I cannot believe those numbers, used to be in WW2 & Vietnam that 50,000 rifle rounds were fired for every kill, by Afghanistan it was 300,000 rounds per kill, modern rifles spray more and miss more. US sent 1.1 million 7.62 rounds over so in WW2 firing terms that is 22 casualties caused by Ukrainians, only 4 kills in modern Afghanistan firing rates. Few are killed by missiles because they see them coming and get into bunkers and their targets are infrastructure. So yes, both sides are firing millions of rounds and there are casualties but they are overestimating the impact.
@Macusakk Says:
laughable propaganda!
@davidpaulmert800 Says:
Well I guess if you support an illegal war your willing to die for an unjust cause
@ricklayeux5688 Says:
Russia is a lost cause, they should go home and save their own country.
@TadPrice-ih7iv Says:
That’s a lot of bodies to hide, not to mention the thousands they left behind.
@chrismitchell4622 Says:
Contract soldiers are mercenaries and criminals under international law!
@martinvidenovic5767 Says:
The Ukrainian army had almost 5,000 victims in two days. Of those two days, she had over 2,550 on one day, breaking all records. Who will the Ukrainian army?
@Bjawae Says:
Being paid to be in the military is a luxury and not something I signed up for. Not sure why that's a calling card for recruitment. I'd spend it on supply, equipment, and FPVs, but mostly cigarettes, Red Bull, and dog food.
@mnblkjh6757 Says:
🤣😂, 🇺🇦👍🙂
@TheCarey0 Says:
680,000 isnt even close to the number of deaths its around the 1.5m mark for Russia not sure where you are getting your data from but this is shown by many independent places
@jean-marcbelanger615 Says:
Perhaps the Russian people should be explained what "cannon fodder" means!!!
@suki4410 Says:
Ignore all trolls.
@StormyNatero-yd7sj Says:
@NEUBRAND2000 Says:
Vielen dank lovely lady ❤vielen dank Pavel ❤Slava Ukraine 💛 💙 ✌️ 💯🤝✅️✅️
@Mopsisgone Says:
Anna and Pavlo, two swords in our army of truth! 😀👍
@MKD-fe5vf Says:
See the russians did learn something, because of Chechen war. Get rid of a free press to report the facts on the number of dead in this one.
@2gointruth Says:
How to live in peace, humanity and equality. “Always treat other as you would like them to treat you.” And “love your neighbour as yourself.” That is the Law and the Prophets of God our true Father in heaven and on earth.
So never worship and pray in the way of the many false prophets who lead all religions: ..
“But when you pray, go into a room by yourself, and shut the door. Pray to your Father who is there in the secret place; and your Father who sees what is secret will reward you openly.
In your prayers do not go babbling on like the heathen, who imagine that the more they say the more likely they are to be heard. Do not imitate them. Your Father knows what your needs are before you ask him.
This is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Your kingdom come; your will be done, on earth as in heaven,
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us the wrong we have done, as we have forgiven those who have wronged us.
And do not bring us to the test, but save us from the evil one.
For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever.
For if you forgive others the wrongs they have done, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others, then the wrongs you have done will not be forgiven by your Father.” – (The Prophet and Messiah Jesus of Nazareth at Matthew 6: 6-15) –
“Pass no judgement, and you will not be judged. For as you judge others, so you will yourselves be judged, and whatever measure you deal out to others will be dealt back to you.” – (at Matthew 7: 1-2) –
“In truth I tell you, if anyone obeys my teaching he shall never know what it is to die.” – (at John 8: 51) –
“Always treat others as you would like them to treat you: that is the Law and the Prophets.
Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it.” – (Matthew 7: 12-14) –
“I am the gate; anyone who comes into the fold through me shall be safe. He shall go in and out and shall find pasturage.
The thief comes only to steal, to kill, to destroy; I have come that men may have life, and may have it in all its fullness.” – (John 10: 9-10) –
“Beware of false prophets, men who come to you dressed up as sheep while underneath they are savage wolves. You will recognize them by the fruits they bear.” – (Matthew 7: 15-16) –
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – (Matthew 7: 21) –
“I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he dies, he shall come to life; and no one who is alive and has faith shall ever die.” – (John 11: 25-26) –
“I have not come to judge the world, but to save the world” – (John 12: 47) –
“Whoever then will acknowledge me before men, I will acknowledge him before my Father in heaven; and whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” – (Matthew 10: 32-34) –
“I am the way; I am the truth and I am life; no one comes to the Father except by me. If you knew me you would know my Father too.” – (John 14: 6-7) –
“An expert in the law, [a leading religious Pharisee] tested him with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’ He answered, ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind. That is the greatest commandment. It comes first. The second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. Everything in the Law and the Prophets hangs on these two commandments.’” – (Matthew 22: 35-40) –
“There is no greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friends.” – (John 15: 13) –
“Do not call any man on earth ‘father’ ; for you have one Father and he is in heaven. Nor must you be called ‘teacher’ ; you have one Teacher, the Messiah.’” – (Matthew 23: 9-10) –
“Take care that no one misleads you: For many will come claiming my name…” – (Matthew 24: 4) –
“Many false prophets will arise, and will mislead many; and as lawlessness spreads, men’s love for one another will grow cold. But the man who holds out to the end will be saved. ” – (Matthew 24: 11-13) –
“Teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be assured, I am with you always, to the end of time.” – (Matthew 28: 20) –
Yours, in true Spirit and in our one given prayer, 2gointruth, on Thursday the 12th of September 2024: – (Please read Matthew 5: 14-16) – Where every minute (of both day and night) can be a new beginning for any one of us. Let it always be you. Pray to God often, as prescribed above, before it is too late.
@davidbeattie4294 Says:
The demographic impact of this conflict on ruzzian and Ukrainian populations will be felt for many decades. No one wins.
@natalieturko4808 Says:
By Russia ignoring the actual death toll, each family that loses its breadwinner thinks that they are one of the few, instead of the reality that they are one of the majority (of invaders) who will never return home.
@nooboftheyear7170 Says:
That recruitment officer using subliminal tactics to seduce the recruit. Watch the pen...
He probably doesn't realise what they're going to do to him.
@davidreynolds3082 Says:
Well it's not going to decrease, is it!?!
@louisecorchevolle9241 Says:
Ruissias death toll Is 70.000 soldiers, Ukraine has 600.000 soldier died, 1 million are handicapped , It li logical an awful not because Ukrainian are bads solders but because Russian artillery is I0 times strogner than Ukrainian. 1 million ukrainian males are deerters; the général chief in command of Ukrainian army syrskiy est nicknamed "the butcher" by the soldiers
@branjosnow6244 Says:
Imagine having a Russian flag store in Russia? You'd be the only person making any money.