Gangs once ruled El Salvador. See the controversial prison system locals say changed their lives
Gangs once ruled El Salvador. See the controversial prison system locals say changed their lives



@LBorders9z Says:
Too many Hispanics, plain and simple, United States is absolutely ruined.
@Howtofewithlove Says:
So happy for El salvadors people!
@tonnyanthonys2159 Says:
It takes good Men to stop bad men literally
@100domathon Says:
Trump attacking Bukele is really stupid
@elrey6154 Says:
Why is he wearing a vest though
@lv2892 Says:
Wait so wasn’t Bukele being viewed as a dictator by the media and the humans rights watch? Now that its election season he gets headlines for doing good by locking up the criminals?
@musabrooks5584 Says:
Notice how the former President reframes from mentioning Venezuela; because he's well aware that if it wasnt for the unprecedented sanctions and tariffs that his admin unleashed via policy back in 2018-2019, plummeting their economy by 7oo%, causing the country's immediate collapse and subsequent inflation egg that hatched worldwide when Biden took office, then the crisis at the border would of never been exacerbated to such levels.....Yup....that age old cleashe, "its always about the oil." The oil, inconspicuously, is the embryonic source of both plagues, immigration and inflation....However, one would have to study immensely to connect the dots...Theres alot of transitives in this narrative, all emanating from that policy that crippled the world's 4th largest producer of oil back in 2o19.
@isabelgerald4584 Says:
Anderson Christopher Lee Michelle Young Ruth
@TravisLeeism Says:
President Bukele proved what can be done if you have the will and don’t listen to the naysayers. I wish they could export that kind of attitude to the North.
@ElFantastico23 Says:
I was in San Salvador last year. Super safe and the people were super happy. Very impressive turnaround to say the least.
@Elena-rt9yu Says:
Fantastic o BUKELE
@Rise-UP1969 Says:
I beg you American's. Go voting for Kamala because Trump is completely ridiculous and dangerous. Don't make the wrong choice PLZ 🙏
@Peace-nm6bx Says:
He already did. He let them in!!
@carltonthompson4117 Says:
But your parents and your wife is immigrants think about that and no one was messing with them so leave people alone.
@GlorianaMcLeod Says:
Country needs to take àdvice from. This tyj
@NehemiasValladaresGuzman-oh5ln Says:
El Salvador we are the safe country ❤❤❤
@alberthorick715 Says:
Why is prison housing criminals controversial.. who believes CNN anymore
@SemoreButtsFucker Says:
🤷‍♂️FYI they are unloading their prisons and criminals in the US . And it’s not just El Salvador that’s utilizing this open border BS. 🤦‍♂️
@flexing133 Says:
Jamaica 🇯🇲 take notes
@dizzy_siren333 Says:
If the US did this our ppl would cry about it and say we're racist
@kellymoses8566 Says:
A truly benevolent dictator can be a good form of government. But dictators are rarely benevolent.
@Shadow-user-pq3ik1wd5c Says:
Every Caribbean country especially my own, Trinidad & Tobago needs this type of approach to address the surging crime situation. I hope Rowley is studying this playbook and will do what is necessary to take back the country from the criminals!!!!!
@CissieNeil-x6w Says:
Lopez David Young Jessica Lopez Robert
@sharonlavery7656 Says:
Certainly looks like things are looking up in El Salvador... I hope for the people it only gets better and better for them ❤
@Jay-hd6eq Says:
Do not fool with this reporting as a defence minister will not take you to the mafia controlled areas
@Gsosa-b8 Says:
Before Trump, CNN was attacking Bukele day and night because the 80,000 killers in prison and just because Trump doesn't like they do now? Thanks to Bukele we can walk at any hour in the streets free.
@rhobertfiguerres8346 Says:
Bukele supports Trump's ideas. Now, check Venezuela, Ecuador, and the other Latin Americas. Crime rate went down in some of those countries. There is a Venezuelan witness saying their prisons and mental institutions are being opened to release their prisoners and patients alike to go to the U.S. That, you should double check.
@shynebab8680 Says:
Cnn cannot air a story that promotes the benefits of strong policing without taking a swipe at Trump.
@grandpatzer Says:
@carlose4527 Says:
I was Born in the U.S. and have lived in Los Angeles all my life. My family is from El Salvador I recently visited and I can see the change and how it is so much better now for the citizens.I have family that live there and they all speak of the change and how it has improved and it is safer. When I visited I felt safe and enjoyed being there. I can't say the same about walking threw the streets of L.A.
@laurarijo6282 Says:
@krendellbreaux7825 Says:
Can't give their president credit.
@NenasMund0 Says:
Mexico needs a Bukele presidente 🤎
@elektrosonic Says:
It’s funny how trump forgot that it was the opposite, the gangs formed from ppl that the US sent to El Salvador
@sjsharks2106 Says:
I live in Northern California and I will now be getting my dual citizenship to El Salvador. Last time I visited my family. I was a kid in 1987.
@sjsharks2106 Says:
El Salvador is Awesome
@carymarshallfelton9188 Says:
The question no one is asking is how didn't El Salvador become a gamg factory.
@Moonmoon-y4d Says:
They managed to do what west failed to do their entire lives haha 😅
@nicholasfrancoeur3897 Says:
CNN should be ashamed of themselves
@edwinhuang803 Says:
It's notoriously expensive to keep people in prison in America. Maybe getting some to work and at least be partiall self-sufficient is the way to go. And military patrol is necessary in parts of urban America as well.
@Lilicoder Says:
bruh when i got to fifth grade my boy told me he went to el salvador and he got robbed at knifepoint for his VANS outside of the airport. Shit was terrible
@rosemaryamundson4542 Says:
A beautiful report on hope and redemption .
@dennyalfro9832 Says:
@almanbanks5804 Says:
Fake news
@she5152 Says:
@Papicholo1 Says:
So Bukele has become a dictator and turned El Salvador into a police state. SMH.
@kalmorri9613 Says:
Smart ass CNN, using Nayib Bukele to debunk a well know lie of trump one of the lies that even some republicans disagree with Trump
@lexclav2337 Says:
I wish America is safe like that,... I'm not down for "Marshall law", but the police is a failed system, I really do not have faith in them, but a temp order of some solider to help these a-holes would REALLY deter these stupid ass gangs of ours
@marlonelias Says:
We need this in NYC!.!. Trump 2024!.!.
@mikyas392 Says:
Unlike the other countries Bukele, Didn't send criminals to U S. But, Why do you have to lie to just oppose trump? Bukele didn't eliminate the opposition, they lost the election.

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