Religious groups are targeting schools to undermine gender equality: Reports | WION
Religious groups are targeting schools to undermine gender equality: Reports | WION



@Goodnesswithros Says:
Nice report 👏 highly appreciate.
@Studentofjesuschrist Says:
Gender equality, what we need is men need to understand what is required of a man , and same as a woman . Narcissistic behavior is the main,me, me problem. We need to help each other, do no harm to each other, be fair with one another, to have compassion and empathy for one another, to care for each other as we care for ourselves... If all humans can do this peace is achievable. Only through Jesus Christ can we walk in this lifestyle. No other can achieve it, not for lack of trying,but built on poor thoughts and no logic. Learn to do no harm, especially to the smallest of us, the unborn child.
@Studentofjesuschrist Says:
As a Christian, when you are confused , even when you look down and see evidence of your original state ( male or female...intersex are born with both, chimera.) And still in state of confusion, your soul is the problem, it doesn't recognize truth . The most of simple truths..thats a scary place to be. People are defining themselves as the sexual immorality they perform and we are suppose to accept this perversion of humanity.. no,we love you but all this is not how we should be as a species. We were not created to be this confused. Children, God didn't create you to be like this, you created your self to be like this.. Can you not see how destructive this thought can be??? Can you not see the children being harmed? Where is your compassion for the innocent? Jesus is truth on how to live in peace and truth of all things. You will never have peace with wicked thoughts
@Lucy-ec4pt Says:
Im encouraging all women to practice abstinence by not dating or having sex with or getting married to Republicans or Christian's or libertarians or conservatives or proud boy's or oath keepers or any other right wing white surrpreamacist fascist Republicans and in the long term we can overcome their voter suppression laws and voter purges and gerrymandering districts and their illegitimate surpream court justices and their rulings by not letting Christian fascist Republicans procreate in large numbers diminishing their population and voting block and please help this post go viral

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