Timelapse shows wildfire engulf mountain in Southern California
Timelapse shows wildfire engulf mountain in Southern California



@irenemanzanarez6260 Says:
Sad... sad...sad
@snailsnail7360 Says:
What's the purple liquid on the camera?
@Toodustydownthere Says:
Arsonists they say..maybe cause you can jail people but you won't jail climate change. Climate change will jail us. "All lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest" Cit.
@WillPOnya Says:
That's just annoying. Why would you post that?
@choosewisely616 Says:
What was the actual time lapse?
@alhaginjie Says:
@makeracistsafraidagain Says:
I’m heartbroken. So much loss. All of the wildlife and trees.
@melodyfulweiler7489 Says:
🙏🙏 for everyone
@R-A-Allan Says:
That is terrifying! I can't imagine how scary it is to be near something so devastating. It seems every year the fires in America and Australia are getting more ferocious. Its truly terrifying.
@jeffgultch5098 Says:
Wow. It happens so fast! Amazing!

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