Whole-process people's democracy: How Chinese people's congresses work
Whole-process people's democracy: How Chinese people's congresses work



@buymecola1 Says:
Any updates regarding the Linda Sun/Christopher Hu legal case in New York?
@yehuo2825 Says:
china people's democracy compare to us@ l0bby1ng democracy!!!
@covertpuppytwo3857 Says:
China and democracy in the same sentence... OXYMORON!
@bangthingneng9433 Says:
Sir, with your rich & deep knowledge about Chinese System of gorverning & ofcourse you did knows well the Democratic system of the west as well. So, you're in the best position to advise the West. Would you consider advising the West of these, the combination of both system as a way for better governance ( for example, in your beliefs that it works for the betterments & if the West would consider Democracy is only playing parts of providing good governance ). Peace is crucial for every countries. Only good governance would be able to provide peace. Without peace nothing could be achieved. Apart from that, we must always explore in fiding the best for humankinds. Every new founded system will always yields the future new one. That's how it should be. Uncovered the new for the newest. For better world
@Souchirouu Says:
This was great! Most people, especially in the west, have no clue how the Chinese government actually works and I think better communicating this would a great leap forward.
@උසස්පෙළභෞතිකවිද්යාව Says:
China❤❤❤from SriLanka.
@vgstb Says:
Thank you for this great video! Would you please consider to make a series of this, covering the whole of the political process in China, starting from the numerous local elections, through the selection of the best leaders based on meritocracy ?
@12321232123212321232 Says:
It's not western, so it's wrong.
@aww7056 Says:
thats more democratic than voting on 2 chosen clowns
@peaceleader7315 Says:
Democracy is a political direction socialism_communism is the economic system.. China is more Democracy than anyone realise.
@nonsense1334 Says:
Please send electricity..I need to charge my phone and see TV
@andreastano7920 Says:
Chinese socialist communism is the most dynamic ideology. Unlike in the past, they learned this thing like from the book, now China has learned to adopt, adapt and adept all good things that are applicable and suit to the country, starting from adopting capitalism in their economy but still with state supervision; moreover, they accept constructive criticism for a better good, for instance: pollution, cleanliness, poverty. If you see China now, they've improved in so many ways. Not limited to political ideology, but they also embrace meritocracy, culture, tradition, religions, shaping people's morals and identity. Instead of focusing on the class struggles, they strive so hard to elevate people's prosperity. By doing so, balance can be achieved. However, if going deeper, the social construction is very complex, semi democracy is also applied. This makes China unpredictable in the western mind. But at the end of the day, either democracy or communism, how a country becomes strong and prospers lies in good governance.

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