socialist
@geoffsheppard8267 Says:
Australia said NO to three teirs of government through multiple referendums.
@AnthonyWild-s7d Says:
It has been my view for a long time, to get rid of all council administrations, as costly dead wood. Keep the operational side,ie garden maintenance, rubish removal, street sweeping etc, and have rates notices issued by a state government office. This should save all of us ratepayers a lot of money, and stop this BS.
@andrewmiller-yy4de Says:
What really needs to be pointed out is that " Councils" have no Constitutional Right to exist.Not only do they try and replicate "Constitutional Government" most exceed.A example that has always sent shivers down my spine is, if a Police Officer enters your property to "Search" they require a Court issued Warrant and they have to provide grounds to the Magistrate of why the need/want the warrant. There are councils in this country that have passed so called " By Laws" where a council employee can enter your property, without your consent or a warrant to see if your dog is registered, or how many dog's you have,or if you have a Rooster in city/town limits. Go figure
@royevetts4900 Says:
in 1988 we had a referendum to deny 3rd tier government having any power...i.e. the Councils. So.....who gave them permission to be political? They are to fix roads, rates and rubbish...that is it. There is no power given to them in the 1901 Federation Act and again they were denied power in 1988....they should be put back in their places.
@ianjones7740 Says:
What a damn good idea !
@rob6543 Says:
Hume is that woke re naming every park to names I can’t even pronounce or remember
@rob6543 Says:
Would Cooter make a better Lord Mayor
@robertchapman6795 Says:
Hmmm. Q: Why did Jeff Kennet plant CEO’s in local councils? A: because local councils served the local people. And this didn’t fit well with the WEF.
@dogsy273 Says:
I love Dean Hurlston. What a great man to stand up for Australians.
@dogsy273 Says:
A huge disgrace. These old women undermining our rights. I hate council and councilers. Revolting behaviour. They should be out forever for one overreach.
@territhompson8103 Says:
Welcome to Austin TX city council. Freaking thieves and idiots that voted them in and keeps them in.
@JohnsonCranium Says:
Fuck the councils off. They’re useless cunts
@nevillemills9517 Says:
Following the UN WEF agenda.
@speedymccreedy8785 Says:
Councils are no longer humble functionaries providing basic local civil services. It will be very tempting for a future federal government to just appoint professional administrators to get these council to focus on what they are supposed to do, rather than a pontificating talkfest for self serving yokels.
@rof8200 Says:
Everyone is a social justice warrior and not many want to do the actual hard work
@garydavo07 Says:
Get rid of this leftist filth
@elenawalker3746 Says:
What about RATES, when the GST was introduced Treasurer Peter Howard Costello & Commissioner for Taxation Michael Carmody said Quote: “Local government Council Rates will attract NO GST because Council Rates are a tax and we can’t tax a tax”. Local Councils nor STATES have authority to collect taxes. Clearly in sections 51 and 52 of the Constitution and from the Constitutional Commission (1985 – 1988) report that the power of taxation is held exclusively by the Federal Parliament. “The power of taxation is held exclusively by the Federal Parliament.” Local Government Rates being a tax are unlawful. The High Court of Australia ruled that “State Governments could not raise ANY-TAX”, and because of this the ‘State Excise on Fuel, Tobacco & Alcohol’ was removed. State Governments establish Local Government with an ABN it is automatically regarded as a private corporation and therefore cannot be Government, Local Governments and Councils and are Trading Companies.
@adamrea2530 Says:
Councils act as they are the 3rd tier of government. They are not mentioned in the Commonwealth Constitution 1901. There have been 3 referendums asking if the people if they wanted a 3rd level of government. The people voted NO every time.
@chairmandan1794 Says:
They can't even get the three Rs right. Roads, Rates and Rubbish!!
@FrankFrankston-kj4sx Says:
Bike lanes exist on All ROADS! There is a 1 metre matters Min Passing Distance that makes it incumbent upon drivers to pass cyclists Only when they have a 1 metre minimum passing distances. VicPol REFUSES to enforce this law! The Bike Lanes include road space sapping Concrete Blocks as "separators. These pose a safety risk to cyclists who are wearing

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