Undecided Pennsylvania voters react to Harris-Trump debate
Undecided Pennsylvania voters react to Harris-Trump debate



@jinestonegano3811 Says:
unsubscribe bye bye CNN always fake news to the core
@LoveLove-gw2td Says:
Dear Pittsburgh citizens, if you don't want the draft ( for women also) for 18-24 year olds brought back by the democrats pls vote republican in a hurry- we don't want another vietnam. Also, I'm in California, right next to the floodgates ( the busiest border in the world) pleeaase vote republican-just this time .Thankyou so much & God Bless.
@anthonydidonato7692 Says:
The one question was asked to Kamala Are people better off today then they were 4 years aga??? And what was her answer ?????? O The Border?????O Economy.?????O Afghanistan??????? O Abortion??????O let the states decide Need to say more????
@randyzaucha4049 Says:
Afghanistan? Trmp closed all the airbases but one. All the equipment left was owned by the Afghan government! More Trmp BS.
@randyzaucha4049 Says:
Trmp admin time was better? Guess she did not need toilet paper.
@Darodaresu Says:
Them saying her name wrong pissed me off
@angelmatos9143 Says:
When you pitch hateful lies, you're appealing to people who hate themselves & the world. You're giving them a broad vehicle to feel empowered but in reality it's something they'll regret. đŸ˜Ș
@SancharieSingh-g7q Says:
Trump 2024. Trump 2024 to make America great again, for to things cheaper, to lower taxes, to lower housing costs, to reduce inflation, to close the border and fix immigration. Trump 2024.
@marctravellels5550 Says:
There should be a poll on what accent she will use in office!
@4paws1 Says:
HARRIS wants to keep the abortion option open because her husband may knock-up another woman and needs her to abort the child like he and his nanny did.
@dbrayesquire Says:
The Republi-Crats have no plans to “improve” our country: “much sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Why can’t there be a third way instead of a choice between Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum?
@michellelynnbarnett8522 Says:
I can't believe people are ok with abortion and murder of babies no matter what trimester there in
@Valerie-n7s Says:
They will vote for her because they want big government to tell them what to do. This makes them, and their children, incredibly immature. They are overgrown adolescents. That’s why they are Leftists in the first place. Leftism/progressivism is just childishness expressed as a political philosophy. Look at their behavior. They want the world to accommodate their wishes, and they throw tantrums when it doesn’t. And they refuse to take responsibility for their actions. No one is responsible for things they do, or decisions they make, “Someone Else” is. Who behaves like that? Children. Of course, there are those commit violence, and that goes beyond mere immaturity. But the vast majority of them are just overgrown children. Their parents were overgrown children, going back to the Boomers. That is why they send laugh emojis and never defend Dem policies. Because they may have to change their minds. And their egos will have a meltdown. We see it thru burning down towns, cities and statues. Robbing, looting, letting criminals out of jail, people dressed as terriorists they should be afraid of, universities led by the Left who allow the madness, trying to kill a former president, letting millions thru our border (new welfare state that they feel good about "helping"). Abortion rights, but turn their backs on rape, murder and sex trafficking. And 100 things. A tremendous tantrum on, and on, and on. All about me, my feelings, and you won't make me. Trump is the hard love parents, and they can't have it. But I'll be damn if they take away America's virtues. Vote Red.
@sydneysalisburry4938 Says:
Martin Jennifer Jackson Anthony Thompson Sandra
@UrsulaMoon-n5u Says:
Who is undecided? Did these ppl ride the short bus to school?
@Weirdfanny Says:
wtf the red line never went up cnn playing games again
@Adam-pd1zi Says:
Kamala Harris has been endorsed by Taylor Swift but Kamala Harris I hates the youth and reckons that age bracket is stupid quite funny how desperate she is
@hottrakz Says:
Still undecided after it has been exposed Kamala Harris was giving the questions before the debate which is cheating?
@klephenthurry3284 Says:
Hillary and Kamala are like the Democrats version of John McCain and Mitt Romney. It was hard to vote for McCain and Romney, even so I knew they would lose to Obama, because of his popularity. Dems know that Hillary and Kamala are very low energy and weak willed compared to Trump. They are voting against Trump, not necessarily for Kamala because they think shes some sort of inspirational person. Sleepy Joe had more inspiring speeches than this woman...
@mthom0861 Says:
Donald Trump was the one that initiated leaving afghanistan. The deal he made with them was ridiculous. We were a joke to them with so many terrorists being released. When the soldiers were killed, Trump acted like it was all on Biden and that Biden did it himself. it shocks me people are so uninformed
@tygaz3061 Says:
Trump... there is no other choice... we must defeat this evil called the democrats and cnn..
@TimFielden-v5z Says:
Why not discuss why Trump was fact checked and Kamala wasn't?
That First Lady
.she kept saying Kamala Harris “in office” and the Harris “administration “. Jesus no! She’s still the VP. She has no power. It’s Biden who’s president. Why is that so hard to remember! Harris basically just breaks tie votes and that’s about it. She doesn’t make policies. And even still, things have gotten better and you can thank the Trump tax credits for the rich for rising inflation. Why do they not know this !?!?!
@charlesorlando794 Says:
Kamala has one issue that she has a conviction on and answered questions directly which is abortion. She is so disingenuous on every other issue. Trump is better for every other issue.
@graphicsbygreg6572 Says:
The worst television is undecided voters.
@johnmiller6720 Says:
How can anybody be undecided after these last four years? Watching the Democrats lie Time after Time after Time, allowing over 15 million illegals to enter our country? Out of those 15 million how many do you think were murderers drug dealers overall just bad people. Trump's last day of President my Town's gas prices were a $1.89 after Biden shut down pipeline prices went up to $3.30 and havent been lower since!
@MaryMulholland-rz2hw Says:
CNN makes me sick to my stomach
@BillyColeman-qy1rm Says:
Only problem is that this debate was RIGGED by the moderators and ABC!!!
@michaelstevenson4081 Says:
Dear undecided voters, if your answer to the question is it just sounded good. You need to educate yourself more.
@BrentAshe Says:
“Kamala and ABC cheated”
@BrentAshe Says:
She cheated
@nokkon-if5xk Says:
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_VaWWHkdyXI kamala lies too lol
@darrellfranklin9318 Says:
After hearing lies after lies after lies by Harris what's making you think after Harris been in office for almost four years and see all the mess that they have gotten us in. And you still leaning towards Kamala than your the problem we got in our country....
@CaptainCJ97 Says:
2:20 the most sane comment from this whole Presidential run stop voting with your feelings
@thomasmoxstemannmontoya7537 Says:
If youre still undecided, you are the problem.
@AdamCardwell Says:
I noticed you guys didn’t fact check Kamala Harris Kamala Harris said there was no states that do abortions in the nine in the ninth month that is false. There are seven states that will do abortions all the way up through the ninth month Alaska, Oregon, Colorado, New Mexico, New Jersey, Vermont, and the District of Columbia, quit lying to the American people
@rpark2109 Says:
made up their minds, yet” Woman you voted for Trump twice and had already made up her mind: Now is my chance to get on TV and spew nonsense 
. “I think it’s important to remember blah blah blah.” So I guess she is into the mismanagement of COVID where 100,000s of people died, tax breaks for the wealthy, Trumps connections to white supremacists (The Pround Boys, Laura Loomer)
shall we go on? Her thinking seems to be I don’t want a beer with him but I am ok with him screwing over people These panels are all a facade and don’t offer any real or critical analysis on the issues. CNN loves to be duped or they are just not a real news organization
 or both!
@estevo1111-n4u Says:
Hooray! Bring back common sense and sanity to government. Trump/Vance/Kennedy/Gabbard/Musk 2024. MAGA! MAHA!
@yaelhyman3286 Says:
@urdujadelacueva3473 Says:



