Musk deletes post promoting Tucker Carlson's 'Nazi apologist' guest
Musk deletes post promoting Tucker Carlson's 'Nazi apologist' guest



@Bob-f9n Says:
How could anyone call themselves CHRISTIAN and spread Nazi propaganda? These people are in the Christian CLUB for all its perks and benefits, but do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Wake up, people!!
@Bob-f9n Says:
It's all coming to light: all these right wing, wealthy elites are banding together to destroy our votes and create a fascist dictatorship. Throw in the racism, sexism, homophoboa, white nationalism, the religion, and you get the Republican plan towards autocracy for the billionaire oligarchs: Project 2025
@Bob-f9n Says:
Anyone who spreads NAZI propaganda is a TRAITOR to our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents who fought Germany and Japan in WW2. Tucker, Elon and JD are Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. We have no room for people like them in America.
@digitalbunker4463 Says:
More CNN total bullshit.
@SkavenWarKing Says:
I will say Republican's are slightly less cringe than Democrats. The air or superiority that emanates from modern liberals is abhorrent, especially the less intelligent individuals. I was a liberal 10 years ago when it was actually cool. But not because it was the trend.
@AshFarlow Says:
Didn't they starve them because of Plan Ost and the Starvation Plan? It's literally called that. He also never mentioned the Einsatzgruppen, nothing. It's a very narrow view of the entire war let alone agenda of the nazis.
@agirlship-hopworld4256 Says:
Operation Catapult by Churchill
@agirlship-hopworld4256 Says:
Churchill said “The British blockade treated the whole of Germany as if it were a beleaguered fortress, and avowedly sought to starve the whole population—men, women and children, old and young, wounded and sound—into submission.”
@michaelersing4158 Says:
There is nothing "Nazi apologist" about this historian. I've watched the entire interview. Jews being targeted was not left out of this conversation. it's nearly 3 hours long. This is outright slander. This is cherry-picked editing. What was Not left out was the US & British involvement in the creation of a completely subjugated Poland & the US arming / support of the Vichy French, & the reservations general George S. Patton had against Churchill's disastrous post-war policies. The commentators in this video can barely form sentences, this is a travesty & an Embarrasment to America. Since when are people Afraid of basic historical fact to such a truly Loathsome effect? Gross. 🤮
@russelldunn6072 Says:
Fuck u lady good interview
@user-xu6ou1gl8s Says:
Elons like the little Nazi who was.
@vickiecampbell3638 Says:
CNN 🤢 and there sits montel Williams, Kamala old bf. Wow
@dannysullivan3951 Says:
Elon trying to tidy up his image; good luck with that xman.
@aslkdjfzxcv9779 Says:
cnn knows its viewership.
@ThatMans-anAnimal Says:
This video's headline is too ambiguous. Musk didn't censor them. He deleted his own post where he was promoting them himself. Please correct this.
@poorlytaught8060 Says:
Darryl Cooper literally spent hours talking about the horrors and evilness the Nazi on his podcast lol
@Miniweet9167 Says:
Wait a minute. That excerpt said nothing wrong. The guest did not apologize for nazi atrocities AT ALL. He described what happened and what was behind the thinking of those who propagated those atrocities. Everybody calm down.
@AbrahamSerowa-i6q Says:
Useless journalists of CNN, you guys will always be assholes cause you will never take a bold stand to be like Musk and achieve what he has done..give credit rather than criticize.
@marylou3995 Says:
What happened to free speech Elon ??? Why don’t you ask about the poor Gypsy ? How many of them were killed ? The war was not about the Jews - Why don’t you ask why the Rothschilds financial supported every war since Napoleon! Both Sides ! The German & The English BANK were having a picnic right at the height of the 2 world war in Switzerland - GET OFF Religion and look at who are the real baddies…. ( I watched this in a Documentary called —- The World at War .
@12saltandvinegar Says:
Calling Darryl cooper a “nazi apologist” is low even for cnn.
@HndrXxX3 Says:
It was a great interview i watched the whole thing
@tomwinterfishing9065 Says:
That makes you a Pol Pot apologist then, eh. Anyone who still listens to any old media, like CNN or Fox, BBC etc, is being shortchanged.
@ABagala1 Says:
What matters is facts and scientific evidence and the historical record. Churchill was responsible for mass incendiary bombing of Hamburg and Dresden and was responsible for the mass starvation of 3 million Bengali. Stop lying, stop using persecution and cancel culture and labels. The victors tell the history and dead men don’t tell tales.
@sukhmanicambridge Says:
we are witnessing again, an example of the death throes of CNN here. End of.