@YoByeDen Says:
Oh wow thank you CNN for this 100% real lineup of voters that you totally didn't pay to favor your narrative. Thank you for your incredible contribution to society.
@TammyBoggs-k8g Says:
Optimistic and respectful does not pay my bills.
@gujwonde Says:
So VP Harris has an administration? These pollsters should have been asked if they knew the role of the VP.
@raymontgomery7764 Says:
The undecided voter is a myth.
@charlieconner5612 Says:
This how stupid some undecided voters, do they orange Clown racist was running off President Obama economy. 45 didn't do anything for y'all but cut taxes to his Rich friends
@flyingdutchman2649 Says:
Inflation is all time high, Millions of illegal immigrants break into the country, young people don't have a chance to ever buy homes, 65 % of Americans live in paycheck to paycheck, Two major ongoing wars. And the biggest talking point is abortion ? Are you kidding me?
@bsslayer7623 Says:
After 9 years of Trump's baffoonery and you still can't decide if you should vote for him or not. I would vote for a used napkin over Trump.
@brimtime8117 Says:
Love the comments, all the democrats on this message board pissed because all these people didn’t say what they wanted them to say. Face it, PRESIDENT TRUMP is gonna win and it won’t be close.
@MichaelDePaoli-c8t Says:
I wonder how easy would be for her to allow babies to be killed if she was a mother and they keep saying incest that’s a minuscule amount how about the vast majority of abortions that could be prevented well over 90%
@MichaelDePaoli-c8t Says:
She doesn’t have a clue what she’s talking about because if you kill a baby, I don’t know what faith you’re following. It’s probably Satan about the body of the baby. How about that? What choice do they have?

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