@mortezaahmadi5710 Says:
Tucker platform is bigger than CNN platfrom , 4:10
@WokeDetection Says:
Is it a lie though. Did Churchill do it or not
@bearcatXF Says:
Would saying that Jews were primarily responsible for the Bolshevik revolution, were most of the leading figures in it, were most involved in the terrorism after the revolution perpetrated by the Soviet secret police (the Cheka) as well as chiefly behind the spread of Marxism outside Russia and across Europe post-WW1 with the goal of a world-wide communistic State under Jewish domination make someone a "Nazi apologist"?
@MOET02 Says:
I never thought in 2024 I would see a woman excuse Nazi Apologists on national TV
@p.a.paolino9505 Says:
CNN is so far to the left. In this so called free country I can't even say what breeds run this leftist media program.
@scottsyoutubeworld1824 Says:
There is so much BS propaganda about world war ii, none of us knows anything about it. So if you think that you know who the worst villain of world war II was, you are not thinking at all. And if you think CNN tells the truth about anything, you are REALLY not thinking at all.
@dagwould Says:
Only CNN would call Carlson 'far right'. The fascist left (CNN included) attempt to smear every democratic impulse to freedom of ideas as 'far right'. An uncalibrated slur designed to frighten children (ie, undergraduates) and reassure the limping academics inflicted on same students.
@sethbishop3306 Says:
The historian quotes a historic quote and they make it like it’s his idea? My dudes.
@2chatons384 Says:
Little lady... Tucker Carlson has more intelligence than all the people sitting around your table and their whole families combined. If telling history as it is, is a sign of naziism, then we are doomed. Nothing in what you put on the air was a denial of the Holocaust. If you knew a little history (but you don't thanks to affirmative action you didn't have to) that is exactly what happened. They exterminated the Jews because they didn't know what to do with them.. You and your guests are pathetic.
@tanyacrawford Says:
What is your conversation worth right now?😂
@tanyacrawford Says:
Full of shit!💩 🤡 around the table!🤡
@emilynixon8864 Says:
It was interesting, love Tucker ❤
@aardvark99rex14 Says:
The Biden administration supports the Azov brigade in Ukraine who openly wear swastikas and make Hitler salutes.
@mariaolivieri1633 Says:
Oh my. Americans won't even notice. Most don't even know nor care. Very few here have read a book. Blame the system. Terrible education system.
@mariaolivieri1633 Says:
Americans in general dont have tonworry. They know nothing about anything in history. Nothing. You educationsl sustem is very marginal. You were too busy playing football and bring cheerleaders. Anybinfo is new . 😅
@Boethius411 Says:
Notice CNN and a lot of others did exactly what Cooper said they would. Even if you declare you are speaking hyperbolically or admitting that you’re trying to provoke a response from someone, even if you say “that’s not what I am saying at all” criticizing the popular narratives of WWII and the post war era will still get you accused of being a Hitler apologist. Anyone who has listened to more than these few clips of Cooper’s analysis knows that is defamatory lunacy. Cooper is correct about this. A truly honest and critical review of that history has been resisted so strongly that it still hasn’t happened.
@jasonbrown-gq1qe Says:
It’s so painful to listen to dumb people opine on something they didn’t listen to about history they know nothing about.
@Patrik-y1d Says:
Nazism has gotten waaay too old. Sieg heil bla bla whatever. Who the F cares anymore. There are new generations now who really don't give a damn about it.
@chuckyoneill9029 Says:
I hate hitler but who is running or ruining our country at this moment, woke degenerates 😅😅😅😅😅😅
@beatonthedonis Says:
6m Jews were targeted and 6m non-Jews were targeted. Ignoring that is a form of Holocaust denial.
@agnespel3980 Says:
The Zionist lobby is shaking. 😂
@alitani5045 Says:
Tucket calson statement of comparing churchil and Hitler is stretching the truth. But when hitler was murdering jews in europe churchil and the european colonist were murdering freedom fighters and ordinary natives in their colonies. If you add how many for instance the french england the Portuguese killes in Africa alone, they will run into millions. Therefore, there is no difference between hitlet and churchil when it comes to how many lives they have taken on their orders
@sonyawillenbrecht8920 Says:
@markvogel3473 Says:
Holocaust denialism is designed for only one purpose: to advance the idea that fascism is virtuous and strong while democracy tainted and weak.
@davehas12 Says:
Tucker likes Cooper because he’s a historical revisionist arguing Churchill was evil for opposing a belligerent (Hitler). It fits with his isolationist anti-Ukraine stance. He’s running defence for Nazism. It’s morally abhorrent !!

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